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Indian Army Officially confirms Beheading of Soldiers.

Pakistan can't be wrong on every account and India can't be right every time. It's straight and simple, any problem than feel free to log off.

But in the past it has been proven that pakistan are lying in most of the accounts and India has been proven right .It is simple and straight and you can chose not to belive .But you are no one to tell me when to log off.
Well, when I read after you kill the soldier, anyone can make a keema out of the obdy, proves me I am talking to insensitive person, who doesn't understand a soldier's body has to be respected even after his shahadat.

IA told about the bravery of a PA soldier and he got Nishan e Haider, his family was happy about IA's professionalism but here PA beheads a soldier and take the head as a trophy.

And you asking beheading video, our soldier don't go with handheld camera and I don't think your did, may be they did but why would you release the video. For you, you can say an animal bite off his head. Kindly make note that now if anyone says India is behind TTP and BLA, prove us with a video that an Indian giving them money and weapons.

If you don't have better argument, its good to not give any. Keema, video etc. are just clutching the straws.

Excerpts from an article, Confessions of a War Reporter, written by Burkha Dutt and published in Himal Southasian in June 2001.


I had to look three times to make sure I was seeing right. Balanced on one knee, in a tiny alley behind the army’s administrative offices, I was peering through a hole in a corrugated tin sheet. At first glance, all I could see were some leaves. I looked harder and amidst all the green, there was a hint of black—it looked like a moustache. “Look again,” said the army colonel, in a tone that betrayed suppressed excitement. This time, I finally saw.

It was a head, the disembodied face of a slain soldier nailed onto a tree. “The boys got it as a gift for the brigade,” said the colonel, softly, but proudly. Before I could react, the show was over. A faded gunny bag appeared from nowhere, shrouded the soldier’s face, the brown of the bag now merging indistinguishably with the green of the leaves. Minutes later, we walked past the same tree where the three soldiers who had earlier unveiled the victory trophy were standing. From the corner of his eye, the colonel exchanged a look of shared achievement, and we moved on. We were firmly in the war zone


You are right, soldiers don't go to hunt with a camera. Utter nonsense it sounds when someone expects a video or a photo captured by on ground soldiers. But how about making a video as evidence once cadaver makes it to the unit or mortuary? I just have discovered that such incidents have happened in the past but haven't got quite so much media attention for reasons I fail to understand. Anyway, now since PA has denied it, a video or photo would have made Indian case more potent.
Excerpts from an article, Confessions of a War Reporter, written by Burkha Dutt and published in Himal Southasian in June 2001.
You are right, soldiers don't go to hunt with a camera. Utter nonsense it sounds when someone expects a video or a photo captured by on ground soldiers. But how about making a video as evidence once cadaver makes it to the unit or mortuary? I just have discovered that such incidents have happened in the past but haven't got quite so much media attention for reasons I fail to understand. Anyway, now since PA has denied it, a video or photo would have made Indian case more potent.
Here you see Indian media who exposes truth if there is. Same Burkha Dutt's channel NDTV told about beheading of the soldier. They told it from their sources. Would you believe her ?

And on TV, such things are not shown if you know about it. We believe in our IA just like you do. I don't expect you to accept otherwise.

As for picture, even if we give it to PA, would PA accept it. They already said its a propaganda. They will say we cut head of a cadaver and put army clothes on him and showed you the pic. Remember, you never accepted Kasab as Pakistani even when he was non-state actor, what are the chances you will accept PA did it.

We know Pakistan always denies anything and everything. Not only us, US, UK, also believe same thing.
Excerpts from an article, Confessions of a War Reporter, written by Burkha Dutt and published in Himal Southasian in June 2001.


Leave it man - You can't convince, I am expecting that reporter will be labeled as traitor.
Well intensity of fight will of course be set by you, after all offensive power used is proportional to enemy's offensive power. And we will make sure, we trump yours.
In todays nuclear world - That's easier said than done. At the very least at the end of every battle each side can just nuke the crap out of the other.

As for dialogue baazi, we didn't go running to UN, US and China.
At least we didn't go for any cease fire - we went to get an investigation done. Something that if you say no to, then obviously your side is wrong by default. IF head was beheaded, you should not have tainted the crime scene and brought in a third party to verify your claims. Your country not only didn't follow proper CSI procedures it even gave a statement that there was no beheading. Now how can we believe that you just shut that guy up now and are just making a song and dance to get some mileage?

In court of law, aggressor is punished but if defender crosses the line of humanity, he also gets punishment. Kindly know about the court of law.
Go in order... First get punished - then prove the crossing of the line of humanity, then we will also punish anyone found guilty of doing so. I personally got no problems in punishing the entire brigade responsible for violating the ceasefire - provided guilt is proven. No havaii firing. Of course, this same attitude is severely lacking from India's side.

We don't like pangay but we don't let it go without teaching a lesson.

So far its been a dismal show...

As for proofs, you are right, bring proofs of our involvement with TTP and BLA and prove it to the world. A suggestion, take it to UN and then ask for UN probe too.

Yaar mujhe kisi ko kuch prove karne ki tension hi nahi hai. Pakistan settles scores its own way.
Here you see Indian media who exposes truth if there is. Same Burkha Dutt's channel NDTV told about beheading of the soldier. They told it from their sources. Would you believe her ?

Actually in one instance she's describing what she saw, the other (if there any such report by her) she would be describing what someone from the IA told her.

Now if she says she saw a PA soldier holding an IA soldier's head as a trophy, then it would be the same thing.
In todays nuclear world - That's easier said than done. At the very least at the end of every battle each side can just nuke the crap out of the other.
At least we didn't go for any cease fire - we went to get an investigation done. Something that if you say no to, then obviously your side is wrong by default. IF head was beheaded, you should not have tainted the crime scene and brought in a third party to verify your claims. Your country not only didn't follow proper CSI procedures it even gave a statement that there was no beheading. Now how can we believe that you just shut that guy up now and are just making a song and dance to get some mileage?
Go in order... First get punished - then prove the crossing of the line of humanity, then we will also punish anyone found guilty of doing so. I personally got no problems in punishing the entire brigade responsible for violating the ceasefire - provided guilt is proven. No havaii firing. Of course, this same attitude is severely lacking from India's side.
So far its been a dismal show...
Yaar mujhe kisi ko kuch prove karne ki tension hi nahi hai. Pakistan settles scores its own way.
I am tired of repeating same things but one last time. As for CSI procedure, the news media reported from their sources. IA confirmed and also told that It was Pak media that wrongly quoted IA official statement.

For offensive power, you don't go nuclear for every single thing. The moment you are going to go nuclear, entire world will be on your a$$. Even if your fire one, as it will happen because of our No First Use policy, we will see the reactions.

As for proving the guilt, Pakistan denies each and everything. And we don't go to third party for solving a bilateral issue. we didn't want to internationalize the issue and we succeeded. If you didn't want to internationalize the issue, why did you go to UN, US and even China ?

Last thing to prove the guilt and settling the score, India already settled the score the other day. It wasn't a good move as I don't appreciate it. Score was also settled today too.

So enough of talking, we saw no ones hands are clean, we at least take a stand and don't run to anyone for the issue. Our media did the job and it will keep doing it.

Actually in one instance she's describing what she saw, the other (if there any such report by her) she would be describing what someone from the IA told her.
Now if she says she saw a PA soldier holding an IA soldier's head as a trophy, then it would be the same thing.
Well, she told the news from her sources. I know you know about how sources of Media works.

Did any of your media ever shown this ? Indian media is far more credible than yours. :D

And she wasn't part of PA team so that she would have watched head being taken as trophy. :hitwall:
Families of the beheaded should seek,justice from the lunatic commander of the Indian Army, who first built 'illegal' FOP's, then sent 'ghatak' commandos to murder a PA soldier. He is the one responsible for the loss of 4 valuable lives on both sides. He should be court marshaled.
@Oscar @RescueRanger

You are talking about something happened a year ago. There are 117 ceasefire violation by Pakistan in that year.

A country that harbours Kashmiri separatists and let loose Jihadis free even today; those who call for jihad and insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir explains quite well the desperation of beheading and what your state has been officially (state sponsored) doing before and then plugged by Musharraf for brief period of time. Deny it and I will post audio visual of your ex COAS admitting it on national channels.
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I am tired of repeating same things but one last time. As for CSI procedure, the news media reported from their sources. IA confirmed and also told that It was Pak media that wrongly quoted IA official statement.

Now its done... Doubt has been cast.

For offensive power, you don't go nuclear for every single thing. The moment you are going to go nuclear, entire world will be on your a$$. Even if your fire one, as it will happen because of our No First Use policy, we will see the reactions.
Ab aap yeh bhi batao ge ke hum nuclear kab jayen? The same way you are trying to dictate how much we can kill a dead body? Don't remain in any misunderstanding at least during war... Like you were not able to dictate the intensity of a cross border attack after instigating an attack yourself, you will not dictate the intensity of war either.

As for proving the guilt, Pakistan denies each and everything. And we don't go to third party for solving a bilateral issue. we didn't want to internationalize the issue and we succeeded. If you didn't want to internationalize the issue, why did you go to UN, US and even China ?
First tell us what part are you agreeing to. Has India agreed on attacking Pak LoC checkpost in a raid? Khud pe keechar hi keechar hai lekin baatein (aur deengain) aise maar rahay ho jese doodh ke dhulay huay ho. An investigation is not internationalizing an issue. When two countries are in a dispute, obviously a third entity disjoint from the two countries can only resolve it.

If you keep saying ke hum jo bhi ayein bayein shayein bolein aur Pakistan maan jaye then that's a non-starter.

Last thing to prove the guilt and settling the score, India already settled the score the other day. It wasn't a good move as I don't appreciate it. Score was also settled today too.

I don't believe in cyclic violence. When it comes to Kashmir, sporadic violence should be treated as just that. Yes, crossing the LoC was a grave offence by either side. It demands action. Either reprisal, either investigation or either peace talks. Baad main dekhi jayegi - can't be done or else the next attack would be stronger.

[quote[So enough of talking, we saw no ones hands are clean, we at least take a stand and don't run to anyone for the issue. Our media did the job and it will keep doing it.[/QUOTE]

It's a stupid self-serving stand. Anyone can take a stand that will benefit themselves. Your stand is, "Believe what I say". It's a nonstarter. Iss tarhan toh hum bhi koi story banadein... Going to a third party shows we are cleaner...
@Asim Aquil Ceasefire from my side. I should rather talk to a wall. At least it doesn't give back nonsense. :lol:

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Here you see Indian media who exposes truth if there is. Same Burkha Dutt's channel NDTV told about beheading of the soldier. They told it from their sources. Would you believe her ?

And on TV, such things are not shown if you know about it. We believe in our IA just like you do. I don't expect you to accept otherwise.

As for picture, even if we give it to PA, would PA accept it. They already said its a propaganda. They will say we cut head of a cadaver and put army clothes on him and showed you the pic. Remember, you never accepted Kasab as Pakistani even when he was non-state actor, what are the chances you will accept PA did it.

We know Pakistan always denies anything and everything. Not only us, US, UK, also believe same thing.

Where did you find me forcing you to accept what I had referred to? Reread the red quoted part of your previous post, you'd get what I wanted to say.

Now look, if you are not ready to believe anything bad about IA then why would we believe same for PA? Just because you say something has happened does really mean something has happened?

I know such clips are highly graphic, very unlikely to see them on national TV. My point was about clips as evidence, and I am damn sure armies keep such evidences in record. I am convinced if decapitation was the case then IA must have kept clip or pics in its record. What important is why doesn't IA back its claim with the stuff? I never said you must pass those evidences to us to decide, pass them to a neutral entity, and if PA soldiers are really guilty expose them.

As for the denialism ,yeah, we deny everything whereas you accept everything honestly, right? Every single allegation that PA has made so far has been accepted and answered by IA. IA, unlike PA, has accepted that it violated ceasefire agreement by building bunker on LOC that sparked off a spiral of violance, it has accepted that it carried out a cross border raid on a Pakistani post first, that killed one PA jawan.

Leave it man - You can't convince, I am expecting that reporter will be labeled as traitor.

Even I am sure of that but can't resist when they pretend like the most innocent people on earth.
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