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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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i just adore sensationalist, spicy threads like these which attract PDF's dumbest

a few thoughts:

a.) Press TV is not exactly the most 'neutral' of sources....nor is it the most credible

b.) Iran and Pakistan are neighbours.....india is far from Iran; in the past 2-3 years alone, india has done enough harm to Iranian interests than Pakistan ever could (and actually, likewise -- remember the Iranians essentially commandeered an indian state owned oil tanker :laugh:)

c.) the I-P pipeline fell through not merely b/c of the stupidity of politicians...but also because there's something called "sanctions" in place -- and while indians backed out of the project years ago due to American pressure, Pakistan is still "considering" the pipeline -- based on whether Western-Iranian relations warm up a LITTLE to the point where Iranian oil will be allowed to be imported without western pressure and arm-twisting

d.) Sistan va Balochistan region of Iran has always been restive.....it's an internal issue of Iran to sort out.

e.) on cross-border militancy - its an issue; as is smuggling and mafia-like enterprise (taking place on BOTH sides)......Had it not been for Pakistani intelligence and tip-offs (to America's and KSA angst) -- Iranian wouldnt have been able to nab those Riggi guys

so to the PDF idiots (especially those with saffron on their foreheads) - thanks for another entertainment thread
lolzz .. since when you have any history?? no existence before 1947. We are talking about thousands of years of friendship betweentwo greatest civilisations of the world India and Iran. You have no say. May be borrow something from Arabs or Turks :lol:

Mr fool you are not talking about your ganga civilization. You people only brag about Indus/Sind/Sindhu civilization which is Sindh's. You seems like a brain washed product coming out of Indian Propaganda Army machine.

Clashes between FC Forces & Militants in Turbat-Balochistan.



1 Pakistan's Paramilitary Frontier Core(FC) personal was martyred.

QUETTA: At least six persons, including five militants and a paramilitary man, were killed in an exchange of gunfire in Turbat-Balochistan on Tuesday, an official said.

Spokesman for the Frontier Corps (a paramilitary force), Khan Wasey, told Dawn.com that labourers were engaged in construction work in Turbat's Buleda area when militants attacked their machinery late on Monday, adding that FC personnel deployed in the area quickly retaliated and killed five militants.

"FC quickly hit back and ensured security of the construction company's labourers," he further said.

He, however, said one FC man was seriously injured during the clash and succumbed to his wounds on his way to the hospital.

The bodies of the militants are yet to be identified.

Additional personnel of the FC and Levies rushed to the area and launched a search operation against the militants.

Khan Wasey said the forces also seized weapons from the possession of militants.

Turbat is considered to be one of the most sensitive areas of Balochistan. Militants in the area have been targeting security forces and pro-government figures for over past six years.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack targeting the company.

Clash between militants and security forces kills six in Turbat - DAWN.COM


What if Pakistanis now start blaming Iran of supporting terrorists as Turbat is next to Irani border. Accept the fact that both countries are having troubles from BLA/ etc terrorists which are supported by India, Afghanistan & most likely UAE.

@DESERT FIGHTER @haman10 @Abu Zolfiqar @Falcon @Shapur Zol Aktaf @SOHEIL @Doritos11
ای ایران@
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Mr fool you are not talking about your ganga civilization. You people only brag about Indus/Sind/Sindhu civilization which is Sindh's. You seems like a brain washed product coming out of Indian Propaganda Army machine.

Again lolzz .. its all Hindu civilisation, great Indian history. Digging of Indus valley found things like lord Shiva seal. 5000+ years of great Indian history and the friendship with Persia/Iran :tup:

Again lolzz .. its all Hindu civilisation, great Indian history.

So what? Even Nile Valley Civilization was non Muslim...by your logic as Egyptians today are Muslims like Sindhis & Pakistanis their civilization become someone else? Even the Hindu came from "Sindhu".:lol::wave: 8000 years of our civilization.:chilli:
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Hindutva read again, that wiki page is filled by Bhartis like you. Persian empires mostly had relations with punjabis and Sindhis.

Pashtuns & baloch are Iranic people anyway.

So called "India" history is just a short term invented by British. Unfortunately for many Bhartis here, maharashtra, biharis, tamils, keralais, begalis, south indians etc didnt have any relation with pre-Islamic Iran no matter how desperate you get to prove otherwise.

Just enjoy the Indian comedy.

In front of Iranians, the Indians talk of Persian "relations".
Behind the Iranians' back, they talk of Persian "invasions".
Just enjoy the Indian comedy.

In front of Iranians, the Indians talk of Persian "relations".
Behind the Iranians' back, they talk of Persian "invasions".

They run away when i asked them to prove so callec ancient Persian relations with tamils, biharis and dozens of statest in India. At best they will come say they are talking about before 1947 when British conquered whole South Asia for 100 years. Here is the thing, now we are in 2013 and decendents of people who had relations with pre islamic Persia live in Pakistan.

History goes with its people and land, Tamils cant claim to have any relations with Persia.
Middle Eastern people in general -- both Arabs and Iranians -- are still mired in their old racial prejudices.

If the Iranians were smart, they would have formed a solid alliance with China. Nothing would give a bigger heartburn to the Arabs and their American protectors than a major Chinese navy base in the Persian Gulf.

What makes you think why Chinese never persued such a route than choosing Pakistan?
What makes you think why Chinese never persued such a route than choosing Pakistan?

Chinese are open to making friends/allies everywhere.

The problem, as I mentioned, is that most people in the Middle East are still mired in old racial stereotypes. They still haven't wrapped their minds around the upcoming world order.

Any fool can see change when it happens; the smart man is the one who can foresee it before it happens.
You didnt answer my question, what stopped you all these years to make progress on II pipeline?

Talks about of this project is only start at last year.Feasibility study is done even in midst of sanction.
US may pressure ,but we can avoid that.
Chinese are open to making friends/allies everywhere.

The problem, as I mentioned, is that most people in the Middle East are still mired in old racial stereotypes. They still haven't wrapped their minds around the upcoming world order.

Any fool can see change when it happens; the smart man is the one who can foresee it before it happens.

For the bold part, there is a reason the world doesnt want to choose that upcoming world order simply because the papa is still standing strong, no matter how weak we feel he is. There has been a reason, why US is still regarded in establishing this order. The Chinese in many ways are yet to become, and just by building the biggest or the largest doesnt make them one.

The recent visit of Chinese Foreign minister, suggests that Chinese have increased the focus on middle east, and the reason apparently is one. their appetite for oil. China didnt persue such a route earlier and why it didnt do such was my question to you.

Then my point of China not choosing Iran was more towards economics than challenging US, Pakistan was chosen because of this.

Its time for not the middle east to chose China, but the other way is what I feel. but the jingoistic new world order is not a good tool for the Chinese to start rolling.
Mr Victim of Indian army propaganda, honestly speaking Sindh is baap of whole Subcontinent(excluding Balochistan & KPK) & it's history is almost 8000 years old. The name of Bharat too belongs to Sindh & your religion too. Learn the facts before f@rting.

Indian Army duty is not to spreading propaganda.Their only duty is to protect our country from external threat.India is a country,Iran is a country and both will maintain their relationship in future.
Iran only care about their national interest.So they will maintain good relation ship with both India and Pakistan.
For the bold part, there is a reason the world doesnt want to choose that upcoming world order simply because the papa is still standing strong, no matter how weak we feel he is. There has been a reason, why US is still regarded in establishing this order. The Chinese in many ways are yet to become, and just by building the biggest or the largest doesnt make them one.

There is no doubt that the US will remain the single most dominant power for most of this century. The new world order is about the fact that the era of unchallenged hegemony will end and there will be room for compromise and negotiation.

The recent visit of Chinese Foreign minister, suggests that Chinese have increased the focus on middle east, and the reason apparently is one. their appetite for oil. China didnt persue such a route earlier and why it didnt do such was my question to you.

Pure geography.

Pakistan provides the single direct route to the Indian ocean. Other routes go through several countries (CARs) or deeply troubled regions (Afghanistan).
Pure geography.
Pakistan provides the single direct route to the Indian ocean. Other routes go through several countries (CARs) or deeply troubled regions (Afghanistan).

Exactly and your earlier statement why Iran didnt side with China, that it was not beneficial for both is what I wanted to point out.

There is no doubt that the US will remain the single most dominant power for most of this century. The new world order is about the fact that the era of unchallenged hegemony will end and there will be room for compromise and negotiation.

Thats the order of the world, and we cant say that only one nation was responsible for this. I am talking about the same nation you said to be responsible for the upcoming world order.
They run away when i asked them to prove so callec ancient Persian relations with tamils, biharis and dozens of statest in India. At best they will come say they are talking about before 1947 when British conquered whole South Asia for 100 years. Here is the thing, now we are in 2013 and decendents of people who had relations with pre islamic Persia live in Pakistan.

History goes with its people and land, Tamils cant claim to have any relations with Persia.

Most of India's ancient Empires originated from Bihar, while south was for spice trade. The Urdu language developed with Persian influence originated in Uttar Pradesh, all Mughalai dishes with Persian influence originated in Indian cities like Delhi, Lucknow, Hyderabad, not the Pakistanis cities.:sarcastic::sarcastic: Learn some history before making silly comments. :girl_wacko:

What conspiracy? Why Bhartis get defensive when it comes to real history? I mean how desperate one can get to prove that Indians were closer to pre-islamic persia then pashtuns, baloch, punjabis and sindhis? These 4 ethnicities make 2% at best of Indian population but 90% of Pakistan's. Typical inferiority complex shown by Bhartis here.

And Pakistan region was part of Maurya empire for 70 years. Lets compare that to Persian empire Achaemenid Empire 220 years. Seriously Bhartis stop playing with history.

Punjab and Sindh were merely provinces of the Empires from North India.:laugh:
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