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India to order rafale F4 in 2022 after 36 F3 deiivered

SU 30MKI proved its worth when providing air cover to Mirage 2000s on 26th feb no Paf fighter despite on high alert ventured near Indian Air strike package all thanks to Su30MKIs.
On 27th Feb IAF despite being outnumbered challanged Paf strike package where was the Paf on 26th feb despite being on full alert.
India crossed LOC on 26th no Paf fighter came to chase when Pakistan tried IAF gave challange and F16 retreated well with in thr borders by the time Iaf send MKIs to match the numbers.
And why do you forget whole Pakistani airspace was close for next 4 months this was the panic level in Pakistan.
And this chai chai routine is getting old now boring.
We know you Indians get all excited to be on the PDF.....well at least it gives you a voice compared to your own echo chambers. Let me put a lid on it by quoting your own PM.

If India had Rafale jets, recent outcomes would have been different: PM Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the entire nation is saying that if India had Rafale jets today, the outcome of the recent incidents would have been something different.
SU 30MKI proved its worth when providing air cover to Mirage 2000s on 26th feb no Paf fighter despite on high alert ventured near Indian Air strike package all thanks to Su30MKIs.
On 27th Feb IAF despite being outnumbered challanged Paf strike package where was the Paf on 26th feb despite being on full alert.
India crossed LOC on 26th no Paf fighter came to chase when Pakistan tried IAF gave challange and F16 retreated well with in thr borders by the time Iaf send MKIs to match the numbers.
And why do you forget whole Pakistani airspace was close for next 4 months this was the panic level in Pakistan.
And this chai chai routine is getting old now boring.

What is boring is a false narrative you and Indian twitter/media have created around the events of that day to hide a total disaster for India. No indpendant observer (even pro Indian fanatatics like C Fair) beleive the Indian accounts.

What the world has universally accepted is

1) IAF missed targets
2) IAF lost two aircraft
3) PAF hit back.

Stick to facts, not what you want to believe your SU-30s may or may not of done. Time for Indians using hearsay and fake news to replace facts is over, even pro Indian US media fed up of it now, so imagine how tired we are on this forum....
Awww..., what's the matter, did my post hurt your feelings :rolleyes1: ?

Just yesterday it was revealed that we've bought 10 Sea King Choppers from Qatar & delivery already started last month before the news broke out this month (August).

IAF may be buying new jets, but it isn't fast enough to replace the ones that are already dead on the tarmac.

You seem to have a lot of confidence in your Air Force, even though they haven't truly perform at anything other than being mediocre. Having shiny new toys in numbers won't win you d!ck.

Hope the next time PAF-IAF tango, you guys will have the balls to send your new Bhagwaan. So we can put that on the shelf next to its predecessor - Su-30MKi.
Try your best in trolling , it's where posters like you thrive, and sea king are almost obsolete helis . Good luck with them .
Try your best in trolling , it's where posters like you thrive, and sea king are almost obsolete helis . Good luck with them .

IN still uses these "almost obsolete" helis and has no immediate replacement. Chetaks and Cheetahs ae still being used in Siachin and onboard IN vessels.

Druvs are falling out the sky.

Have a reality check please.
We know you Indians get all excited to be on the PDF.....well at least it gives you a voice compared to your own echo chambers. Let me put a lid on it by quoting your own PM.

If India had Rafale jets, recent outcomes would have been different: PM Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the entire nation is saying that if India had Rafale jets today, the outcome of the recent incidents would have been something different.

The statement you guys keep on leaching is regarding Mig21 definately if there was Rafale piloted by Abhinandan there was no need to chase Paf F16 going inside Pakistan controlled territory.
Like I posted earlier reality is

IAF succesfully targetted Targets inside Pakistani mainland crossed LOC and despite high alert Paf fighters were no where to seen no challenge this is not signs of highly professional and trained airforce like you guys keep on posting man in machine.

Now see the stark difference despite being outnumbered Iaf planes gave chase to F16 strike packages inside pakistani controlled territory. A Mig21 down is no loss for India.
And regarding POW he was sent back next day and Pakistan closed its airspace for next 4 month in panic of Iaf.
This is cold hard logic no opinions no man machine equation just logic.
The statement you guys keep on leaching is regarding Mig21 definately if there was Rafale piloted by Abhinandan there was no need to chase Paf F16 going inside Pakistan controlled territory.
Like I posted earlier reality is

IAF succesfully targetted Targets inside Pakistani mainland crossed LOC and despite high alert Paf fighters were no where to seen no challenge this is not signs of highly professional and trained airforce like you guys keep on posting man in machine.

Now see the stark difference despite being outnumbered Iaf planes gave chase to F16 strike packages inside pakistani controlled territory. A Mig21 down is no loss for India.
And regarding POW he was sent back next day and Pakistan closed its airspace for next 4 month in panic of Iaf.
This is cold hard logic no opinions no man machine equation just logic.

Beleive what you want dude, no one outside of India or on here does
Try your best in trolling , it's where posters like you thrive.
It is my understanding trolling is where Nations like yours thrive. We're just naturally gifted at Trash Talking.
and sea king are almost obsolete helis . Good luck with them .
My good man, before you make a comment on something - you outta make certain that your own words don't come & bite you in the @ss.

If Sea Kings are obsolete, then what're MiG-29's

India moves ahead to procure more MiG-29s
"For starters, the RFP (request for proposal) for the 21 MiG-29 fighters, whose bare airframes are lying in a mothballed condition in Russia since the later-1980s, will soon be issued to Russian state-run defence export arm Rosoboronexport, said defence sources on Sunday."

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The statement you guys keep on leaching is regarding Mig21 definately if there was Rafale piloted by Abhinandan there was no need to chase Paf F16 going inside Pakistan controlled territory.
Like I posted earlier reality is

IAF succesfully targetted Targets inside Pakistani mainland crossed LOC and despite high alert Paf fighters were no where to seen no challenge this is not signs of highly professional and trained airforce like you guys keep on posting man in machine.

Now see the stark difference despite being outnumbered Iaf planes gave chase to F16 strike packages inside pakistani controlled territory. A Mig21 down is no loss for India.
And regarding POW he was sent back next day and Pakistan closed its airspace for next 4 month in panic of Iaf.
This is cold hard logic no opinions no man machine equation just logic.
What happened to the MI 17 helicopter? Panic is when you start shooting your own aircrafts in fear of PAF.

When Mig 21 "chased" the "F16 strike packages" what were the "Mahan" SU30MKI doing? Belly dancing on the ground? Or running away with tail between the legs?
Mi17 unfortunately farticide seems like Mi17 didnt switch on its IFF system sad incident we lost many young jawans.
Regarding Su30MKI it was simply a case of numerical superiority still the 2 MKIs dodged multiple AAMs and stayed in theatre now
Tell me what happened on 26th Feb do analyze why no challenge despite 12 IAF fighters crossed into LOC?


Still no evidence the news on the title of this thread is real, and now Indians engaging in Bollywood fantasies....
IN still uses these "almost obsolete" helis and has no immediate replacement. Chetaks and Cheetahs ae still being used in Siachin and onboard IN vessels.

Druvs are falling out the sky.

Have a reality check please.
All helis have accident failure in their operational life .

Chetak and cheetah are being replaced by nuh , deal will be signed soon .

And we are replacing our sea kings with mh 60r .

And nobody here came chest thumping on using sea kings , except the memeber i quoted .

Have your reality check first
guy guys,guys

the thread had about the second batch of Rafale fighters . .
A rolls Royce of a entry in this world
it's not about 2019
what happened too a ancient mig 21 by a 30.year old legacy f16 is irrelevant
the new decade is heralding
reaper combat drones,
more p8 Poseidon
mr60 helicopters
more Barak 8 sam

thus far pak has responded by
we are getting 30 block 3 thunders soon
I repeat 30 soon

Still no evidence the news on the title of this thread is real, and now Indians engaging in Bollywood fantasies....

Come on this is defense forum what else you want ppl to discuss this is how you keep traffic on a defense forum.
It is my understanding trolling is where Nations like yours thrive. We're just naturally gifted at Trash Talking.

My good man, before you make a comment on something - you outta make certain that your own words don't come & bite you in the @ss.

If Sea Kings are obsolete, then what're MiG-29's

India moves ahead to procure more MiG-29s
"For starters, the RFP (request for proposal) for the 21 MiG-29 fighters, whose bare airframes are lying in a mothballed condition in Russia since the later-1980s, will soon be issued to Russian state-run defence export arm Rosoboronexport, said defence sources on Sunday."

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No offense but mig 29 will be upgraded to upg standard , and yours are not , sea king are old now , get yourself checked .

Maybe ,you are a old worker of sea king production line , time is taking a toll on you here
All helis have accident failure in their operational life .

Chetak and cheetah are being replaced by nuh , deal will be signed soon .

And we are replacing our sea kings with mh 60r .

And nobody here came chest thumping on using sea kings , except the memeber i quoted .

Have your reality check first

Not very bright are you?

MH60s are not replacing Sea Kings in many roles (simply not enough),

Deal is always "being signed soon" but latest reality is often Indian pilots (and their wives) are begging not to fly in Chetaks/Cheetahs.

Come on this is defense forum what else you want ppl to discuss this is how you keep traffic on a defense forum.

Not by more and more fake news.
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