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India will lose 'special privileges' if it buys crude from Saudi Arabia, U.S.: Iranian diplomat


Sep 24, 2016
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Iran will end “special privileges” for India if New Delhi tried to replace Iranian crude with supplies from Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States, said a senior Iranian diplomat in New Delhi on July 10.

Speaking at an event organised by the All India Minorities Front at the Parliament annexe, Massoud Rezvanian Rahaghi said that Iran had tried to help India whenever possible on strategic issues like energy and connectivity, but argued that India’s investment promises in the port of Chabahar have not been delivered.

“In previous round of U.S. sanctions between 2012 to 2015, Iran did its best to ensure security of oil supply to India. ...However, if India were to replace Iran with countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, U.S. and others for the 10% of its oil demand then it may have to revert to dollar-denominated imports which mean higher CAD and deprivation of all other privileges Iran has offered to India,” Mr. Rahaghi said.

The Iranian response comes days after India was asked by the Donald Trump administration to drastically cut down crude supply from Iran. India has not spelt out how it would address the concerns of the U.S. government. The Ministry of External Affairs has maintained that Delhi would consult “all stakeholders” in ensuring energy security.

The Iranian official said that Iran remained an open market for Indian requirements like petroleum, , urea and LNG and Iran understood India’s energy requirements.

I am really interested in knowing what are the "special privileges" Iranians granted to Indians?

Anyone can enlighten me?
Only the beginning. Every letter and word I have predicted regarding Indian backstabbing and appeasment is coming to fruition. For too long has India played all sides. You can't have it both ways.
The Days Of Voting Against Iran At UN For US Goodwill And Still Getting Concessions From Iran Over

The world is witnessing the real face of Banya and everyone is in shock (except Pakistan) how cunning nature they Indians have. Months before they saying Israel Israel and then Israel irked in UN when India voted against US & Israel.
Another failure of Modis foerign policy :lol:

one thing is very clear in 2018 no one is accepting India as playing both sides of the table, either you are on Americas team(Israel, KSA, EU) or you are on Russias side (iran, turkey, qatar)

snake charmers are being warned your double policy wont work anymore.
Good news for India as Iran now accepted it so weak that it cannot even cancel chabahar port as a retaliation or apply diplomatic retaliations on India, but merely change from rupee trade to dollar trade which be worse go Iran than India.

Nope Iranian official only mentioned, one option: Change to USD trade as from rupee for Iran. No other options were mentioned.

Meanwhile Pakistani banks and finance ministry are o scared of U.S. sanctions they have not even managed to set up can alternate payments system unlike India:

Trade was conducted through alternative payment mechanisms of limited scope, such as cash and to a certain extent through barter.
@Areesh @Windjammer @naveedullahkhankhattak do you guys recognize this gentleman?
Iran doesn't have an alternate buyer.India and China are the biggest consumers in Asia and biggest growing demand sources,if they don't want us to buy its their loss.We can make up from other sources.I don't think that will happen though,we have a good relationship with them but we must also take into account issue of sanctions on our oil companies.Iran should not make comments that they don't have leverage on,i don't say this as a slight to iranian nation but simply appraisal of current geopolitics.Before making demands you have to see how strong your hand is,iran simply can't compete with USA iin economic influence,so placing themselves on the same level as USA before other countries is unrealistic and foolish and only exist in the mind of iranian govt.

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