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India to order rafale F4 in 2022 after 36 F3 deiivered

Please, you guys are afraid of your own Shadow.

Bragging about new toys is all great when they're being paraded around on National Events.

Too bad, you guys haven't had much luck there either...


The crowd flees as a Mirage 2000 fighter plane explodes in a fireball at the Indian Air Force Day parade in New Delhi in 1989. The fighter crashed after finishing a final fly-by during the parade marking the air force’s 57th anniversary. The pilot died.

Tell me, what do you do for an encore?!!
As an Air Force, you haven't achieved anything worthy of being even be brought up in a conversation. Forget which side won or lost (a) War. Which Air Force came out on top (each time) counts.

Heard you guys acquired an ex-PAF F-86, which was left behind & later operated by BAF. That must have been a proud moment for you all & perhaps the ONLY high point in IAF's...er...distinguished History. Buying a jet on eBay & showing it off as a War Trophy. I swear, if that wasn't sad - i'd be pathetic.


Q. Why is it that on 27th Feb., 2019 - 02 of your Mirage 2000's (both) retreated with the excuse of 'trouble with radar'?

Convenient isn't it that both their Radars went 'kaput' at the same time when the PAF were approaching.

Should we credit that to Maintenance f-up on 02 jets? That probably equals to the 2nd f-up by the Battery Commander who shot down the Mi-17.

What an Air Force!!!

Ask the paf f 16 pilot , how sometimes things go wrong , he might explain you better , oh sorry ,he is dead .

I think we should stop now. These multi id rats have the iq of an ant and it always ended up being the same beaten to death debate. I am out
Can't stay on topic , can't have a good argument , so start this bullshit , good job mate
Thread is on rafale order ,you move your *** out please .

Wait for iaf to declassify files , they might do it after a period of time , or better let some JeM terrorist make the statement , that's what you will believe .. till them live in fantasy land , and stay on topic
IAF will only declassify the number of dhotis were soiled on 27th Feb. If a country doesnt DECLASSIFY something even after all of the embarrassment India had to face, then they have nothing to DECLASSIFY.

And this is a Pakistani forum. Take you smelly dhoti to an indian forum Mr. Multi ID Rat. What was your other id? Tejas spokesman or some sh*t?
every time I try and bring some new development news be it pending orders contracts etc the Pakistanis destroy the thread with poverty or 27th fen 2019 we shot down a mig21 .

how is this relevant to more rafales Coming or arrival.of 400k..range air umbrella of s400 ballistic missles air defense.

we are buying usa Maritime planes drones new mr60 helos and more still.to come worth billions from.france usa Israel.and Russia..

all.the guy yasser keeps steaming about but but but your using cheteks.

horses get a grip.

you will.be spinning the 27th feb 2019 in 2036 when Amca mark2 arrives,and the 20th nuclear submarine arihant next generation enters sea trials
Ask the paf f 16 pilot , how sometimes things go wrong , he might explain you better , oh sorry ,he is dead .

Can't stay on topic , can't have a good argument , so start this bullshit , good job mate
Topic? Imaginary jet planes or imaginary bombs?
IAF will only declassify the number of dhotis were soiled on 27th Feb. If a country doesnt DECLASSIFY something even after all of the embarrassment India had to face, then they have nothing to DECLASSIFY.

And this is a Pakistani forum. Take you smelly dhoti to an indian forum Mr. Multi ID Rat. What was your other id? Tejas spokesman or some sh*t?
Yup brahmos fear is real and let that sink in 😉.

And this is my first id , I wanted a calm and peaceful stay but you are here trying to flame bait here .

I was on indian forum , had some pakistani memebers too there , but they were quite specific to topic , even this forum was quite good some years back , now it's just fanboys here . I should have made id earlier instead of lurking for so long .
Topic - possible rafale purchase (which both sides of contract are willing to undertake , not j 10 c which are under invisibility Cloak , so you move yourself to your safe zone please , it's a humble request
Topic? Imaginary jet planes or imaginary bombs?
Yup brahmos fear is real and let that sink in 😉.

And this is my first id , I wanted a calm and peaceful stay but you are here trying to flame bait here .

I was on indian forum , had some pakistani memebers too there , but they were quite specific to topic , even this forum was quite good some years back , now it's just fanboys here . I should have made id earlier instead of lurking for so long .
Topic - possible rafale purchase (which both sides of contract are willing to undertake , not j 10 c which are under invisibility Cloak , so you move yourself to your safe zone please , it's a humble request
How is brahmos relevant and why the hell should we fear it? You have gone completely mental it seems.

Why dont you move back to your indian forum instead of a flame baiting contest? You will feel right at home. You can talk to the people who will be imagining the same things as yourself.
You know we had this fiasco when s400.was ordered...... usa will ban you . They apply sanctions. you will.get no usa support.etc etc etc..

guess what s400 arrives in November
usa engines arriving in hundreds
usa drones arriving when deals are signed
not a,sanction in sight

when Rafale deal was signed
it's useless
you got raped
it's taking too long
China has this and that
guess what 26 of the 36 delivered 10.more in 6 months
new deal pending approval.
you heard it first maverick
How is brahmos relevant and why the hell should we fear it? You have gone completely mental it seems.

Why dont you move back to your indian forum instead of a flame baiting contest? You will feel right at home. You can talk to the people who will be imagining the same things as yourself.
You brought 27 feb here ,i brought the possibility of brahmos salvo on critical infra here , off topic post was answered in the manner it deserve , and btw , this is my only active forum , i left Indian forum years ago
You brought 27 feb here ,i brought the possibility of brahmos salvo on critical infra here , off topic post was answered in the manner it deserve , and btw , this is my only active forum , i left Indian forum years ago
Mate if your brahmos is anything like your spice bombs... I actually fear for my trees. Lets just end it here. Enjoy your Rafale
The crowd flees as a Mirage 2000 fighter plane explodes in a fireball at the Indian Air Force Day parade in New Delhi in 1989. The fighter crashed after finishing a final fly-by during the parade marking the air force’s 57th anniversary. The pilot died.

Tell me, what do you do for an encore?!!
Even your F-16 crashed at Islamabad parade rehearsal mate.

Q. Why is it that on 27th Feb., 2019 - 02 of your Mirage 2000's (both) retreated with the excuse of 'trouble with radar'?
Who said so?
Should we credit that to Maintenance f-up on 02 jets? That probably equals to the 2nd f-up by the Battery Commander who shot down the Mi-17.

What an Air Force!!!
PNS Zulfiqar, F-16 85720 and the F-6 say hello.
Keep repeating it , one day you will be able to quench you ego .

Untouchable 😂😂😂 still watching those old drama or sensational news , untouchability is a taboo nowadays , most people have moved on , intercaste marriage are going too fast .

And indian women prefer non indian men 😂😂 , say that to many guys here , many of my friends went to west for higher studies and have foreigner wives , they usually prefer indian mens in South asia , pakistani usually name their restaurant as indian food restaurant , such is the condition of you chest thumping idiots ,sane pakistani are quite normal people who ignore guys like you , met a few in Nashville during my stay
Looooool oh the Indian tamasha continues.

I am glad you ate in your bubble...I hope you have a cold bottle of the golden juice with your bs
Looooool oh the Indian tamasha continues.

I am glad you ate in your bubble...I hope you have a cold bottle of the golden juice with your bs
You mean jham jham (camel urine ) ??

And stop irrelevant post now , or if you can't bear a simple thought that india MAY buy more rafale gives you so much problem ,then ignore the thread
You mean jham jham (camel urine ) ??

And stop irrelevant post now , or if you can't bear a simple thought that india MAY buy more rafale gives you so much problem ,then ignore the thread
U want camel urine...for us it's a egging disgusting idea let alone drink animal pee. You have the pee and poo facilitation enjoy.

Rafaels have had coconuts broken on it and that's your new worship metal. But know this that India has always had better weapons etc....and Pakistan is still free and taken by force from India.
Sleep on that
Ask the paf f 16 pilot , how sometimes things go wrong , he might explain you better , oh sorry ,he is dead .
Even your F-16 crashed at Islamabad parade rehearsal mate.
Yes he is, but atleast he was able to recover from a nose-dive. He also had the chance to bail out, but chose to stay in the cockpit to avoid any fatalities.
PNS Zulfiqar, F-16 85720 and the F-6 say hello.
Is that all you've got?

Care to exchange notes on your f-ups in the past 2-decades... 2019 would put anyone to shame.

Here, is one of my earlier posts. Enjoy reading 'The Blacklist'.
*I believe Guinness World Records want to give you an award for Most Crashes in Calendar Year (2019) - during Peace Times.

28 January: Jaguar crashed shortly after takeoff in Uttar Pradesh.

01 February: A Mirage 2000 crashed while on an acceptance sortie after being upgraded by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) killing both Pilots.

12 February: A MiG-27 crashed at the Pokhran firing range.

19 February: Two Hawk aircraft of Surya Kiran aerobatic team crashed after hitting each other mid-air during a rehearsal for the AeroIndia Show. One of the pilots was killed in the accident.

27 February: Pakistan shot down one MiG-21 Bison during an aerial fight after India violated the airspace.

27 February: a Mi-17 chopper was also downed in Budgam District in Indian Occupied Kashmir killing all six on board.

08 March: A MiG-21 (Bison) crashed near Bikaner, western Rajasthan, due to a Bird strike, the pilot ejected safely.

31 March: A MiG-27 (UPG) crashed in Sirohi, Rajasthan, the pilot ejected safely.

03 June: An-32 crashed in Arunachal Pradesh. All 13 declared dead.

08 August: Su-30Mki crash in Tezpur. Both pilots ejected safely.

16 November: MiG-29K crashed in Goa soon after it took off for a training mission. Both the pilots managed to eject safely from the aircraft.

Note: Look, I didn't even mention any Su-30MKi being shot down 'cause clearly it seems you guys were doing a bang of a job on your own.

Q. Is there any type of a/c in your inventory that you didn't crash that year? Too bad the C-17 Globemaster III dodged that bullet.

you got raped
What is it about that word that your people are so infatuated/obsessed with it.
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