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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

India will not resort to the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons against states that do not possess nuclear weapons, but such states shall be deemed nuclear weapons states if they ally with or assist nuclear-armed states against India, and/or assist them during hostilities
Indian nuclear doctrine.
So those smart Alec's who are recommending a tri nation alliance against India and nuclear umbrella.. thing again!!

As of now Bangladesh does not face any nuclear threat from any nation in the world.

But were it to ally itself with a nuclear armed nation(it will treated as one), it does not matter whether India is fighting Pakistan or China, considering the size and proximity of Bangladesh, it would definitely not survive this war.
Meh....Just look at the pace, the selection, and the actual execution of Bangladeshi Air Force acquisitions and you would understand why it is two decades early for Indian Navy to raise some concern. Unless, of course, China wants to shove two submarines up Bongs *** to carry out sinister plans of herself.
We need a govt in Dhakka that thinks along those lines. We can only deter the enemy if we speak in the same frequency.

And which frequency is that?? TTP frequency?? :haha: Or are you suggesting that Dhaka should obey all the commands by Pakistan to defeat the enemy? ;)
India being the lone Hindu country doesn't understand what being a Muslim signifies. And btw, Hindus don't consider themselves a nation - although Butcher Modi might change that.

Being Muslim means livestock in this current world. That's how much power and influence Muslims carry. The only religion whose followers are being killed in scores this last decade and the decade before that. Wonder if it will be similar for this decade too?
"concern" does meant scared. IN has to be concerned,when a "not exactly a friend" country like Bangladesh acquires a strategic equipment like a sub,that too from China,a nation in which we see a potential enemy. One has to be concerned at the right times to take counter measures and avoid losses and downsides in the future.

Relax. It's not like BN is gonna get nuclear-armed nuclear subs. They are likely to be Ming-class submarines, that are to be used as training vessels.

And which frequency is that?? TTP frequency?? :haha: Or are you suggesting that Dhaka should obey all the commands by Pakistan to defeat the enemy? ;)

Same frequency as vidya balan's voice. :D
Same frequency as vidya balan's voice. :D

She is a kaffir lady.. Its not a good frequency for Muslims as Azad bhai suggested :woot:

One little concern by an anonymous officer of India and all hell broke loose in Bangladesh and Pakistan..:lol: .. Already they have Srilanka and China with them.. Lets see how many more nations are they going to bring to wage war against India :girl_wacko:
Mr read the article again India is showing concern on Bangladesh buying Subs and India thinks Bangladesh doesn't need them so they are feeling a little scared and want to keep Navy on that side too for quite some time Sir @BDforever

And just who is this "senior" navy official? What is his name? His rank? This (Times of India) is the same source that claimed that the US is going to build a base in Chittagong (which the Americans don't need by the way).

So what will it be? A US base or Chinese subs? Man, can't those guys at ToI ever make up their minds? :cheesy:

The ToI seems like some sort of selling front.
You have more tensions with them than with us..

Be rational now. Our sea dispute had already been settled. And there are no further disputes with them. And hence, no probability for war.
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