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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

Be rational now. Our sea dispute had already been settled. And there are no further disputes with them. And hence, no probability for war.

Then why people here think there is a possibility of a war with India?? Isnt it most absurd?
Then why people here think there is a possibility of a war with India?? Isnt it most absurd?

They are entitled to their own opinions. And it's absurd for people to talk about things they have no knowledge about. Like the article in the OP.

India has easier options to set its interests in Bangladesh.
They are entitled to their own opinions. And it's absurd for people to talk about things they have no knowledge about. Like the article in the OP.

India has easier options to set its interests in Bangladesh.

Offcource but you cannot get all the candy you ask for.. We have to protect our own interests too.. You cannot blame us alone for border killing and blame us for all the bad things happening there is Bangladesh.. You will have to stand up and take responsibility.. If you are concerned by border killing.. Take measures to stop people from crossing the border.. You cannot blame us for Muslims killing Hindus in your country.. If you treat them as second class citizens then its your fault.. Whining about a boogeyman called India wont cut it.. Try to understand the faults in your country and raise voice against it..
Offcource but you cannot get all the candy you ask for.. We have to protect our own interests too.. You cannot blame us alone for border killing and blame us for all the bad things happening there is Bangladesh.. You will have to stand up and take responsibility.. If you are concerned by border killing.. Take measures to stop people from crossing the border.. You cannot blame us for Muslims killing Hindus in your country.. If you treat them as second class citizens then its your fault.. Whining about a boogeyman called India wont cut it.. Try to understand the faults in your country and raise voice against it..

Getting a little side-tracked aren't we? :D

Since the article mentions instability in Bangladesh, I'll give it a go.

As far as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh goes, it's your immigration system, and hence your problem. You can deport them back to Bangladesh whenever you like in a systematic manner. No biggy.

And by law, Hindus are not considered second-class citizens. If they don't like it in Bangladesh, they can always immigrate to someplace else. Personal security is something that one has to manage oneself in a country like Bangladesh regardless of religion. Asking the police for protection is like keeping a wolf to guard to sheep. Heck, my boss is a Hindu.

Hasina wants all the power she can hold on to, and remain there forever. Pure and simple. And India has it's interests where relevant. No need for military power. And I see little reason for India to be concerned about two measly submarines.

Though, it is understandable for one to at least be a bit nervous about a country of 160 million, an unstable political climate, violent politics, little security and a population consisting of 90% Muslims.
Relax. It's not like BN is gonna get nuclear-armed nuclear subs. They are likely to be Ming-class submarines, that are to be used as training vessels.

:rofl:You think I am so upset now on BD gettin Ming subs from china,that I need to relax? I am relaxed,lolz!
Oh please!!! None of the actions we have taken in decades now pose a threat to your terrotorial integrity, infact we have supported you. How many SL navy boats did we sink because there is so much propaganda in TN? Were we or were we not sincere in our efforts to help defeat the Tigers?

You are making very feeble comments about our internal differences. I repeat, our internal differences sure cause more time, agreed. After all not every country is ruled by a rajpakse or Communist party of china or some shadowy spymaster in Rawalpindi. But thats it, at policy level, it takes two to tango. If you create trouble for us in our backyard, our policy response will also come, albeit slow.

Read between the lines dude.. Where did i mention the word India ?? On the other hand there are 70 million Madrasi's bearing their teeth over just 20 million Sri Lankans trying anything possible to destabilize the country propagating and promoting separatism openly, While over 3000 TN poachers plunder our marine resources every other day.. That whats called a thread to our sovereignty.. that necessarily does not have to come from other nations
:rofl:You think I am so upset now on BD gettin Ming subs from china,that I need to relax? I am relaxed,lolz!

Relax means to relax :azn:

Being "concerned" about a "not so friendly neighbor" is not being relaxed :D
Relax means to relax :azn:

Being "concerned" about a "not so friendly neighbor" is not being relaxed :D
Being concerned in words only. You don't expect us to keep quiet on international developments,do you. I take your advice to relax when I am "worried",:D:D,right now I an relaxed coz,my nation's armed forces,including the navy is capable of taking down the threats.
why are we always so concerned about these matters.....their country their will
They are professionals and have to take every factor into consideration to formulate a policy that's best for Indian interest.


Bangladeshis need subs to deliver high value underwear designs to their clients.

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