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Indian Air Force - A National Embarrassment

The funny thing is if a F-16 actually was shot down the americans would be the first confirm it.

all PAF F-16 are tracked by USA.

further no real evidence provided by the indians.. if they claim F-16 was shot down then show us the radar lock.... heck even the saudi showed us evidence when they shot down 2 iraqi mirages during GW1

Indians are only fooling them selves

The Americans will definitely scream it out of their lungs since India is their main partner.

Weapons employed by PAF arent standoff in the strictest sense, so this operation was done well within Indian ADGE and their so called “impenetrable” SAM capabilities.

Amazing. Just amazing. That makes the military installation mission all the more impressive. PAF has delivered in the most iconic fashion.
The funny thing is if a F-16 actually was shot down the americans would be the first confirm it.

all PAF F-16 are tracked by USA.

further no real evidence provided by the indians.. if they claim F-16 was shot down then show us the radar lock.... heck even the saudi showed us evidence when they shot down 2 iraqi mirages during GW1

Indians are only fooling them selves
Nope. I was at a JF-17 squadron recently and spoke to the new OC who flew all F-16 versions and did a 2 year exchange tour at Turkey. He said most of that "tracking" is nonsense.

And I can vouch for that having worked on Vipers.
Those immature responses are no different, when they were asking Mujahid to resign after India claimed to conduct a surgical strike in Pakistan. IK's decision is a valuable one and has trumped everyone including international media and Indians. They are trying very hard to spin it. It is the right decision. We have no use of the pilot, and we have "pardoned" him to now further insult India that we are better than them. He goes back to tell his comrades how we was shot out of the skies, and their knees will be weak every time their controller gives them a vector for the western side. Rest assured, Pakistan is doing the right thing.

Sir there is a clear possibility that guy will go back and serve to dispense poisonous Indian propaganda. His release should have been officiated with a declaration of defeat by India. Do we have no self-respect?
Sir there is a clear possibility that guy will go back and serve to dispense poisonous Indian propaganda. His release should have been officiated with a declaration of defeat by India. Do we have no self-respect?

I don't agree. Imran Khan has taken the right decision, and has claimed the upper hand before Indians could spin this one. They have nothing to show but a spent rocket motor of AIM-120 Charlie 5, which is a reminder that we can and have struck deep inside inside across the LOC/LAC in the future. Further, the pilot is useless to us. He can eat all the maps and he has nothing to tell us that we don't already know. The "shot down" pilot is a reminder to them of their defeat, no matter how they spin it.
This post is intrusting read ,,,,,,,, heli is down some 100+km inside IOK,,,,,, but father of 2nd piolet want revenge from Pakistan...…… Strang and fishy……..

The heli was 100% AAM kill. The hole in the tail establishes that. Moreover, locals said it broke in half before hitting the ground as quoted by even Indian media @Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) any thoughts?


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If anyone wants to see an aspect that was missed -

@Bilal Khan 777 perhaps a quick comment on the difficulty of coordinating a 24 aircraft strike package from different airbases while navigating a hostile ADGE is missing.
If that is indeed the package size, it is indicative of skill.

You mean their radars weren't bleeping because of ESM? I thought PAF dominated the spectrum?

Today's Indian Tri-Service briefing highlights the utter failure of Indian Air Defences, and the sheer incompetency of the Indian Air Force. I write this brief based on what the Indian side is saying:

Time on Target, 1000 Hours:
- Twenty Four Pakistan Aircraft, F16s, Mirages, and JF17s enter Rajauri Sector in Indian Administered Occupied Jammu and Kashmir Area, with the intention to attack military targets.

- Indian Air Force responds by 08 aircraft, Mig-21 Bisons, Sun 30Mki, and upgrades Mirage 2000s.

- Indian Air Force Prevents PAF from engaging the ground targets, and all TWENTY FOUR Pakistani Aircraft Runaway.

- Indian Air Force gives chase, and shoots down ONE F-16. It falls in Pakistani Territory.

- In the ensuing air battle, ONE Mig-21 Bison is shot down and its pilot due to wind lands in Pakistan.

- One mangled piece/rocket motor of AIM-120 Charlie 5 Air to Air Missile is Shown to Public as Evidence.

- No Evidence is Shown on Balakot Attack, and all the other claims.

Points to be Considered
- Pakistan's Air Force undertakes the attack in Broad daylight, and with a forewarning.
- Pakistan successfully demonstrates Air and Land SOW and BVR capability without any interception.
- Pakistan successfully demonstrates its superior planning and execution skills.
- Pakistan further demonstrates its dominance on the air battle, network centricity, and on the complete EW spectrum.
- Pakistan sends 24 aircraft, and as per Indian Claims, and IAF claims to be able to shoot down only one, that too not over Indian Soil
- India fails to intercept, and allows to escape 23 enemy aircraft in a single air raid.
- Indian Aircraft are all top of the line, all BVR capable, all networked, all with CFDs, and all with latest MWS, Su30 with IRST, and all with AEW support.
- Pakistan claims to have shot down two aircraft. One wreckage on Pakistani side, another wreckage on Indian side.
- Successful rescue, arrest and medical treatment of Indian Pilot from Kashmiri mob, who, after years of Indian atrocities, make an attempt to take it out on the pilot.
- No talk from Indian side on the pilots of aircraft wreckage on Indian side, they claim to be technical on Indian side.
- Alleged successful usage of JF17, F16 etc against the most modern aircraft of IAF
- Missing wreckage of alleged F16, with no public posting, despite social media being rampant on Pakistani side of J&K where allegedly the F16 fell.

Indian Air Force has proved to be an embarrassment to their country, and to fighter pilots everywhere. They need to really reconsider what they are doing, and not fly any further till they rethink their involvement in becoming an election tool for the BJP party. If they want to continue to put up this kind of show and further embarrass themselves and their entire country, they don't deserve to wear fighter wings. If they are really the best of what India can produce, Pakistan has nothing to fear.

Maybe the Indian ACM, AOC for the Sector, and Deputy CAS Ops call it a day.
If God forbids, Pak invades, they will be able to occupy all of India in 2 months.
Barely anything works here.
At least your chai is good. So occupation won't be bad.
If God forbids, Pak invades, they will be able to occupy all of India in 2 months.
Barely anything works here.
At least your chai is good. So occupation won't be bad.

Thank you for the sarcasm. It surely didn't work in this situation. Pakistan has no desire to invade or occupy India. However, the right wing in power of the Indian State openly talks about destroying us. I hope some rational sense will prevail and your leadership will back down. If you are unable or unwilling, keep it coming. Not all pilots survive ejection to have tea with a swollen face.
Thank you for the sarcasm. It surely didn't work in this situation. Pakistan has no desire to invade or occupy India. However, the right wing in power of the Indian State openly talks about destroying us. I hope some rational sense will prevail and your leadership will back down. If you are unable or unwilling, keep it coming. Not all pilots survive ejection to have tea with a swollen face.
Can you please give an overview of downing of Mi-17 , if it was shot as a hole was discovered in its tail.
Thank you
Thank you for the sarcasm. It surely didn't work in this situation. Pakistan has no desire to invade or occupy India. However, the right wing in power of the Indian State openly talks about destroying us. I hope some rational sense will prevail and your leadership will back down. If you are unable or unwilling, keep it coming. Not all pilots survive ejection to have tea with a swollen face.
No sarcasm. Compare the casualty list of two countries over the past month and see.

other day I asked you about your hold on PDF bosses but I am still waiting for reply.

if you do not have a hold over them and they are Pakistanis as they claim, why are they tolerating a confirmed Hindu sainik on here?

@M. Sarmad
The funny thing is if a F-16 actually was shot down the americans would be the first confirm it.

all PAF F-16 are tracked by USA.

further no real evidence provided by the indians.. if they claim F-16 was shot down then show us the radar lock.... heck even the saudi showed us evidence when they shot down 2 iraqi mirages during GW1

Indians are only fooling them selves
Then why didn't america tell the whole world that it is a lie, until and unless america dosent say anything or pakistan shows the world that second pilot which was in hospital is indian, indian media can be true.
Further ur owndgisp whatever told to media 2 pilots within custody and then no news of second pilot why even if he is dead his uniform or any documents are good enough evidence to embarrass indians.

Truth is india lost mig29 and mig21
Pak lost f16
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