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India to order rafale F4 in 2022 after 36 F3 deiivered

If this is true than its good for India.

But the poster is known Troll and usually posts sensational news.
It is unlikely for IAF to go with additional Rafales. While IAF definitely wants it, the economic slowdown will hinder any major approvals...particularly something as big as a Rafale tender costing in excess of $7bn

Such news are usually from paid media outlets...post MMRCA 1.0, there were articles on a weekly basis favoring F-16, Gripen, Mig-35 and heck even the EFT despite India looking for a single engine jet for MMRCA 2.0
News,is breaking all.over indian defense circles,that Acm bhaduria has approached mod to start process of ordering the F4 Rafale in next 3 to 6 months .

26 of the first 36 rafales have arrived in India
the remaining 10 will be delivered by January 2022

The articles,below predict likely contracts in 2022 with delivery starting 2024 to 2025

Waiting for French Prez election I suppose.
Anyway there are also report GOI facing financial crunch so there is 50:50 chance we might or not see the order by 2022.
More dependence on financial situation than anything else.
New MRFA contest will be done for when IAF will see prototype of Tejas MK2 by next year.

By 2025 IAF will still be in dire needs for new fighters even if 2nd batch of Rafale arrives.
Plaaf is rapidly deploying fighters in numbers in their western occupied regions.

Rafale 72
Su30 MKI 272 hopefully some MLU comes online
M2k Upg 47
MIG29 upg 65+21(this again might get nod)
Tejas MK1 40
Tejas MK1A 10-12 might get built by 2025 end
Jaguars 90-100 rest will be decommisioned I suppose

Around 500 4th Gen fighters against 300 from PAF assuming they also purchase 40-50 j10s + 150+ jf17 + 85 F16
Again not an ideal scenario when IAF will likely be facing 300-400 Plaaf fighters deployed on Eastern front.

IAF might still push for additional foreign fighters again more Rafale I suppose to even the odds. Ultimately taking Rafale numbers over 100 well it will depend all on Financial Situation which is not looking very bright for now.
...eh we felt the absence of beauties on the 27th of Feb, 2019*.

Where were your last beauties (Su-30MKi) on that fateful day?

Tucked & locked in their hangers in broad daylite...

Look, there is no doubt that the Rafale is a decent 4th Gen, possibly even a 4.5th Gen Fighter Jet - but please don't turn it into another one of your Bhagwaans. The IAF's track record is not worth boasting about in any international forum. Especially if you're going to discuss our track record(s) against one another in all Wars/Battles. This isn't View attachment 766915 where where everyone thinks that they're He-Man.

*I believe Guinness World Records want to give you an award for Most Crashes in Calendar Year (2019) - during Peace Times.

28 January: Jaguar crashed shortly after takeoff in Uttar Pradesh.

01 February: A Mirage 2000 crashed while on an acceptance sortie after being upgraded by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) killing both Pilots.

12 February: A MiG-27 crashed at the Pokhran firing range.

19 February: Two Hawk aircraft of Surya Kiran aerobatic team crashed after hitting each other mid-air during a rehearsal for the AeroIndia Show. One of the pilots was killed in the accident.

27 February: Pakistan shot down one MiG-21 Bison during an aerial fight after India violated the airspace.

27 February: a Mi-17 chopper was also downed in Budgam District in Indian Occupied Kashmir killing all six on board.

08 March: A MiG-21 (Bison) crashed near Bikaner, western Rajasthan, due to a Bird strike, the pilot ejected safely.

31 March: A MiG-27 (UPG) crashed in Sirohi, Rajasthan, the pilot ejected safely.

03 June: An-32 crashed in Arunachal Pradesh. All 13 declared dead.

08 August: Su-30Mki crash in Tezpur. Both pilots ejected safely.

16 November: MiG-29K crashed in Goa soon after it took off for a training mission. Both the pilots managed to eject safely from the aircraft.

Note: Look, I didn't even mention any Su-30MKi being shot down 'cause clearly it seems you guys were doing a bang of a job on your own.

Q. Is there any type of a/c in your inventory that you didn't crash that year? Too bad the C-17 Globemaster III dodged that bullet.

If pakistan can't buy anything that it's your sad state of affairs , don't show your butt hurt here .

Calling names and all is the strong hold of pakistani memebers , cause new fighter for paf doctrine to aa nahi rha 😂
It is unlikely for IAF to go with additional Rafales. While IAF definitely wants it, the economic slowdown will hinder any major approvals...particularly something as big as a Rafale tender costing in excess of $7bn

Such news are usually from paid media outlets...post MMRCA 1.0, there were articles on a weekly basis favoring F-16, Gripen, Mig-35 and heck even the EFT despite India looking for a single engine jet for MMRCA 2.0

NO, it is most possible that India will go for another batch of Rafale.

India did and do the same with almost all arm deals with foreign partners. India should go with Additional Rafale because it will cost less than any other because required logistic support costs will not be added.

And, it should be the last imported 4.5 gen fighter and the focus should be on HAL Tejas Mk1a and Mk2.

I do also support for a small batch of 5 gen fighters from Russia or US to fill the gaps because Still AMCA is 10 years away.
NO, it is most possible that India will go for another batch of Rafale.

India did and do the same with almost all arm deals with foreign partners. India should go with Additional Rafale because it will cost less than any other because required logistic support costs will not be added.

And, it should be the last imported 4.5 gen fighter and the focus should be on HAL Tejas Mk1a and Mk2.

I do also support for a small batch of 5 gen fighters from Russia or US to fill the gaps because Still AMCA is 10 years away.

Foreign 5th Gen will be too costly and might put a break on AMCA development I can very well understand the delays might leave us no choice though.
Fingers crossed for AMCA if prototype can be rolled out by 2025 will say we are on track.
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India did and do the same with almost all arm deals with foreign partners. India should go with Additional Rafale because it will cost less than any other because required logistic support costs will not be added.
Name a few arms deals on the scale//budget of Rafales where India has gone for additional orders after placing an initial one!! We mostly have a history of cancelling orders in the pipeline or place emergency orders. Even small scale systems like M777 or K9 Vajra which IA has an urgent need for did not get any additional orders

The only recent case was Sig-716s which is also a dumb decision since we ordered 72k rifles in 3 different tranches. We could've license manufactured those 216k rifles for a relatively cheaper price and the private Indian firm would've also gained some expertise

And, it should be the last imported 4.5 gen fighter and the focus should be on HAL Tejas Mk1a and Mk2.
Rafale is a Twin engine fighter with much more advanced avionics, EW and weapons suite over Mk-1A/2 which are also single engined. The aircrafts which they individually replace are also different

I do also support for a small batch of 5 gen fighters from Russia or US to fill the gaps because Still AMCA is 10 years away.
Su-57 is getting a lot of negative rep, not to mention the Ruskies themselves ordered these in limited numbers for namesake. 5th gen is more about sensor fusion, stealth and the ability to effectively communicate and use multiple platforms ...I doubt the Russians have enough funds to develop something that matches western tech. To top it off, importing a 5th gen fighter would effectively eat up AMCA's funds
Name a few arms deals on the scale//budget of Rafales where India has gone for additional orders after placing an initial one!! We mostly have a history of cancelling orders in the pipeline or place emergency orders. Even small scale systems like M777 or K9 Vajra which IA has an urgent need for did not get any additional orders

The only recent case was Sig-716s which is also a dumb decision since we ordered 72k rifles in 3 different tranches. We could've license manufactured those 216k rifles for a relatively cheaper price and the private Indian firm would've also gained some expertise

Rafale is a Twin engine fighter with much more advanced avionics, EW and weapons suite over Mk-1A/2 which are also single engined. The aircrafts which they individually replace are also different

Su-57 is getting a lot of negative rep, not to mention the Ruskies themselves ordered these in limited numbers for namesake. 5th gen is more about sensor fusion, stealth and the ability to effectively communicate and use multiple platforms ...I doubt the Russians have enough funds to develop something that matches western tech. To top it off, importing a 5th gen fighter would effectively eat up AMCA's funds

Name a few arms deals on the scale//budget of Rafales where India has gone for additional orders after placing an initial one!! We mostly have a history of cancelling orders in the pipeline or place emergency orders. Even small scale systems like M777 or K9 Vajra which IA has an urgent need for did not get any additional orders

=> i was refererring to P -8I, Su 30 MKI ETC.

The only recent case was Sig-716s which is also a dumb decision since we ordered 72k rifles in 3 different tranches. We could've license manufactured those 216k rifles for a relatively cheaper price and the private Indian firm would've also gained some expertise.

=> Yes, completely agreed with your valid points.

Rafale is a Twin-engine fighter with much more advanced avionics, EW and weapons suite over Mk-1A/2 which are also single engined. The aircraft which they individually replace are also different

=>Rafale is medium weight and for me, it does not matter the single-engine or double. if both are having similar capabilities.

u-57 is getting a lot of negative rep, not to mention the Ruskies themselves ordered these in limited numbers for namesake. 5th gen is more about sensor fusion, stealth and the ability to effectively communicate and use multiple platforms ...I doubt the Russians have enough funds to develop something that matches western tech. To top it off, importing a 5th gen fighter would effectively eat up AMCA's funds

Su 57 and Chinese J 20- both look very bulky and not at all comparable to US-made F 22/F 35 jets.

F 22/F 35 jets are truly 5th generation fighter planes. Unsure about the latest Russian 5th gen, single-engine fighter.
i was refererring to P -8I, Su 30 MKI ETC.
Additional Su-30 were ordered only because some were lost in crashed and we needed to replace those
Rafale is medium weight and for me, it does not matter the single-engine or double. if both are having similar capabilities
How can you say both have the same capabilities? Rafale is a tested aircraft in service with several AFs while MWF is still under development
Su 57 and Chinese J 20- both look very bulky and not at all comparable to US-made F 22/F 35 jets.

F 22/F 35 jets are truly 5th generation fighter planes. Unsure about the latest Russian 5th gen, single-engine fighter.
It doesn't matter what J-20 looks like or if folks say the chinese have copied it...they still were able to develop a 5th gen fighter irrespective of it's capabilities. We should head in a similar direction instead of killing our AMCA by buying Russian jets
The Rafale programme is a open secret
the reason indua went for only 36 f3 variant was because,they are staggering the purchases over 10 or 15 years

and each variant ie f3 now f4 and then f5 in 2030 means india gets improved versions in each batch and the finance is staggered.

nearly all Indian military hardware comes in batches.

T90 came with 300 then 350 then 1650
p8 Poseidon we just ordered second batch
su30mki came in 3 batches
mirage2000 came with 40.then 10 more

Rafale is the same...

This news is now open source in India because the first 36 rafales are close to being fully delivered and the French are pushing F4 improved version at India

one thing I can tell.you now the Russian.will.get no orders for su57 or checkmate ever... that ship has sailed

indian future air power is
indian fighters with usa engines tejas and Amca
however Russia builds excellent missles so this will.continue ie s400 Brahmos etc

this article confirms what the staggered purchases mean

instead of ordering 114 in one go all f3 version at 25 billion.dollars

indian air force buys
f3 x 36 rafales in 2017 to 2021
36 f4 version between 2024 to 2027
then 3rd final batch 36 in 2030 with f5 version

no need for massive mlu like pakistan now faces for 120 block 1 and 2 thunders to get to block 3

it's smarter way to buy a hyper expensive weapon platform.and take advantage of new technologies

this article confirms what the staggered purchases mean

instead of ordering 114 in one go all f3 version at 25 billion.dollars

indian air force buys
f3 x 36 rafales in 2017 to 2021
36 f4 version between 2024 to 2027
then 3rd final batch 36 in 2030 with f5 version

no need for massive mlu like pakistan now faces for 120 block 1 and 2 thunders to get to block 3

it's smarter way to buy a hyper expensive weapon platform.and take advantage of new technologies

Yaa most likely scenario for future Rafale purchases off the shelf quick buys to bolster
Numbers and quality.
Rafale buys will eventually reach 100+ for sure.
Su30 MKI will also be needing heavy investments for MLUs a single fighter with engines,radar and sensor upgrades can come near to 15 to 20 mil per fighter thats also a big cost centre for IAF otherwise the plane wont be able to match Chinese fighters with in a decade or so.
The Rafale purchase gives India a breathing space whilst 3 things happen

one massive upgrade to super mki about half the fleet taking a,decade

fully in bed the tejas mark 1 and 1a

time to fully develop the mark 2 and Amca

Rafale gives India oxygen for 7 to 10.years
Yaa most likely scenario for future Rafale purchases off the shelf quick buys to bolster
Numbers and quality.
Rafale buys will eventually reach 100+ for sure.
Su30 MKI will also be needing heavy investments for MLUs a single fighter with engines,radar and sensor upgrades can come near to 15 to 20 mil per fighter thats also a big cost centre for IAF otherwise the plane wont be able to match Chinese fighters with in a decade or so.

I am not favor go beyond 72 numbers.
As said, it is providing breathing space to multiple assets and programs.

1. Hal Tejas mk2
2. Su 30 mki upgrade.. Etc

But, focus should by only on Hal tejas mk2 and productions.

Then, enough breathing time for AMCA project..

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