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'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

Thats why i never buy those news selling crap from India media;

Its a well organize media war wage against China=China threat label.

A bully, and India is the victim of China's aggression.

But on the other hand, China is doing a good job draging India down

with a arm race, so India cannot concentrate on developing in those

needed issue, since China econmy is way ahead and way bigger.

so at the end of the day, India end up importing more and more of

those expensive war toys trying to do catch up , the burden on the

nation will becoming heavier day by day, Until one day..........


a much smaller "russia"
a much smaller "russia"

Rant and sheer jealousy...

Anyways...Please let me know if you have any idea about how much percentage of GDP is spent on defence. You talk about that Indian defence expenses rise but you ignore the fact that Indian economy has progressed in a more fast pace. The total share of defence is almost same in terms of percentage.

And before I die, kindly let me know the meaning of these blessed word "a much smaller Russia".....
Rant and sheer jealousy...

Anyways...Please let me know if you have any idea about how much percentage of GDP is spent on defence. You talk about that Indian defence expenses rise but you ignore the fact that Indian economy has progressed in a more fast pace. The total share of defence is almost same in terms of percentage.

And before I die, kindly let me know the meaning of these blessed word "a much smaller Russia".....

Nah suddenly when it comes to figures Chinese friends suddenly remember that they have GDP of about 9 trillion but when we say Indian defense spending in GDP they forget its meaning.
Join me in your league as well......:D:D

We do not have much air power.
We are lacking in army strength.
Our naval force are of no use.
Our nukes have been "exposed".
RAW is understaffed and IB is fighting for its existance.
Indian police is most corrupt of all forces.

BUT, we have cunning brains. Someone rightly said evil Hindoos at work.:devil:

@R.A.W. - you are the man. :toast_sign:

Include Muslims, jews, christians everyone in that. After all we cannot forget people like Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam Azad. We are secular nation. May be we have changed them to evil :lol:
Rant and sheer jealousy...

Anyways...Please let me know if you have any idea about how much percentage of GDP is spent on defence. You talk about that Indian defence expenses rise but you ignore the fact that Indian economy has progressed in a more fast pace. The total share of defence is almost same in terms of percentage.

And before I die, kindly let me know the meaning of these blessed word "a much smaller Russia".....

forgive my jealousy,i ignore the facts happening in india like your politician
Rant and sheer jealousy...

Anyways...Please let me know if you have any idea about how much percentage of GDP is spent on defence. You talk about that Indian defence expenses rise but you ignore the fact that Indian economy has progressed in a more fast pace. The total share of defence is almost same in terms of percentage.

And before I die, kindly let me know the meaning of these blessed word "a much smaller Russia".....

Do you happened to know USSR ? use to be the biggest country in

the world ? Have some common sence before shooting trash !!

@aimarralu and grey boy2

i think both of ur's lower already wet because of your wet dream about india becoming ....what u called... yeah smaller "russia"..


We dont have any problem becoming a Russia. No issues. It was USSR which was disintegrated not Russia. :yahoo:

Man you should thank them. We owe a lot to Russians for their technologies which we received from them. So "Russia " means that they are comparing us with the same level of technologies. :lol:
Do you happened to know USSR ? use to be the biggest country in

the world ? Have some common sence before shooting trash !!


Do you know what was the percentage of GDP they spent on defense. :smitten: before your trash....
Do you know what was the percentage of GDP they spent on defense. :smitten: before your trash....

At least knew whats we are talking about before shooting bad breath

out of your big mouth.:smitten::pakistan::china:

We are talking about the size of USSR !!!
Do you happened to know USSR ? use to be the biggest country in

the world ? Have some common sence before shooting trash !!


Please do not twist the things.
The statement was related to "India becoming much smaller Russia". I asked how it is possible.
BTW, Russia was quoted in original comment, not USSR.
Please do not twist the things.
The statement was related to "India becoming much smaller Russia". I asked how it is possible.
BTW, Russia was quoted in original comment, not USSR.

Thats why i said you simple can't figure out a little logic out of your

81 IQ brain. :smitten::pakistan::china:
i think we mis-understood our chinese members....

their biggest problem is their bad english....

so,may be they think some thing else want to write some thing else and finally the out put is some thing else ....

because when ever i read chinese comment it look like a jumbled up sentence and we not only have to set it properly but also make out a sense from that sentence....(man its tougher than CAT :rofl::rofl:)

so misunderstandings are bound to happen...
Thats why i said you simple can't figure out a little logic out of your

81 IQ brain. :smitten::pakistan::china:

Ok Mr. who knows all...

I accept my IQ is #@$%....now please explain the meaning to us.
When one does not have the answers, he/she starts abusing and/or personal attacks. Good going.
We are talking about the size of USSR !!!

China is just next to Russia in size and is much bigger then India and has a greater GDP share towards defense in comparison to India.... :smitten::smitten: So what conclusions should be drawn out of it...:smitten::smitten:
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