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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

we are also building big navel base in Patuakhali near india. Naval ships, submarines and even avionic facilities for dedicated fighter aircraft for maritime strike :enjoy:
What is your take on this development?
I'm sorry but recent actions from GOI bending backwards to pacify regional extremist political entities and state govts for popular votes at the expense of it's vital foreign policy, Both regarding Bangladesh and more predominantly Sri Lanka proves otherwise

A stronger center may have a solid foreign policy but given India's often flawed electoral tendencies towards regional and communal periphery than a national one, I dont see that forthcoming

This inturn makes it's neighbors wary of the weak fickle nature of Indian policy at the mercy of fringe players detrimental towards their sovereignty
Which is somewhat of a limitation with our system when the Center is weak.

Intelligent Neighbours however can and do circumvent this problem.
Like how Bangladesh spoke directly with West Bengal Govt and their CM and explained their positions and brought her on board. The fact that West Bengal and Bangladesh are both ethnically the same people and speak the same language did help BD's case.
Now WB has dropped their reservations against the Central Treaty with BD.

Similarly, instead of complaining, if Sri Lanka pacifies Tamil Nadu and makes them understand, they strengthen the Center's hand to negotiate deals that are more favourable to Sri Lanka.
I'm sorry but recent actions from GOI bending backwards to pacify regional extremist political entities and state govts for popular votes at the expense of it's vital foreign policy, Both regarding Bangladesh and more predominantly Sri Lanka proves otherwise

A stronger center may have a solid foreign policy but given India's often flawed electoral tendencies towards regional and communal periphery than a national one, I dont see that forthcoming

This inturn makes it's neighbors wary of the weak fickle nature of Indian policy at the mercy of fringe players detrimental towards their sovereignty

Indians too suffer due to a weak center.

But I repeat out policy is not decided by politocians but has to work with them.

Do not forget prabhakarans death and indian general elections. The policy was implemented by working around political sensitivities. Whereas manmohans cancelled visit was only symbolic.
Indians too suffer due to a weak center.

But I repeat out policy is not decided by politocians but has to work with them.

Do not forget prabhakarans death and indian general elections. The policy was implemented by working around political sensitivities. Whereas manmohans cancelled visit was only symbolic.

The issue here is whether the intentions of the center are genuine or not but the actions it takes to pander to domestic political compulsions at the expense of it's national policies makes it's neighbors unsure and gives the wrong signals of a weak regional power, Which in turn, drive them on to alternative support from other global powers to safeguard their sovereignty and territorial integrity

Which is somewhat of a limitation with our system when the Center is weak.

Intelligent Neighbours however can and do circumvent this problem.
Like how Bangladesh spoke directly with West Bengal Govt and their CM and explained their positions and brought her on board. The fact that West Bengal and Bangladesh are both ethnically the same people and speak the same language did help BD's case.
Now WB has dropped their reservations against the Central Treaty with BD.

Similarly, instead of complaining, if Sri Lanka pacifies Tamil Nadu and makes them understand, they strengthen the Center's hand to negotiate deals that are more favourable to Sri Lanka.

The problem here is SL despite the animosity, aggression and false propaganda emanating from politicians in TN have not made any actions that is detrimental to Indo/Lanka relationship, Nor have taken any reciprocal action towards TN in any way.. So you cant really place the ball on SL court so to speak.. It's solely the result of populist politics in TN surviving on a SL bashing platform, Plus you cant make overtures to people hell bent on attrition and not willing to listen nor want to see the real situation due to obvious reasons
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India is being surrounded from north (China), west (Pakistan), south (Sri Lanka) and east (Bangladesh).

You can see an anti-India alliance gradually being built by these 4 countries.

The more hostile India behaves towards its neighbours, the closer this alliance will become.

India knows its being contained and I'm willing to bet that this has been planned by us and Pakistan behind the scenes.

It's no coincidence we are building ports in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Chinese and Pakistani intelligence agencies are funding and supporting separatist groups within India. That way, India will have internal chaos and external containment to worry about.

The main goal should be to divide and conquer India by causing frictions between the Hindu Indians and Muslim Indians.

India is very open and it's easy to penetrate their country and cause instability.

I bet the CIA is doing the same thing inside India, the last thing America wants is another China-sized competitor rivalling America.

india conventional power is much greater than it was in 1971. so how do you plan on accomplishing that?
O really and you have now enemies also growing and even in 65 you were much bigger you still got butts kicked Sir don't worry we know how to strike back and how to damage you and soon Bangladesh will realize what you really are and INSHALLAH they will go for much stronger Air Force and Army than compared to what they have today

Even without a treaty, Pakistan isn't going to sit quiet in case of BD facing a nuclear threat...we'll start shooting.

From strategic posturing and deterence value, i'm fully with you. China, Pakistan and BD can workout a deal for cooperation in defense sector.

One way to make it effective is to transform the 'offensive' post deterrence capabilities of the BD military services.

We can keep the region at peace by sharing power cooperating, that will be done when we have a govt in Dhakka with which we can share the beans with.

Threats to our nations emanate from one direction.Strategic concerns are complimentary. And we are Muslims.
O really and you have now enemies also growing and even in 65 you were much bigger you still got butts kicked Sir don't worry we know how to strike back and how to damage you and soon Bangladesh will realize what you really are and INSHALLAH they will go for much stronger Air Force and Army than compared to what they have today

patriotism is good. but too much of anything is bad. try to be more objective next time

200000 % agree with you and also train them Sir specially the new training which we are giving to our soldiers also we can help them with Tanks like Al -Zarrar and AL-Khalid and soon JF-17 but in Navy they only need to get at least 4 to Submarines and few more Missile Boats I think now their main focus should be on developing their Air Force and Army @BDforever

now thats a whole new level of agreement :tup:
BDs decision to procure Subs from China must be a response to Myanmar whose Navy personnel are undergoing submarine warfare training in Pakistan…

India’s concern is, BD buying strategic asset like Sub from its arch enemy..

This will eventually lead India to speed up inducting "more" new Subs in its arsenal..
The issue here is whether the intentions of the center are genuine or not but the actions it takes to pander to domestic political compulsions at the expense of it's national policies makes it's neighbors unsure and gives the wrong signals of a weak regional power, Which in turn, drive them on to alternative support from other global powers to safeguard their sovereignty and territorial integrity

Oh please!!! None of the actions we have taken in decades now pose a threat to your terrotorial integrity, infact we have supported you. How many SL navy boats did we sink because there is so much propaganda in TN? Were we or were we not sincere in our efforts to help defeat the Tigers?

You are making very feeble comments about our internal differences. I repeat, our internal differences sure cause more time, agreed. After all not every country is ruled by a rajpakse or Communist party of china or some shadowy spymaster in Rawalpindi. But thats it, at policy level, it takes two to tango. If you create trouble for us in our backyard, our policy response will also come, albeit slow.
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