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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

India scared now ! ! !:sarcastic:
"concern" does meant scared. IN has to be concerned,when a "not exactly a friend" country like Bangladesh acquires a strategic equipment like a sub,that too from China,a nation in which we see a potential enemy. One has to be concerned at the right times to take counter measures and avoid losses and downsides in the future.
God speed Bangladesh, it will provide good deterence value against the wannabe thekydaars of the region.

BD must do whats needed to prorected itself from any hostile states.
KOLKATA: India is concerned with Bangladesh's decision to order two submarines from China. There are also indications that Chinese submarines have been sneaking into Indian territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal undetected. These developments have led to the Eastern Naval Command seeking more presence in the Bay of Bengal region.

"Why would Bangladesh need submarines? This decision by the government there and the ongoing strife in the country is a matter of concern for us. We also suspect that Chinese submarines are sneaking into Indian territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal region, though none has been detected as yet. This is reason enough for greater naval presence in the region. At the moment, India isn't really prepared for any conflict in the Bay of Bengal region near West Bengal due to the lack of adequate infrastructure," a senior Navy officer said.

Several measures have been proposed by the Navy in Bengal to improve the situation. While acquisition of land at Sagar Island for a missile battery is in its final stage, the ministry of defence has decided to bear part of the cost for setting up of the deep-draughted port there. This will allow naval ships to dock there and pick up supplies for patrolling the Bay of Bengal. The Navy is also going ahead with its plans for setting up an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) base at the Behala airfield.

"The Sagar port is of great strategic importance. As per the RITES report, there is a funding gap of nearly Rs 3,500 crore. There will be the need to base land-to-ship and surface-to-air missiles at Sagar. Apart from this, there will be need for a communications centre and radar station. During a conflict situation, an examination anchorage will be required to inspect vessels in the vicinity. This has to be within missile range. There will also be the need for storage space for rations and ammunition for ships. The infrastructure will be in place soon. Gradually, we plan to bring in moving missile coastal batteries (missiles mounted on trucks). If required, new missiles will be acquired. The MoD is ready to pump in funds for the port in Sagar as this will be crucial in the scheme of things. The Kolkata Port Trust has asked RITES to prepare a fresh financial report based on our offer," said Commodore Ravi Ahluwalia, naval officer in charge, West Bengal.

The Navy doesn't believe that the floating border outposts maintained by the Border Security Force (BSF) in the Sundarbans aren't adequate to prevent any sea-bound threat to the country. The NOIC believes that anti-national elements will target that area once security is tightened along the porous land orders. The UAVs will be crucial to check this.

"We are still working on land acquisition at the Behala airfield for the UAV base. We only require between 15-18 acres there for the base. The UAVs would take off from there and then their control would be handed over to a base in Sagar. The land that has been offered to us isn't quite satisfactory as there are some encroachments and the boundary isn't clearly demarcated," Commodore Ahluwalia said.
Bangladesh needs to develop its Armed Forces India bullying it a lot Bangladesh needs to increase its defence Budget and for Air Force between 250 to 300 4.5 Generation Figther Jets along will 350000 Strong Army and really Strong Navy which should have minimum 4 Submarines

God speed Bangladesh, it will provide good deterence value against the wannabe thekydaars of the region.

BD must do whats needed to prorected itself from any hostile states.
But Sir with Navy they need to focus and build their Air Force this Hasina will do nothing but hope some other government will build Bangladesh Armed Forces and increase their numbers and fighter jets and and War ships

Pakistan should offer help to build and train all aspects of the Bangladeshi armed forces. We should also provide solid fuel ballistic missiles to Bangladesh which are compliant to the international missile control treaties.

Pakistan should offer help to build and train all aspects of the Bangladeshi armed forces. We should also provide solid fuel ballistic missiles to Bangladesh which are compliant to the international missile control treaties.
200000 % agree with you and also train them Sir specially the new training which we are giving to our soldiers also we can help them with Tanks like Al -Zarrar and AL-Khalid and soon JF-17 but in Navy they only need to get at least 4 to Submarines and few more Missile Boats I think now their main focus should be on developing their Air Force and Army @BDforever

Pakistan should offer help to build and train all aspects of the Bangladeshi armed forces. We should also provide solid fuel ballistic missiles to Bangladesh which are compliant to the international missile control treaties.

A BD-China-Pakistan treaty needs to be worked out under which any member could seek assistance, including nuclear strike from the other two,in case attacked by a fourth nation.
"concern" does meant scared. IN has to be concerned,when a "not exactly a friend" country like Bangladesh acquires a strategic equipment like a sub,that too from China,a nation in which we see a potential enemy. One has to be concerned at the right times to take counter measures and avoid losses and downsides in the future.

The problem with Bangladesh is that it is heading towards the fundamentalism like Pakistan. In this kind of Scenario, government can not implement their policy in spite of the their wish because of domestic pressure from fundamentalist forces.

A BD-China-Pakistan treaty needs to be worked out under which any member could seek assistance, including nuclear strike from the other two,in case attacked by a fourth nation.

See man your country is surrounded by only one nation called India. If you want to be a part of anti India block than get ready to be screwed.
A BD-China-Pakistan treaty needs to be worked out under which any member could seek assistance, including nuclear strike from the other two,in case attacked by a fourth nation.

The country most likely to have a military confrontation with BD, actually the ONLY country is Myanmar. And Chinese would happily nuke you for them, if we are talking retarded concepts like a country nuking another country for a third insignificant country.
OK indian fellas relax, we are increasing our armed forces' strength for future conflict with any nation. You are also increasing your strength, it is natural that every country wants strong armed forces. India should work on diplomacy with BD, so that instead of enemy, we can be ally in future (i am not seeing that coming :P) anyway cough cough.. God speed :D

Which Chinese subs is BD buying..
Type039G most probably :-)

Even without a treaty, Pakistan isn't going to sit quiet in case of BD facing a nuclear threat...we'll start shooting.

From strategic posturing and deterence value, i'm fully with you. China, Pakistan and BD can workout a deal for cooperation in defense sector.

One way to make it effective is to transform the 'offensive' post deterrence capabilities of the BD military services.

We can keep the region at peace by sharing power cooperating, that will be done when we have a govt in Dhakka with which we can share the beans with.

Even without a treaty, Pakistan isn't going to sit quiet in case of BD facing a nuclear threat...we'll start shooting.

From strategic posturing and deterence value, i'm fully with you. China, Pakistan and BD can workout a deal for cooperation in defense sector.

One way to make it effective is to transform the 'offensive' post deterrence capabilities of the BD military services.

We can keep the region at peace by sharing power cooperating, that will be done when we have a govt in Dhakka with which we can share the beans with.

As we all know BD army and Pak army has good co-operation :-)
As a sovereign independent nation, Bangladesh has every right to buy whatever they want from whom ever they want, As long as it does not threaten sovereignty of other countries, Which they don't

So i dont see why it should be of any concern to anybody else

Great to see Bangladesh striving to be a strong maritime nation
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