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Indian Called Parasite Invader in Poland !

LoL Poland is racist as f. My cousin who is half Ukrainian worked in Poland and said these poles would come and pick fights with them at their workers quarters. They also view Ukrainians like how Americans view Mexicans.. :lol:

There are idiots in every country. At least there are no racist organizations like US Ku Klux Klan in Poland.
Polish / slavic people are quite racist

However allot of slavs/poles have now moved to the UK and live in Asian areas....they get along just fine.
That's quite rich coming from a englishman I.e britisher :lol:
I lived among Slavic people and most of them were not racist.
How can you be jealous of a race and nation who has the HIGHEST number of acutely malnourished and growth stunted people in the world?............. :azn:...........india has the malnourishment levels similar to that of afghanistan. Here is the evidence.........:azn::

PS Pakistanis/Muslims need to celebrate and rejoice at the oppression/racism suffered by indians because indians do it 10× more fervently when Pakistanis/Muslims suffer racism.
You should really ask that question of those giggling compatriots of yours. I see them doing it repeatedly but don't know why they do it. Best explanation I can think of is frustration leading to silly coping mechanisms.
Neo-nazi ideology is illegal in Poland so there are no such groups operating legaly. In USA or Germany there are neo-nazi groups operating legaly like the Ku Klux Klan.
Seldom any law allows facist organisations to exist but still Poland has a neo nazi presence. Sad considering what happened
Who the hell is he to call an Indian a parasite..
Only an Indian can call another Indian a parasite.
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You should really ask that question of those giggling compatriots of yours. I see them doing it repeatedly but don't know why they do it. Best explanation I can think of is frustration leading to silly coping mechanisms.

They have every right to be giggling. indians having been advocating, celebrating and promoting racism and racial attacks against Pakistanis/Muslims for over 20 years. Are they coping with their racial inferiority?

Indians are parasites. Could not agree more with the poles.

HOW DEAR this racist insults parasites by calling them indians........... :disagree:...........the BIGGEST racism here is against parasites..........:disagree:
I can't belive the Indian walked away. Loool

I know if that was me...I would have let the hillbilly have a free lesson on racism and why he is in America which belongs to the natives.

But Indians are inherently cowards ....

While cowardice is subjective to each person, I think the victim’s non reaction was his strength. I don’t know about Poland but this shit won’t fly in the US nor UK. However bad you want to call them, they do have a sense of justice and accountability, unheard of in our countries. Indians especially make good use of this.

This guy is moments away from going in jail it not already there.

Criminal conviction is essentially end of easy life in the US, UK
so long as you think looking in the mirror solves anything, you will remain a racial idiot.
Self reflecting once in a while (literally and metaphorically) is always good!

No race can claim innocence when it comes to racism. Blacks here in US are the most racist towards South Asians. Indians within India are racist towards each other - we just use a different term for it - colorism.

Anyways - point of my post was to bring certain nawabs off their high horses.

Each of these Pak diaspora posters are at the receiving end of racism in Canada, USA and UK. Being helpless abused victims of racism they exhibit stockholm syndrome towards their abusers and one of its symptoms is showboating this racist incident. It certainly sad, If only they knew legal help in these nations is always at hand

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