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Indian muslim :Javed Akhtar's India & Pakistan

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You are a mojhair i am not. go back to india you convert.

you hate your own countrymen...and yet you wonder why you guys are in such deep sh*t. Bring your house to order first before claiming the position as the "guardian of Islam".

One more thing....who are "you" to question my faith?

You are nothing but, an insignificant troll.......
These "mojhairs" are the most educated lot in Pakistan. Almost all of scientific, medical contributions made to Pakistan are by its "urdu speaking community". While you "aryans" were chasing goats, these people built your nation. It is extremely sad that an "indian" (me) have to reprimand you for disrespect towards your own brothers (countrymen).
See? You've gotta admit, it's kinda funny watching these idiots call everyone who doesn't agree with their views an "Indian".

Its OK. We have some kids here who cannot think beyond colour of skin and they just need to grow up. We don't need to go down to their level to beat them :)
Its OK. We have some kids here who cannot think beyond colour of skin and they just need to grow up. We don't need to go down to their level to beat them :)

what do they have to show besides that? Surprisingly, most of these folks are adults.
what do they have to show besides that? Surprisingly, most of these folks are adults.
You should look at his country flags to get the idea where he is coming from :P but anyway i am living with pakistani pashtuns and they are very good peoples but few bad apples exist everywhere. I just hope he come out of ignorance :)
you people are obsessed and brainwased with regards to Pakistan. and you made a excuse to as to why you are a member on this forum. Nobody gives a damn if you claim to be a hindu convert and now a "Muslim." You are still indian, and if there is war you people not be spared.

FYI: Pakistan is the Guardian of Islam. And you are not welcome. :)

1) If you guys are the guardians of Islam, then God save Islam.
2) Majority of Pakistanis (especially Punjabis/Sindhis) are Hindu/Buddhist converts.
3) I have Pashtun blood in me, as part of my family is originally from Peshawar. (Just like Shah Rukh Khan)

I have no intention of coming to Pakistan, even for a visit. No sane person would think of going there, with everything that's been going on in that country.
^^^You hindu converts are not Muslims. You are hindus. You will never be accepted as Muslims. Nobody in the world accepts indians as Muslims. You are and always be known as hindus. Your only identity will be indian and hindu. NEVER as a Muslim.

Again, majority of Pakistanis were originally Hindus. Saudis say the same thing about you guys. All you need to do is replace "Indians" with "Pakistanis".
^^^You hindu converts are not Muslims. You are hindus. You will never be accepted as Muslims. Nobody in the world accepts indians as Muslims. You are and always be known as hindus. Your only identity will be indian and hindu. NEVER as a Muslim.

Are you a Pushtn tribal? Are Pushtuns not converts? Do you know how and when they were converted?

BTW, many Indians look at you with contempt. They think you are uncivilized brutes killing each other.

nobody cares what an indian thinks. a "muslim indian" :laugh out loud: is no exception. these so called "muslims: :laugh out loud again: are beneath us.

I doubt how anyone can be beneath an uncivilized tribal blowing up girl schools and beheading the civilians and PA soldiers and blowing up market places and using an infant to try and kill Benazir and so on.

you people are obsessed and brainwased with regards to Pakistan. and you made a excuse to as to why you are a member on this forum. Nobody gives a damn if you claim to be a hindu convert and now a "Muslim." You are still indian, and if there is war you people not be spared.

FYI: Pakistan is the Guardian of Islam. And you are not welcome. :)

Pakistan seems to be taking its revenge by denigrating Islam all over the world.

You are looked at as second or third class by those who converted you. They simply laugh at your pretensions. We do too.
2) Majority of Pakistanis (especially Punjabis/Sindhis) are Hindu/Buddhist converts
correction here. Pakistani(punjabi, sindhi, balochi etc) were born as Muslim but their ancestor were converted into Islam. Islam came into hind after Muhammad bin qasim entrance in sindh. Peoples were converted from Judaism and Christianity even during prophet times.
I have Pashtun blood in me, as part of my family is originally from Peshawar. (Just like Shah Rukh Khan)
How pashtun blood is different than non pashtun blood lol Shah rukh khan father Mohammed Khan was an Indian independence activist from Peshawar while his mother Lateef Fatima was the adopted daughter of Major General Shah Nawaz Khan of the Janjua Rajput clan from my birth city and i am also belong to same clan of Rajpout
I have no intention of coming to Pakistan, even for a visit. No sane person would think of going there, with everything that's been going on in that country.
We also have no intention to invite you here but don't be so narrow minded to call other insane if they live or visit Pakistan
correction here. Pakistani(punjabi, sindhi, balochi etc) were born as Muslim but their ancestor were converted into Islam. Islam came into hind after Muhammad bin qasim entrance in sindh. Peoples were converted from Judaism and Christianity even during prophet times.

How pashtun blood is different than non pashtun blood lol Shah rukh khan father Mohammed Khan was an Indian independence activist from Peshawar while his mother Lateef Fatima was the adopted daughter of Major General Shah Nawaz Khan of the Janjua Rajput clan from my birth city and i am also belong to same clan of Rajpout

We also have no intention to invite you here but don't be so narrow minded to call other insane if they live or visit Pakistan

My reply was to TROJAN, a Pakistani Muslim, who was calling me a Hindu Convert because I'm an Indian Muslim. I was merely letting him know that since I have Pashtun blood in me, part (half) of my ancestry can be traced back to Pakistan. I'm just as much of a "Hindu convert" as he (she?) is.

And yes, majority of Muslims of the subcontinents (including Pakistanis) have ancestors that were Hindus. That's just how it goes. We don't need Pakistanis like TROJAN calling people "Hindu Converts" as if it is some sort of an insult.

Lastly, I don't think all Pakistanis are insane. Just people like Trojan. But it is true that no sane person would want to live in the Pakistan that exists today (the one of daily bomb blasts and violence).
My mother who is a doctor just went to Pakistan. :lol:

She must be insane I am guessing. What a |8itch.
My mother who is a doctor just went to Pakistan. :lol:

She must be insane I am guessing. What a |8itch.

And I'm assuming your mother is a Pakistani?

How many tourists does Pakistan receive annually? How many of those 'tourists' are non-resident Pakistanis?

Like i said, nobody would like to visit (or even live in) Pakistan AS IT EXISTS TODAY.
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