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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

ever heard about Alert 5 or Alert 15???that means an aircraft can be launched within 5 minutes and 15 minutes accordingly.
Alert 5 mean an aircraft must be be airborne within 5 minutes. We do that by having the pilot in the aircraft and with engines running. An Alert 5 jet can be with enginea running on the side, readied to be taxied to the catapult, or actually on the cat itself.

An Alert 15 mean an aircraft must be airborne within 15 minutes. We do that by having the pilot in gear, meaning his g-suit, helmet, charts, and whatever else are within his reach, if not actually on him, but generally, at least he would be loosely wearing his g-suit, ready to tighten up and climb into the cockpit.

The US Navy have launch and recovery down to a science. No one does it better than US.
You are totally right my brother, India can't do nothing to harm our CBG.

At least Griffin is being prepared to try to argue with logic unlike the two other losers who have no argument at all.

Let the Indians live in delusion that they will be able to "easily" handle a Chinese CBG group in the next decade once China starts sending one to the Indian Ocean next decade on a regular basis.

Even though India would not welcome the presence of a Chinese CBG in the Indian Ocean, these ships will be welcomed with open arms by people in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

The Chinese Navy will help curtail the hegemonic ambitions of the Indians and that is only good for the other countries in the region

Indians have an economy that is growing at 3-4% a year and talk big about making the Indian Ocean into an Indian lake.:lol:
At least Griffin is being prepared to try to argue with logic unlike the two other losers who have no argument at all.

Let the Indians live in delusion that they will be able to "easily" handle a Chinese CBG group in the next decade once China starts sending one to the Indian Ocean next decade on a regular basis.

Even though India would not welcome the presence of a Chinese CBG in the Indian Ocean, these ships will be welcomed with open arms by people in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

The Chinese Navy will help curtail the hegemonic ambitions of the Indians and that is only good for the other countries in the region

Indians have an economy that is growing at 3-4% a year and talk big about making the Indian Ocean into an Indian lake.:lol:

totally off topic post..lets back to the game,than making this thread a troll feast.

now,as for striking a CBG,say launching ASHMs from an effective range(when needed),aircrafts have to strike it from around 250 km or less(if we use ASHMs like Brahmos,it'll increase further),around few dozens of bandits can be sent to effectively cripple an AC.while all of them can be armed with ASHM,or few armed with ASHM while other will perform as escort,that depends on what kind of plan is hatched.as you know,a CBG can't make all of its aircraft airborne,as they have to calculate how to bring them back,which takes a lot of time.a few seconds of miscalculation results in loss of a multi million dollar plane,because,you can't launch a refueler from AC(buddy refuelling doesn't count).so,escort aircrafts can't screen a large area ahead,as they have to slowly replace them with new escorts.they could possibly establish a defensive zone around 100-150 km around Carrier.so,for a carrier with say carry around 30 aircrafts,establishing a defensive zone of even this size is almost impossible.generally,a CBG carries different air groups,performing different missions.as a J-15 is massive,even carry a significant ratio of armaments and fuel can't seem possible from Liaoning(from future carriers perhaps possible).so,even if around a dozen or more(half the size of the air fleet) of defensive J-15s are up there,intercepting over 2-3 dozens of aircraft is almost impossible.I strongly suggest you to study Battle Midway and others,where actually Carrier battles as well as Carrier against land based aircraft are fought...

as for Support for China from BD,its in your dreams.Sri Lanka can do that(its in their history) as well as Pakistan,but no way BD will do that.as you know,a single CBG can't cut through Indian Defence.you need some 40-50 thousands of soldiers(with full support of armored columns,arty,air fleet etc) to just conquer a single state of India,if not more.using Tibetan Airbase to support Sea Invasion is distant dream.so,there is no logical argument for using a Sea Invasion or Naval Battles between India and China at all.
so,escort aircrafts can't screen a large area ahead,as they have to slowly replace them with new escorts.they could possibly establish a defensive zone around 100-150 km around Carrier.so,for a carrier with say carry around 30 aircrafts,establishing a defensive zone of even this size is almost impossible.generally,a CBG carries different air groups,performing different missions.as a J-15 is massive,even carry a significant ratio of armaments and fuel can't seem possible from Liaoning(from future carriers perhaps possible).so,even if around a dozen or more(half the size of the air fleet) of defensive J-15s are up there,intercepting over 2-3 dozens of aircraft is almost impossible.I strongly suggest you to study Battle Midway and others,where actually Carrier battles as well as Carrier against land based aircraft are fought...

I am talking about a scenario in the 2020s where the Chinese send 2 CBGs into the Indian Ocean.That would give around 150 aircraft in total with around 100 fighter aircraft.

Let us assume India sends 100 aircraft against this - 50 fighters and 50 strike planes.

The Chinese CBGs have 12 fighters and 1 AWACS permanently in the air to protect the fleet. As soon as the Indian force is detected, another 8 fighters launch that are permanently on station to launch immediately. 12 more follow in the next 15 minutes. So you have a total of 32 fighters from the carrier heading to intercept the Indian force. I am using your figures here as I believe that even more can be launched.

If half(25) the Indian strike aircraft manage to get to within launch range and fire their missiles at the CBGs, you would have a escort screen composing of something like 4 Type-55 cruisers and 4 Type-052D destroyers. That amount of ships can simultaneously engage around 100 targets and so the chances are maybe only handful of missiles will even get to head at the carriers anyway, and those few missiles will most probably be taken out by the carriers own SAM and gun systems.

The other question to ask is how will the cruise missiles find the two carriers in the middle of the large ocean? If AWACs are used to target this from say 3-400 km away then that could be engaged by the rumoured very long range SAM(HQ-26) that the Type-55 is likely to carry or the PL-21D from the carriers own airplanes. If the AWACs switches of it's radar then the cruise missiles will lose the targets as the CBGs will be moving in random patterns to try to escape attack. The Indian planes will have to get closer and closer. As they get nearer and nearer, then they will start falling into the SAM envelopes of the escorts and risk being shot down.

You see finding and attacking CBGs of this nature is not as easy as you think unless you are prepared to throw hundreds of your best planes at it.
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See, India thinks of BD as its backwater COLONY that it Created.

They don't look at BD as a Sovereign Nation with RIGHTS.

How so? I'm merely stating the natural pecking order in South Asia....if the bangladeshis have a right to exist so do we...but clearly many posters here have explicitly stated their desire for India's demise..
We on the other hand would actually like to see a prosperous and friendly BD...

Sometimes they need to be reminded of the fact that a nation that went to war to create BD cannot be that against them...and the fact that we didn't gobble up BD which mind you we are very capable of is a testament to our live and let live policy
thanks India well i am HAPPY INDIAN NAVY is CONCERNED ABOUT OUR 2 SUBS if when we HAVE IT :)
thanks India well i am HAPPY INDIAN NAVY is CONCERNED ABOUT OUR 2 SUBS if when we HAVE IT :)

Hi mate.. Just curious to know are you a Bangladeshi living in Lanka or vice versa ??
i will translete key area.

Early days Air force used to help Navy by patrolling sea by air, but it used to take long way process. Now Navy do it by itself. In October 2009, he got call that an india submarine is running around deep inside bangladesh sea territory near swatch of no ground area and he was asked to check that area. It took him long time to get there due to long official process. He flew low so that he can see the submarine and can avoid Indian radar. Indian sub left the spot but he saw diesel patrol in that area. So he is saying it is obvious now that Indian Navy will not be able to enter BD sea territory, thats why India navy concern.
err I am positive that you cannot notice diesel patrol on water while flying an aircraft. Unless ofcourse, there is a very large amount left[which is unlikely] and it would still be tough to know if it is dieser patrol leftovers. 3bucks on that being bs
err I am positive that you cannot notice diesel patrol on water while flying an aircraft. Unless ofcourse, there is a very large amount left[which is unlikely] and it would still be tough to know if it is dieser patrol leftovers. 3bucks on that being bs

No...NO! The F-7 'saw' the damn thing while flying upside-down!! It's called recon while stunt flying with superb aerobics of the pilot!

By the way, it's petrol. Not patrol! And Diesel, and petrol are two different types of fuel!!

Two S20s without AIP:



Negotiations going well,an announcement will be made as soon as the final deal is signed。
For all we know paranoid Indians get jittery even when our cricketers play well. That's why India remains the only country that refuses to invite our team.
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