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Indian Air Force - A National Embarrassment

You can not control what the other guy is going to say. Your actions must never be dictated by what others might say. He is of no use to us anymore. He was more useful to us (militarily) when he was sitting in his planes cockpit, he is more useful to us (politically) when he is returned. As an individual he ain't any better than the rest 1.3 billion.

Sir there is a clear possibility that guy will go back and serve to dispense poisonous Indian propaganda. His release should have been officiated with a declaration of defeat by India. Do we have no self-respect?
The heli was 100% AAM kill. The hole in the tail establishes that. Moreover, locals said it broke in half before hitting the ground as quoted by even Indian media @Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) any thoughts?
My theory is that heli was struck by a f16 from sailkot sector..that could explain the aim120c though its likely that the rocket is not Pakistani
Then why didn't america tell the whole world that it is a lie, until and unless america dosent say anything or pakistan shows the world that second pilot which was in hospital is indian, indian media can be true.
Further ur owndgisp whatever told to media 2 pilots within custody and then no news of second pilot why even if he is dead his uniform or any documents are good enough evidence to embarrass indians.

Truth is india lost mig29 and mig21
Pak lost f16

Keep dreaming. The entire world is laughing at your cheap lies
I am eagerly waiting for the things to cool down to have the camera footage released of the Turkey shoot
@Windjammer @Oscar

I don't agree. Imran Khan has taken the right decision, and has claimed the upper hand before Indians could spin this one. They have nothing to show but a spent rocket motor of AIM-120 Charlie 5, which is a reminder that we can and have struck deep inside inside across the LOC/LAC in the future. Further, the pilot is useless to us. He can eat all the maps and he has nothing to tell us that we don't already know. The "shot down" pilot is a reminder to them of their defeat, no matter how they spin it.

A thunder covers 100 km in about 3 minutes and SD10 in about 1 minute, if they both cover half the distance....

This post is intrusting read ,,,,,,,, heli is down some 100+km inside IOK,,,,,, but father of 2nd piolet want revenge from Pakistan...…… Strang and fishy……..
That is just a lie to hide their incompetence. The bigger the strike package, bigger the target and more chances of losing some of them either to enemy fire of even friendly fire. There might be three components of 4 each of Mirages as the bomb trucks, Thunders as escorts and more thunders on cap on Pak side waiting for the chasers or as backup.

@Oscar @Bilal Khan 777
Some very important points debated for more than a decade and not being discussed here
- Thunders short legs
- Not for attacks across the LOC/LAC
- Just 4 hardpoints for weapons

SU30's massive twin radars, 100 tons of fuel, twin thrust vectoring engines and 12 hard points didn't help it?

If anyone wants to see an aspect that was missed -

@Bilal Khan 777 perhaps a quick comment on the difficulty of coordinating a 24 aircraft strike package from different airbases while navigating a hostile ADGE is missing.
If that is indeed the package size, it is indicative of skill.
Modi to IAF: I need surgical strikes since the Army blundered the first time
IAF to PAF: Aa bail mughay maar
PAF: Happy to comply
IN to PN: Pointing to Modi, "I don't know this guy!"
You cant answer my questions, can you?

I am shocked a guy from a country that could never provide evidence of the surgical strikes nor for the “precision strike against militant training facilities” is asking for evidence. Your Air Force chickened out as soon as PAF joined the party.

Indians should hang their heads in shame when it comes to asking for evidence. The entire world saw how your military history was built on fictitious glory
seriously, now I believe more and more 65 claims of Pakistan... Indians always say they have satellite and wach every inch of pakistan.. at least show one pic.. not in original resolution but still one pic... @Joe Shearer @Imran Khan
These people will not show anything solid as you know that before they didn't admit kulbhoshan was their Spy. Later they file a case in International Court. But again they didn't show his original Passport.
The title of my thread is good enough for Indian Air Force. Not a beep, or anything with substance. Perhaps an Indian Mob should gather and approach IAF HQ and bring out the responsible on the road. If this is too much to ask, why dont you receive your "hero" at wagah and ask him about his incompetence of getting shot down by Pakistanis, and allowing for 23 aircraft to escape (since allegedly you shot one). Also ask him the whereabouts of the all the other 07 air warriors who aided and abetted the Pakistani Air Force aircraft and allowed them to escape.

What face do you have today to say Jai Hind? You are an embarrassment to your country, and to all those that preceded you.
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They still can't accept the fact that Pakistan retaliated and not only that what they can't believe also is the "Cheeni maal" or the "Junk fighter" as they loved to call it shot down two of their fighters one possibly an SU 30. The shock is huge give them some time guys.
The title of my thread is good enough for Indian Air Force. Not a beep, or anything with substance. Perhaps an Indian Mob should gather and approach IAF HQ and bring out the responsible on the road. If this is too much to ask, why dont you receive your "hero" at wagah and ask him about his incompetence of getting shot down by Pakistanis, and allowing for 23 aircraft to escape (since allegedly you shot one). Also ask him the whereabouts of the all the other 07 air warriors who aided and abetted the Pakistani Air Force aircraft and allowed them to escape.

What face do you have today to say Jai Hind? You are an embarrassment to your country, and to all those that preceded you.


The entire world is laughing at their joke of Air Force. As it stands now

1) MiG-21
2) Su-30/MiG-29/Mirage-2000
4) 1 PoW

And warning bomb drops against 4 major Indian army bases in Indian side of Kashmir.

Meanwhile, this is all they have. Not only did they run away, the entire world now acknowledges they run away

As Pakistanis have always said, Indian military glory is built on fantasies and shame.

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