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India’s 2nd Carrier Ins Vishal to be Flat-Top Configuration , Navy to Freez

If the time frame we are looking at is 2025, than i think there is no chance for Rafale or F-35 to make the cut for the IAC-2. There is a serious chance of N-PAK-FA by than as the Russians themselves want an advanced (5th gen) fighter for there AC's. So if we think about the IAC-2 CBG than it will be a deadly combination for our enemies:

INS Vishal with 65k tonnes + around 30 N-PAK-FA's + Early warning systems.

P-15B's Destroyers + P-17A's Frigates + P-24 corvettes.

That's some fancy stuff which every one wants. But do you think corvettes can sustain with CBG? I don't think so. Only destroyers,frigates,supply ships & nuke hunter killers are the machine which can operate with carrier. Otherwise capability of CBG will be compromised.
I dont see the Navy going for the F35.

The Rafale, more Mig 29ks, SU 33's, and even Naval AMCA's are all far more likely to be purchased.
For your knowledge F35 is a participant in naval fighter competition. You just can't rule out due your perception.
Rafale is a good choice.
Mig29s will be like son riding on the back of father. It doesn't have that kind of capability & versatility which we need for INS Vishal.
SU33 is good one but Russians have rejected themselves. So no chance for it in tricolor.
Naval AMCA. You are smoking buddy. We don't have that much time to wait for.
F18 Super Hornet E/F is also a good contender.
Our best shot is Rafale & F35 right now.
I dont see the Navy going for the F35.

The Rafale, more Mig 29ks, SU 33's, and even Naval AMCA's are all far more likely to be purchased.
To me it seems F 35 is coming to India, b'coz Navy is for modern weaponry n crafts, Su 33 is out of ques as Russia has left it, mig 29 are already in our kitty so if they wanted more they could have increased no, but instead they issued RFP for new crafts, naval AMCA is still a dream which may surface after 15 yrs, so its preety late, and Rafale M is a strong contender due to commanality with IAF but the F 35 is a different genre of plane.
lets keep our finger crossed on F 35 vs Rafale .
After IAC-2, what next? Will there another generation of an even larger Carrier to be built in India? Any views? :)

IN should go ahead with making atleast 1 more ACC with the same config as IAC-2 & at the same time they should go ahead with acquiring EMALS tech for ACCs. However 1 thing for sure the ACC building capability now learned should not be left/stopped after IAC-2, something we foolishly did after building some of the Submarines in 80's. The continuous work of building the ACCs will help IN be on par with the worlds best Navies & as I see in coming 3 decades we may have 7-8 CBGs which will very much help IN safeguard sea lanes & countries interests.

IN has shown the way for indigenisation for the other two forces & should stay on that path.
This will probably take 30 years to construct considering the fact that,9 years after the work started on the trio P-15A project,the 1st ship is still floating around with no sign of being completed any time soon。:azn:
This will probably take 30 years to construct considering the fact that,9 years after the work started on the trio P-15A project,the 1st ship is still floating around with no sign of being completed any time soon。:azn:
Buddy let it take 30 yrs but i do guarantee u one thing it will be a good one n not a pirated one . and like the Agni series will kick the $$$ of our beloved ones...........:wave: " Hum honge kamyab...Ek din..."
After IAC-2, what next? Will there another generation of an even larger Carrier to be built in India? Any views? :)

AFAIK, the capability attained through the learning curve of making Indegineous AC's will now never be abandoned, India from now on will atleast be working on 1 AC at a time if not two. This will mean that in 25 years time we can have as much as 5-6 AC's flying the flag of India high all around the world.
This will probably take 30 years to construct considering the fact that,9 years after the work started on the trio P-15A project,the 1st ship is still floating around with no sign of being completed any time soon。:azn:
Wow I was never more realistic than you.:rolleyes: You have shown us fastest time span to develop CBG for IN.:argh: Thanks a lot for your concern.:rofl: All hail & bow to cirr.:no:
We are not able to finish IAC 1 in time . . Its useless to talk about another . . I didnt saw any major work on vikrant and like this we will not able to finish it on time then followed by trial . .long long time to go

Unlike you, most Indian members here are more interested in what the media brag about what India would do instead of do the actual work and accomplish something.
Unlike you, most Indian members here are more interested in what the media brag about what India would do instead of do the actual work and accomplish something.
& you!!!!!!!:lol::blah::lol:
& according to you what was India doing till announced you self proclaimed decision.:fie: Do you have any bit of knowledge how much India have achieved till now,don't give me any news reports. Give me government sources.
Unlike you, most Indian members here are more interested in what the media brag about what India would do instead of do the actual work and accomplish something.

Yes, we try to see the positive sides of everything, yes the IAC-1 is not complete, yes it has been delayed, but atleast we aspired to built our own AC & din't beg US or any other powerful nation to lend one of there's. Atleast now we can be sure that we have the necessary tech. to build an even greater & much more capable AC in IAC-2. Western countries questioned our ability & economic capacity to have a space program when we launched our first satellite (Aryabhatta) & now we are launching the satellites of France, Italy & many other nations at a very low cost not to mention space missions like Chandrayaan & mars orbitor. The people questioning our ability to make an AC will eat there own words till 2025 or so when 3 AC's with Indian Flag will be in high sees.
F-35B should be out of equation....rather than naval PAKFA will make more sense....the primary aircraft of IN should never be a US aircraft.
Rafale M should be given priority over Super Hornets.
Yes, we try to see the positive sides of everything, yes the IAC-1 is not complete, yes it has been delayed, but atleast we aspired to built our own AC & din't beg US or any other powerful nation to lend one of there's. Atleast now we can be sure that we have the necessary tech. to build an even greater & much more capable AC in IAC-2. Western countries questioned our ability & economic capacity to have a space program when we launched our first satellite (Aryabhatta) & now we are launching the satellites of France, Italy & many other nations at a very low cost not to mention space missions like Chandrayaan & mars orbitor. The people questioning our ability to make an AC will eat there own words till 2025 or so when 3 AC's with Indian Flag will be in high sees.

By 2025, at least one Indian AC would be inducted. And LCA should be ready. Won't you say?
By 2025, at least one Indian AC would be inducted. And LCA should be ready. Won't you say?
Keep flying high but don't fly too high that you run out of earth gravitational force. Even CCP will have hard time to catch up with you.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
By 2025, at least one Indian AC would be inducted. And LCA should be ready. Won't you say?

Till then the casino cum hotel would still float near China and when IN visits China the next time with the CBG they would enjoy the comfort of these beds and the services of the staff making it.




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