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Indian Air Force - A National Embarrassment

I hereby extend my earnest and most humble gratitude to Indian Air Force for the following:

1) Giving PAF a once in a lifetime chance to test its war plans and tactics in real life scenario
2) Showing us your inability to stop 24 aircraft invading your airspace in broad daylight.
3) Allowing our pilots to shoot you down and take the trophy in broad daylight.
4) Exposing your weaknesses and compromising your morale.
5) Volunteering to be on the blackfoot for years to come.
6) Making a total fool of your officers by holding up spent motor casings of AAMs used to shoot your aircraft.
7) Allowing PAF to win back national confidence and pride, and be praiseworthy at the level that they truly deserve.

Guard Frequency, RT On: Bohat Dhanaywaad!!!
I don't agree. Imran Khan has taken the right decision, and has claimed the upper hand before Indians could spin this one. They have nothing to show but a spent rocket motor of AIM-120 Charlie 5, which is a reminder that we can and have struck deep inside inside across the LOC/LAC in the future. Further, the pilot is useless to us. He can eat all the maps and he has nothing to tell us that we don't already know. The "shot down" pilot is a reminder to them of their defeat, no matter how they spin it.

Sir,y apologies for pressing on this one, but the pilot is a bargaining chip that we are throwing away. We need to follow this military victory with a political one by causing Modi maximum political damage. I mean Khsn assumes that Modi's behavior will change post elections. I am saying (and I would love to be proven wrong) that it won't. Forget post-election, I don't trust him even pre-election. He could immediately ratchet up the temperature as well, both regionally and internationally. You think they won't try avenge their military failure through FATF action?

The thing is, Imran Khan has not really taken us into confidence, and I refuse to follow blindly. A quick announcement as an after thought of his speech which was full of nationalistic bluster shows that he himself sees it as a weakness. Our nation, and with respect, even our elders, are blind followers unwilling to think for themselves.

I hereby extend my earnest and most humble gratitude to Indian Air Force for the following:

1) Giving PAF a once in a lifetime chance to test its war plans and tactics in real life scenario
2) Showing us your inability to stop 24 aircraft invading your airspace in broad daylight.
3) Allowing our pilots to shoot you down and take the trophy in broad daylight.
4) Exposing your weaknesses and compromising your morale.
5) Volunteering to be on the blackfoot for years to come.
6) Making a total fool of your officers by holding up spent motor casings of AAMs used to shoot your aircraft.
7) Allowing PAF to win back national confidence and pride, and be praiseworthy at the level that they truly deserve.

Guard Frequency, RT On: Bohat Dhanaywaad!!!

Not to mention a bit of revenge for Atlantique. Let's not forget Atlantique.
Sir,y apologies for pressing on this one, but the pilot is a bargaining chip that we are throwing away. We need to follow this military victory with a political one by causing Modi maximum political damage. I mean Khsn assumes that Modi's behavior will change post elections. I am saying (and I would love to be proven wrong) that it won't. Forget post-election, I don't trust him even pre-election. He could immediately ratchet up the temperature as well, both regionally and internationally. You think they won't try avenge their military failure through FATF action?

The thing is, Imran Khan has not really taken us into confidence, and I refuse to follow blindly. A quick announcement as an after thought of his speech which was full of nationalistic bluster shows that he himself sees it as a weakness. Our nation, and with respect, even our elders, are blind followers unwilling to think for themselves.

Pilots are not bargaining chips. He is useless. By returning him we have made the strategic gain. You have an elected government and they don't need to ask your permission for everything. Grow up.
Pilots are not bargaining chips. He is useless. By returning him we have made the strategic gain. You have an elected government and they don't need to ask your permission for everything. Grow up.

Oh yes they have to take us into confidence. I am living in a democracy. I understand what public accountability on national issues means.
Oh yes they have to take us into confidence. I am living in a democracy. I understand what public accountability on national issues means.

It is not for the people to decide, and this is a useless argument. This is a joint decision of an elected government and military, and we need to show trust in their judgement, since they have access to a lot more information than the regular public. Keeping a pilot back allows India to take a win on the diplomatic offensive. Right now, they are twirling their thumbs on how to tackle Pakistan, since the play is off their books and plans.
Oh yes they have to take us into confidence. I am living in a democracy. I understand what public accountability on national issues means.
Maray bhai, he took the elected representatives in confidence and announced his decision in Parliament with their support. You should know, living in Australia, that it is how the democratic system works. You don't go out and ask every citizen what they think about a decision and then tally the ayes and nays.
It is not for the people to decide, and this is a useless argument. This is a joint decision of an elected government and military, and we need to show trust in their judgement, since they have access to a lot more information than the regular public. Keeping a pilot back allows India to take a win on the diplomatic offensive. Right now, they are twirling their thumbs on how to tackle Pakistan, since the play is off their books and plans.

Sir their play book is already written and execution is underway. What they gained:

1. Establish a new norm of unilateral strikes without international condemnation. They are building a narrative. They have claimed to perform an action that is in violation of laws respecting sovereignty. Not giving proof and causing ridicule goes into their favor. Because next time if they attack with full operational support of US, people's minds will already have accepted this. They are gradually creating a new normal without international pressure.

2. On the other hand, our attempt self defence leads to immediate invocation of Geneva convention and morality. We are under a moral pressure while no one is even talking about our enemy.

I know of no self-respecting nation that so blindly refuses to take stock of its diplomatic failures.
I am shocked a guy from a country that could never provide evidence of the surgical strikes nor for the “precision strike against militant training facilities” is asking for evidence. Your Air Force chickened out as soon as PAF joined the party.

Indians should hang their heads in shame when it comes to asking for evidence. The entire world saw how your military history was built on fictitious glory
Lol stil not answering my questions.
Carry on
Sir their play book is already written and execution is underway. What they gained:

1. Establish a new norm of unilateral strikes without international condemnation. They are building a narrative. They have claimed to perform an action that is in violation of laws respecting sovereignty. Not giving proof and causing ridicule goes into their favor. Because next time if they attack with full operational support of US, people's minds will already have accepted this. They are gradually creating a new normal without international pressure.

2. On the other hand, our attempt self defence leads to immediate invocation of Geneva convention and morality. We are under a moral pressure while no one is even talking about our enemy.

I know of no self-respecting nation that so blindly refuses to take stock of its diplomatic failures.

My dear citizen, they were not able to establish the new norm. This is the LOC and LAC, and not the international border. All their rhetoric has been trashed by the superior planning and execution of PAF. There was no land attack. They could not intercept Pakistani Aircraft. They shot them so easily in broad daylight when they crossed the LOC.

It is their task to create whatever they want to create, and its our job to stop whatever they attempt. This is the time to stay united and not get into parallel discussions of our fears and apprehensions.
Lol stil not answering my questions.
Carry on

No one should answer you anything unless proof for Balakot “raid” and “surgical strikes” are presented by Indians. The entire world now calls out your lies. Why should I or anyone else indulge certified frauds.

You deny PAF prowess in order to shield your bruised ego, but the IAF pow who will cross the wagah border today will be an eternal reminder of what transpired
Sir their play book is already written and execution is underway. What they gained:

1. Establish a new norm of unilateral strikes without international condemnation. They are building a narrative. They have claimed to perform an action that is in violation of laws respecting sovereignty. Not giving proof and causing ridicule goes into their favor. Because next time if they attack with full operational support of US, people's minds will already have accepted this. They are gradually creating a new normal without international pressure.

2. On the other hand, our attempt self defence leads to immediate invocation of Geneva convention and morality. We are under a moral pressure while no one is even talking about our enemy.

I know of no self-respecting nation that so blindly refuses to take stock of its diplomatic failures.
We are only under pressure if we allow it to be. The new norm works both ways btw. Tomorrow we can retaliate unilaterally in India anytime a bombing happens inside Pakistan. After all, their only evidence was a video claiming responsibility right?
Sir their play book is already written and execution is underway. What they gained:

1. Establish a new norm of unilateral strikes without international condemnation. They are building a narrative. They have claimed to perform an action that is in violation of laws respecting sovereignty. Not giving proof and causing ridicule goes into their favor. Because next time if they attack with full operational support of US, people's minds will already have accepted this. They are gradually creating a new normal without international pressure.

2. On the other hand, our attempt self defence leads to immediate invocation of Geneva convention and morality. We are under a moral pressure while no one is even talking about our enemy.

I know of no self-respecting nation that so blindly refuses to take stock of its diplomatic failures.

The only “new normal” that was established was PAF’s ability to penetrate India’s over-advertised collection of Russian and Israel air defense systems and operate with impunity over Indian skies in broad daylight.

Don’t be a victim of cheap propaganda that the entire world now laughs at
No one should answer you anything unless proof for Balakot “raid” and “surgical strikes” are presented by Indians. The entire world now calls out your lies. Why should I or anyone else indulge certified frauds.

You deny PAF prowess in order to shield your bruised ego, but the IAF pow who will cross the wagah border today will be an eternal reminder of what transpired
Why r u constantly replying with the things which i did not ask, if you have any answer then reply otherwise peace .

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