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India won’t let anyone never, never, ever threaten Israel’s right to exist : President Rivlin

Actually they CAN stop it if they want to.. They can introduce “one-child" or “two-child" policy like China. Or they can strip the Israeli Arabs off their citizenship like the Bangladeshis have done to Biharis or the Burmese have done to Rohingyas... But They don't.. Israelis value democratic ethos and consider all their citizenry equal irrespective of religion. That decimates the whole “intolerant Zionist genocidal maniacs" narrative that many Arabs and pseudo-Arabs like to portray...

They cant

If they declare a one child policy they must do it for jews too (defeats the purpose) or declare themselves as a true apartheid state opening challenges across the world

They also cant enforce a one child policy upon Palestinians so doing it ONLY in israel where jews and Muslims have only one child is doubly counterproductive if the Palestinian population around is allowed to grow

They can strip the arabs of citizenship but even with the advantages the U.S.A gives them they are not immune to regional conflict, international isolation, BDS and a growing arab population who has no love forcits occupier
Those who respected muslims/palestinians are long dead, like Gandhi who sympathized with the muslims and stood for Khilafat. India is now a land of Shiv Sena, RSS and VHP even though RSS man killed Gandhi. I am from a place called Lucknow and I know the phobia and hatred Indians have for muslims. Pakistan may not have stood for the muslims of Palestine as aggressively as Iran but it has for the subcontinents muslims or for Kashmir which Iran does not give much attention to compared to Palestine issue.
Keep your BS aside, I am from Bhopal , a city with substantial muslim population and history. But there is no phobia or any bias against Muslim. You are a Pakistani you don't need to talk about India
That's why Iran has warm relationship with India.

Certainly India (as a non-Muslim country) is more pro Palestinian than all PGCC traitor regimes... :disagree:
Ask the Pakistani who's asking you about Kashmiri Muslims, why Pakistan is willing to sell fighter jets to Myanmar where ethnic Rohingya Muslims are persecuted and thrown out, why Pakistan is in bed with China where Muslims are not allowed to keep Ramadan fast, ethnic Uighur Muslim separatists are brutally killed.....
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that's why islamic prophecies are that india will be defeated before israel.

That prophecy may not be far. But most muslims today do not understand "how" it will be done. These mass conversions of the Hindus will only occur because of the extreme respect the mehdi and his underlings under command of Allah will provide to these Hindus. No one will be forcibly converted and everyone will be equal under the law. The secular system, tolerance and respect will win us the conversion of the Hindus, not the sword and unending brutality like that of ISIS/Taliban.

I am sorry. But there is no Muslim nation other than Turkey and Indonesia who are inherently secular. A few years back Egypt also would have made the list. No Islamic country have ever become an example or an method for other country to be followed, sadly.
Mom i am not eating Broccoli ever ever ever ever ever ever again, never never ever ever ever ever ........
sounds like how kids talk?? you are wrong!!
I am sorry. But there is no Muslim nation other than Turkey and Indonesia who are inherently secular. A few years back Egypt also would have made the list. No Islamic country have ever become an example or an method for other country to be followed, sadly.
That does not mean it will never be the case. Secularism is the best system for any country or any people and people can alter the system specifically for their needs.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has predicted that one day India will be conquered by Mujahideens and all idol-worshippers will be destroyed. Those who will participate in this bloody war will go straight to Heaven.

That is is so F&&** up ..even to read in today's world. I have no hope now
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