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Indian man visiting Pakistan blown away by country wide motorway services

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Honestly I don't get why the forum rulebook is not thrown at certain people just like it is with others (for much less). Some stuff I read here is frankly disgusting. Someone brought up Jinnah for example correctly, what would be some of these idiots impression of Jinnah carbon copy today (say for argument if it was someone else that created Pakistan). They judge only on certain look and ethnic way, rather than content of character.....and that too completely ignore the average (say punjabi) street scene in where they say is much more "Pakistani". Did they even watch Mark Wiens food videos in Pakistan for how many regular Punjabi ppl look?

Every country should do much better than this nonsense. We have enough fights and divisions as it is.

Honestly I wouldn't worry about this, I used to and it ate me from the inside. You and I have a different thought process, which makes us disgusted, when this kind of nature shows up in people. Like we were talking about slavery and the racism part of it. Now, I'm not African nor do I have anything to do with slavery, but I wasnt able to look up! I was blushing from embarrassment and humiliation, at what man can do to it's own species. We have to except that this is one of those disgusting natures of man that shows its ugly face. It's hard to explain to others too.

You lot need to get your act together. What will our neighbors be thinking of our behaviour towards our own countrymen. If some member has said something wrong simply ignore and move on sooner he will realise that whatever he uttered earlier was wrong of him to say. Mereyo salayo kui sharam karo
Some of these people need a good spanking
Why would you single out only one community while completely overlooking what happens in other places? I smell ethnic bias there.

I'm from Islamabad and I have similar thoughts about Karachi and it's people who are overly clever in their own brains and not as civilized as you would expect.
While my biggest problem is with Lahoris though, overly loud, overly uncivilized, no idea of personal boundaries and getting their mouth and nose into every ones life.
Daal Khor term never made sense to me, We love daal as much as anyone else. chana daal gosht is one of my favourite dish.
They actually use it for vegetarians Hindu/Sikhs Punjabi but they dont differentiate between Muslim and non muslims Punjabi in their hate for Punjabi..they even call Pakistani Muslims as Kala Hindus because their ancestors were non Muslims ..anynway i personally love diversity and hate arrogance and racism more than anything else. Pride is not befitting for anyone except Allah. I am Photohari but almost all my close friends are Pashtuns and Sindhi and when i was single then we rented one house which had 2 pashtuns, one Sindhi and one Urdu speaker from hyderbad and we all had great fun together so i feel sorry for those narrow mind who cannot think beyond their caste or ethnicity

I only like meat, but family members keep insisting how good punjabis are at making daal and veg.
People in peshwar love red bean though and when i was in landi kotal then they had some people in bazaar selling saag and makkah de roti lol
What is two nation theory ? Please take your stuff back & fill them in your beautiful cities , i myself will praise your excellent growth. Jinnah also wanted this. We will be more than happy to facilitate their travel.
give us the muslim populated areas we will think :) .
we left those 200 million to be the pain ir *** :D .
Lol at Abbasis coming from Iraq. These Muree ones are special scumbags. You know we have a saying here

Abbasi Muree de
Phu*** Saree de

Since the thread has already been derailed. I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and have met Indians abroad. Basically everyone south of Potohar shares the same looks as Indians.

No difference in how Punjabis looks on both sides.

The Sindhis look pretty similar to people from India's South unless those Sindhi speakers have Baloch ancestry.
They actually use it for vegetarians Hindu/Sikhs Punjabi but they dont differentiate between Muslim and non muslims Punjabi in their hate for Punjabi..they even call Pakistani Muslims as Kala Hindus because their ancestors were non Muslims ..anynway i personally love diversity and hate arrogance and racism more than anything else. Pride is not befitting for anyone except Allah. I am Photohari but almost all my close friends are Pashtuns and Sindhi and when i was single then we rented one house which had 2 pashtuns, one Sindhi and one Urdu speaker from hyderbad and we all had great fun together so i feel sorry for those narrow mind who cannot think beyond their caste or ethnicity

People in peshwar love red bean though and when i was in landi kotal then they had some people in bazaar selling saag and makkah de roti lol
Ya kidney bean is popular as a snack. Boiled and then a few sauces added on top of it.

I'm also a Punjabi who doesn't like daal and sabsi, go figure. Lol. I really dig lamb, goat, and beef, personally.
Hahaha, my man
Minor differences, unless you know something I don't.
Anyhow, the 153 km agra expressway I mentioned has all the characteristics of a motorway that I can think of.

I will go check videos of your motorways.... Let's see if that helps

I saw a video of the top hit on YouTube--the guy says either m2 or m4 motorway. I see no difference between this and the ones I have driven on in Mumbai and Delhi region(noida to agra).
Can I have specific points?

One point is that yours are longer. The ones I have been on in India are around 100 to 150km. Yours' are around 400km.

Motorways aren't just roads which you can watch video/pictures and start comparison. Motorways is access controlled with all amnesties i.e. designated Service Areas, Rest Areas, Emergency Services, Fuels, Car wash, Workshops, prayer areas, restaurants etc. We also have expressways, and those are called expressways not motorways.

WTF is happening here?
Well he was so happy for the Toilets. Now that is a luxury for the Indians.
I hope he don't start kissing commodes in Joy.
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