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'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

more aircrafts needs a strong financial backing ,govt screw people lives,people will screw the govt,no matter how many aircrafts you have,you can't fight the power from the people

This is the most sensible observation. India's biggest "enemies" are NOT the Chinese or China -- India's biggest enemy is Bharat itself. Ahkand Bharat to be precise. It is Ahkand Bharat that is the biggest source of corruption, incompetence, and theft of its Dalits and Minorities. It is Ahkand Bharat that is bleeding the people to death. It is the broken promises and deceiving lies that has torn the people's trust to pieces. And it is this same Ahkand Bharat that will be overthrown by the people. Learn lessons of history before it is too late my Indian friends. China/Chinese nor Muslims/Pakistanis are NOT your enemy -- the enemy is within, it is the hate, envy, jealousy, callous, laziness and stupidity within.
This is the most sensible observation. India's biggest "enemies" are NOT the Chinese or China -- India's biggest enemy is Bharat itself. Ahkand Bharat to be precise. It is Ahkand Bharat that is the biggest source of corruption, incompetence, and theft of its Dalits and Minorities. It is Ahkand Bharat that is bleeding the people to death. It is the broken promises and deceiving lies that has torn the people's trust to pieces. And it is this same Ahkand Bharat that will be overthrown by the people. Learn lessons of history before it is too late my Indian friends. China/Chinese nor Muslims/Pakistanis are NOT your enemy -- the enemy is within, it is the hate, envy, jealousy, callous, laziness and stupidity within.

Sir you are chinese or pakistani? Well it doesnt matter. Pakistan having its own internal problem that no other country can match it. While china having its own internal problem from tibet to muslim community riots. i have not added taiwan sir because its not chinese terroritory hehe. Better look within then blaming india sir hehe.
Yah but according to IAF they have planned to produce only 150 jet. You can the rfp issue for mk-2 engine 100 for current and option to buy another 50

Sir numbers will be raised but first LCA should get operational hehe. 2010 or 2011 is date of induction LCA. then IAF will decide they want more then 150 or not.
This is the most sensible observation. India's biggest "enemies" are NOT the Chinese or China -- India's biggest enemy is Bharat itself. Ahkand Bharat to be precise. It is Ahkand Bharat that is the biggest source of corruption, incompetence, and theft of its Dalits and Minorities. It is Ahkand Bharat that is bleeding the people to death. It is the broken promises and deceiving lies that has torn the people's trust to pieces. And it is this same Ahkand Bharat that will be overthrown by the people. Learn lessons of history before it is too late my Indian friends. China/Chinese nor Muslims/Pakistanis are NOT your enemy -- the enemy is within, it is the hate, envy, jealousy, callous, laziness and stupidity within.

Apart from Pakistan no one wants Akhand Bharat my friend. Half of India dont even know about it.... And people are not going throw away something which does not even exist. As far as spending are concerned I think you have been given 100 times the percentage share of GDP to defense. If we find that it is feasible to get F22 within the same budget in coming days we will get them and if time comes to use we will use them against enemies.
sir please sir stop writing such childish comments sir.:partay:

ISRO2 is a troll. It was born in 1984. It came from the BR forum just to spam here and there. Its non stop sir sir barking is annoying everyone.

Please ignore the trolls. A troll is a troll. Trolls do not have national identities. So do not get emotional and misled by a trolls Indian flag.
this is a natural tactics by top def people to take advantage of situations to emphasize on procurements nothing is new in this case......in fact you see the kind of statements def people start making is to procure more funds and equipments
this is a natural tactics by top def people to take advantage of situations to emphasize on procurements nothing is new in this case......in fact you see the kind of statements def people start making is to procure more funds and equipments

bulls eye.
This is the most sensible observation. India's biggest "enemies" are NOT the Chinese or China -- India's biggest enemy is Bharat itself. Ahkand Bharat to be precise. It is Ahkand Bharat that is the biggest source of corruption, incompetence, and theft of its Dalits and Minorities. It is Ahkand Bharat that is bleeding the people to death. It is the broken promises and deceiving lies that has torn the people's trust to pieces. And it is this same Ahkand Bharat that will be overthrown by the people. Learn lessons of history before it is too late my Indian friends. China/Chinese nor Muslims/Pakistanis are NOT your enemy -- the enemy is within, it is the hate, envy, jealousy, callous, laziness and stupidity within.

Dude stop worrying about India, it is our problem and not yours and we will sort out. As per Ahkand Bharat is concerned you seems to know more then any of the Indians. The way you post on this confuses me at times, if this is what India is, which country I was living in. I feel it is very common for people to comment on countries without knowing ABCD about it. I have not made a single post about what Pakistan is since I do not know. I do not want to comment on something which I have read over internet and believed only those stuff which I wanted to believe. I read so many articles about Pakistan, but I understand those can be biased so I cannot base my opinion on it.
Few questions for you if you care to answer.
1) Have ever been to India for considerable duration. (more then 6 months)
2) Have you had friendship with Indians and tried to know from them how that country is.

I am not lecturing on this but had a first hand experience, I worked with a Pakistani and he was such a good fellow. I learned a few things about Pakistan from him, here I realized is there is big difference between perception and reality. And how good your perception maybe it cannot replace reality.

The perceptions that Indians, Pakistani's and Bangaldeshi people have here is the biggest hurdle in creating a conducive atmosphere. So its you people choice, live with perception or try to understand others. I am doing the 2nd one by coming here, I already know India.
Dude stop worrying about India, it is our problem and not yours and we will sort out. As per Ahkand Bharat is concerned you seems to know more then any of the Indians. The way you post on this confuses me at times, if this is what India is, which country I was living in. I feel it is very common for people to comment on countries without knowing ABCD about it. I have not made a single post about what Pakistan is since I do not know. I do not want to comment on something which I have read over internet and believed only those stuff which I wanted to believe. I read so many articles about Pakistan, but I understand those can be biased so I cannot base my opinion on it.
Few questions for you if you care to answer.
1) Have ever been to India for considerable duration. (more then 6 months)
2) Have you had friendship with Indians and tried to know from them how that country is.

I am not lecturing on this but had a first hand experience, I worked with a Pakistani and he was such a good fellow. I learned a few things about Pakistan from him, here I realized is there is big difference between perception and reality. And how good your perception maybe it cannot replace reality.

The perceptions that Indians, Pakistani's and Bangaldeshi people have here is the biggest hurdle in creating a conducive atmosphere. So its you people choice, live with perception or try to understand others. I am doing the 2nd one by coming here, I already know India.

Now come on, don't play others for a fool.

One moment Indian Media is all RAW, RAW... GUNG-HO about Attacking China and demonizing the Chinese people. Then when people around the world hold you to your words, and you realize you don't stand a chance you pretend to be all "peaceful". Then the next moment you continue your terrorism activities in foreign lands (Pak, China, BD, SL, Nepal, etc)..... then when confronted about it again, you pretend to be "innocent".

It's getting tiring.

We know what is up with you guys. That's why I'm calling Bharat out (again). It is Bharat that doesn't maintain an ATTITUDE of cooperation and friendship with her neighbors. Why must you see others as enemies?! Even looking at others as pure competitors is going overboard -- because they are not only competitors, but also PARTNERS!

Yes, I understand you social, economic and cultural environment - in which competition for mere survival is fierce - much contributes to your human development. That is why I don't get 'fazed' by your propaganda. But I also recognize the confrontational path of Ahkand Bharat is a DEAD END. :sniper: Listen carefully:


Absolutely no way.

Absolutely no way.

That is why India is developing hydrogen bombs and other high tech deadly weapon systems and trying to get a NATO membership.

One this objective is accomplished, India will start snatching lands from its neighbors to materialize the Akhanda Bharat (Greater India) doctrine.

Absolutely no way.


to succeed there should be something called Akhand Bharat. We know Bharat which is India also known as Hindustan.

By the way your entire post is off topic full of anti-India sentiment. Please stick to the topic and please post anti India sentiment related to the post. You will get the chance in other thread to show the hatred dont worry
Now come on, don't play others for a fool.

One moment Indian Media is all RAW, RAW... GUNG-HO about Attacking China and demonizing the Chinese people. Then when people around the world hold you to your words, and you realize you don't stand a chance you pretend to be all "peaceful". Then the next moment you continue your terrorism activities in foreign lands (Pak, China, BD, SL, Nepal, etc)..... then when confronted about it again, you pretend to be "innocent".

It's getting tiring.

We know what is up with you guys. That's why I'm calling Bharat out (again). It is Bharat that doesn't maintain an ATTITUDE of cooperation and friendship with her neighbors. Why must you see others as enemies?! Even looking at others as pure competitors is going overboard -- because they are not only competitors, but also PARTNERS!

Yes, I understand you social, economic and cultural environment - in which competition for mere survival is fierce - much contributes to your human development. That is why I don't get 'fazed' by your propaganda. But I also recognize the confrontational path of Ahkand Bharat is a DEAD END. :sniper: Listen carefully:


Absolutely no way.

When you are reply to me reply to what I have quoted. I cannot speak for all.

Second prove it that Indian Govt has Ahkhan Bharat agenda or stay off. I tried to tell you that its a myth and just because few people in a country say something it does not become country's agenda. Now I am pretty sure you are not willing to explore truth. And your reply also clears that you have no idea of India.
This is the most sensible observation. India's biggest "enemies" are NOT the Chinese or China -- India's biggest enemy is Bharat itself. Ahkand Bharat to be precise. It is Ahkand Bharat that is the biggest source of corruption, incompetence, and theft of its Dalits and Minorities. It is Ahkand Bharat that is bleeding the people to death. It is the broken promises and deceiving lies that has torn the people's trust to pieces. And it is this same Ahkand Bharat that will be overthrown by the people. Learn lessons of history before it is too late my Indian friends. China/Chinese nor Muslims/Pakistanis are NOT your enemy -- the enemy is within, it is the hate, envy, jealousy, callous, laziness and stupidity within.

Fantasy Fantasy!!!......India's foreign policy being directed by the concept of "Akhand Bharat" is as much a myth as UFO's and "little green aliens"....

Cmon.....Lets be real Sino.....
India already has a population problem.....Do you really think that we would want to unite more heavily populated, terrorist infested lands with lack of infrastructure, fundamentalist thinking into our country.....
It doesnt make sense....
Yes it makes sense if you're saying that we will conquer the land and tell the people to F- - -off!!
But that's not gonna happen is it??

Also, what lesson in history tells us about Akhand Bharat that we should learn from??

But I do agree that the Politicians, corruption, beauraucracy is India's biggets problem.....
Dont just use words you've learned from a Pakistan studies text without applying them in real world scenarios my friend!!!
Now come on, don't play others for a fool.

One moment Indian Media is all RAW, RAW... GUNG-HO about Attacking China and demonizing the Chinese people. Then when people around the world hold you to your words, and you realize you don't stand a chance you pretend to be all "peaceful". Then the next moment you continue your terrorism activities in foreign lands (Pak, China, BD, SL, Nepal, etc)..... then when confronted about it again, you pretend to be "innocent".

It's getting tiring.

We know what is up with you guys. That's why I'm calling Bharat out (again). It is Bharat that doesn't maintain an ATTITUDE of cooperation and friendship with her neighbors. Why must you see others as enemies?! Even looking at others as pure competitors is going overboard -- because they are not only competitors, but also PARTNERS!

Yes, I understand you social, economic and cultural environment - in which competition for mere survival is fierce - much contributes to your human development. That is why I don't get 'fazed' by your propaganda. But I also recognize the confrontational path of Ahkand Bharat is a DEAD END. :sniper: Listen carefully:


Absolutely no way.

we don't need ur preachings and predictions.... cut the crap....
it sounds foolish when u bark abt akhand bharat theory, when we actually see china as an aggressor to what u compare india to akhand bharat mentality...
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