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Indian Air Force - A National Embarrassment

Pilots are not bargaining chips. He is useless. By returning him we have made the strategic gain. You have an elected government and they don't need to ask your permission for everything. Grow up.

I concur.
A serving pilot who was shot down and captured is disgrace enough.

A spy on the other hand is a bargaining chip, and we still have him.

The entire world is laughing at their joke of Air Force. As it stands now

1) MiG-21
2) Su-30/MiG-29/Mirage-2000
4) 1 PoW

And warning bomb drops against 4 major Indian army bases in Indian side of Kashmir.

Meanwhile, this is all they have. Not only did they run away, the entire world now acknowledges they run away

As Pakistanis have always said, Indian military glory is built on fantasies and shame.

Truth is coming out.

P.S. Not by us but the goras themselves to shame these Indians ;) Enjoy!
Sir their play book is already written and execution is underway. What they gained:

1. Establish a new norm of unilateral strikes without international condemnation. They are building a narrative. They have claimed to perform an action that is in violation of laws respecting sovereignty. Not giving proof and causing ridicule goes into their favor. Because next time if they attack with full operational support of US, people's minds will already have accepted this. They are gradually creating a new normal without international pressure.

2. On the other hand, our attempt self defence leads to immediate invocation of Geneva convention and morality. We are under a moral pressure while no one is even talking about our enemy.

I know of no self-respecting nation that so blindly refuses to take stock of its diplomatic failures.

Not worried about them trying to establish a new norm. They haven't and won't succeed. What is worrying is the unilateral attempts at peace by Pak (it's not just IK). Pak has no strategic culture. So basically agree with the 2nd part of your post.
Has anyone in India really reflected about what the media there has become?

I get TPR / ratings, etc., but this is something else entirely. It puts the Nazi propaganda machine to shame. Surely, there must be SOME other ways to get ratings, like an item number by Katrina Kaif...?

Not worried about them trying to establish a new norm. They haven't and won't succeed. What is worrying is the unilateral attempts at peace by Pak (it's not just IK). Pak has no strategic culture. So basically agree with the 2nd part of your post.

You again! Spot on, as always.

Though the "new normal" is slowly being implemented.

Case in point --- RAW support to Baloch terrorism. We lose paramilitary and civilian lives in various attacks. We don't do or say a thing. India is a pretty little angel.

Kashmiri resistance undertakes a similar attack and all hell breaks loose. Talk of war. Real/imagined strikes. Escalation. Nuclear war can happen quicker than we think.

Thoughts, sir?
Has anyone in India really reflected about what the media there has become?

I get TPR / ratings, etc., but this is something else entirely. It puts the Nazi propaganda machine to shame. Surely, there must be SOME other ways to get ratings, like an item number by Katrina Kaif...?

You again! Spot on, as always.

Though the "new normal" is slowly being implemented.

Case in point --- RAW support to Baloch terrorism. We lose paramilitary and civilian lives in various attacks. We don't do or say a thing. India is a pretty little angel.

Kashmiri resistance undertakes a similar attack and all hell breaks loose. Talk of war. Real/imagined strikes. Escalation. Nuclear war can happen quicker than we think.

Thoughts, sir?

That's not something new. It has already been implemented, and the fault is all Pak's. Pak gave that up a long time ago. Will take at least a decade before it changes its policy of being an inanimate punching bag.
That's not something new. It has already been implemented, and the fault is all Pak's. Pak gave that up a long time ago. Will take at least a decade before it changes its policy of being an inanimate punching bag.

Why a decade? It could be much long, if ever.

A decade assumes that we are taking visible steps to reverse this... which we are not!
The heli was 100% AAM kill. The hole in the tail establishes that. Moreover, locals said it broke in half before hitting the ground as quoted by even Indian media @Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) any thoughts?
Its possible and could be the second aircraft the PAF may be mistaking for, but since the IAF claims it is a technical error and we have two blips that went off our Combined picture of the area; there is one IAF jet who is unknown.
Why a decade? It could be much long, if ever.

A decade assumes that we are taking visible steps to reverse this... which we are not!
Was trying to be optimistic. But it will happen, because it needs to happen. There is a push back - however small - against the native informants in the midst. Their garbage, regardless of how good their english is, isn't being bought anymore. Those sponsoring said agents aren't getting the returns they'd hoped for and are questioning the need to invest in such useful idiots.

Outside events might nudge Pak to actually start caring - Taliban winning in Afg for example. They've cared more about terrorism in Pak from Afg than Pak itself.

Always good to talk to you. You on twitter?
Was trying to be optimistic. But it will happen, because it needs to happen. There is a push back - however small - against the native informants in the midst. Their garbage, regardless of how good their english is, isn't being bought anymore. Those sponsoring said agents aren't getting the returns they'd hoped for and are questioning the need to invest in such useful idiots.

Outside events might nudge Pak to actually start caring - Taliban winning in Afg for example. They've cared more about terrorism in Pak from Afg than Pak itself.

Always good to talk to you. You on twitter?

Just joined yesterday solely to follow Blue on Blue and Asfandyar Bhittani. Also involved with something I'd like to get in touch with you about. Let's connect on Twitter and take it from there. What's your handle?
Just joined yesterday solely to follow Blue on Blue and Asfandyar Bhittani. Also involved with something I'd like to get in touch with you about. Let's connect on Twitter and take it from there. What's your handle?
fezhatter. twitter for me was always meant to be about sports and useless shit, and then this happened.
Can anyone tell me why the IAF sent the Bison to confront the PAF fighters? This was a high alert high stakes situation and the supposed outcome of which was to boost Modi administration's chances in the upcoming elections. And, they banked on the Bison? When there was the great SU-30 MKI, MiG-29 UPG and newly upgraded Mirage-2000s???

I would appreciate it if someone can provide an in-sight.

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