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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

Hi why dont you not post articles from Times of India its full of bull shit.... all it will do is create a troll thread like the one currently running...

Just a suggestion. Use Hindu... as a source to start threads we can have a good discussion rather than a troll fiesta.


Why? Isn't Times of India the most circulated, it has the largest readership in India?

india conventional power is much greater than it was in 1971. so how do you plan on accomplishing that?
Actually India is internally bleeding and far weaker as a nation than in1971. Back then the only threat was Charu Majumdar.But now more than half of India does not obey Delhi.
This moron has to bring religion in everything :what:. Will the submarine be hindu or muslim?
India being the lone Hindu country doesn't understand what being a Muslim signifies. And btw, Hindus don't consider themselves a nation - although Butcher Modi might change that.

Even without a treaty, Pakistan isn't going to sit quiet in case of BD facing a nuclear threat...we'll start shooting.

From strategic posturing and deterence value, i'm fully with you. China, Pakistan and BD can workout a deal for cooperation in defense sector.

One way to make it effective is to transform the 'offensive' post deterrence capabilities of the BD military services.

We can keep the region at peace by sharing power cooperating, that will be done when we have a govt in Dhakka with which we can share the beans with.

Am sorry, is that why you started training Myanmar Navy.. Bangladeshi's arch rivals..Talking about crocodile tears:lol:

Cant even take care of your own country.. How in the world are you going to take care of Bangladesh?? May be you can accept all of them when their country will be under Arabian sea.. It will be fun when brother will be together again and history being repeated :angel:
India being the lone Hindu country doesn't understand what being a Muslim signifies. And btw, Hindus don't consider themselves a nation - although Butcher Modi might change that.

India is not a Hindu country you moron. We have more Muslims than BD & Pakistan combined
thats untrue razakar. greatest insurgencies happened in the 70s and 80s. started lessening from 2000s.

if only wishes were horses right?
Shudra/low cast/untouchable,

Insurgencies have been increasing eversince Charu Majumdar waskilled. Kashmir, Khalistan (waiting to re-erupt), NE and the Maoist Red Corridor. MMS/Sonia reign over less than half of India.
OK indian fellas relax, we are increasing our armed forces' strength for future conflict with any nation. You are also increasing your strength, it is natural that every country wants strong armed forces. India should work on diplomacy with BD, so that instead of enemy, we can be ally in future (i am not seeing that coming :P) anyway cough cough.. God speed :D
Try that rhetoric with your BD compatriot who wants WWII styled treaty aimed against India.....
Shudra/low cast/untouchable,

Insurgencies have been increasing eversince Charu Majumdar waskilled. Kashmir, Khalistan (waiting to re-erupt), NE and the Maoist Red Corridor. MMS/Sonia reign over less than half of India.

Your country can't even manage one language speaking country and with one religion.... India is huge to be understand by a foreigner...Untouchable wtf.. it happens some times in very very remote areas not Every where... This country give us freedom... many of Hindu's converted to Christians and muslims like wise Muslims and Christans converted to Hindu's... stop being arrogant.. You know nothing about my country.... we can live as we wish... some guys misuse this freedom.. who wants to er-erupt??? your country citizens are coming to India illegally and other places... Lol BD is not qualified to talk about my country....

Even without a treaty, Pakistan isn't going to sit quiet in case of BD facing a nuclear threat...we'll start shooting.

What if the threat is non-nuclear, what it there is a covert subversion, how would pakistan help bangladesh. What reciprocity has bangladesh shown in threats pakistan has faced, is pakistan now trying to play big brother, in other words, do you see pakistan playing a larger hegemonic role in the future...

From strategic posturing and deterence value, i'm fully with you. China, Pakistan and BD can workout a deal for cooperation in defense sector.
Strategic posturing against India, with what exactly, is pakistan planning to do Cuban missile crisis in the east, or are we going back to great security of the east lies in the west formula... both works for muoh......

One way to make it effective is to transform the 'offensive' post deterrence capabilities of the BD military services.
What does the highlighted part mean, please explain in detail, this seems quite fascinating...

We can keep the region at peace by sharing power cooperating, that will be done when we have a govt in Dhakka with which we can share the beans with.

You want the keep regional peace by encircling a poor a nation and posturing nuclear blackmail to the 1/6th of the worlds population, I like the way this is heading.... Asad71 can be the next bengali PM, tht might be the best option to get these activities done....
Why? Isn't Times of India the most circulated, it has the largest readership in India?

here is the answer for your question

Times is more like a tabloid masala paper for the people who see newspapers for the pictures and advertisements in it...

If you want discussion on serious political issues always read The Hindu.... + if you want to know about the real India read the Hindu that is the best representation of the truth.

PS: Don't take every Indians comment as an argument there are a few knowledgeable ones here on this forum too..
To all those Indians who think its a bad idea for Bangladesh to get subs...tough live with it...it's our money an we can buy what we want with it, Chinese, Korean or German.


Relax they are only going to be 2 old training subs, we probably won't get anything offensive for at least another 5 years. The navy eventually wants 3-4 small diesel subs, but to effectively use them they first have to build the infrastructure an expertise. That's why we bought the oceanographic survey ships.

The subs are to protect our national interests in the Bay of Bengal, it's not targeted at anyone specific, just a small deterrence...against pirates :cheesy:.
India being the lone Hindu country doesn't understand what being a Muslim signifies. And btw, Hindus don't consider themselves a nation - although Butcher Modi might change that.

And you being a fundamentalist loony :crazy: will never ever see anything beyond religion. You truly are doomed :enjoy:
Shudra/low cast/untouchable,

Insurgencies have been increasing eversince Charu Majumdar waskilled. Kashmir, Khalistan (waiting to re-erupt), NE and the Maoist Red Corridor. MMS/Sonia reign over less than half of India.

A razakar calling an FC shudra :lol: the irony. learn to recognize your superiors dear.

And yes. india is far more united and stronger than it was 30 years ago, irrespective of what your bihari madrassa said
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