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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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So a Pashtun like me has ties to Tamils now

As I said Pashtuns never related to our Indian civilization, why you grumbling then. South Indians? You even don't have ties with Sindhis but you do have ties with people of UP since you speak their language. :lol::lol:
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amazing what our foreign guests will do when out of laxatives for their keyboard diarhhea

ah well what can ya do
As I said Pashtuns never related to our Indian civilization,
No. Pashtuns are the integral part of the concept of India. Read this:-
Gandhara was related to Indian culture, not the Pashtun culture, they are different people from us.
These lines are taken from The Discovery of India by J.L. Nehru

The Variety and Unity of India

"The diversity of India is tremendous; it is obvious; it lies on
the surface and anybody can see it. It concerns itself with phy-
sical appearances as well as with certain mental habits and traits.
There is little in common, to outward seeming, between the
Pathan of the North-West and the Tamil in the far South. Their
racial stocks are not the same, though there may be common
strands running through them; they differ in face and figure,
food and clothing, and, of course, language. In the North-
western Frontier Province there is already the breath of Central
Asia, and many a custom there, as in Kashmir, reminds one of
the countries on the other side of the Himalayas. Pathan popu-
lar dances are singularly like Russian Cossack dancing. Yet,
with all these differences, there is no mistaking the impress of
India on the Pathan, as this is obvious on the Tamil. This is
not surprising, for these border lands, and indeed Afghanistan
also, were united with India for thousands of years. The old
Turkish and other races who inhabited Afghanistan and parts
of Central Asia before the advent of Islam were largely Bud-
dhists, and earlier still, during the period of the Epics,
The frontier area was one of the principal centres of
old Indian culture and it abounds still with ruins of monu-
ments and monasteries and, especially, of the great university
of Taxila, which was at the height of its fame two thousand
years ago, attracting students from all over India as well as
different parts of Asia. Changes of religion made a difference,
but could not change entirely the mental backgrounds which
the people of those areas had developed.

The Pathan and the Tamil are two extreme examples; the
others lie somewhere in between. All of them have their dis-
tinctive features, all of them have still more the distinguishing
mark of India. It is fascinating to find how the Bengalis, the
Marathas, the Gujratis, the Tamils, the Andhras, the Oriyas,
the Assamese, the Canarese, the Malayalis, the Sindhis, the
Punjabis, the Pathans, the Kashmiris, the Rajputs, and the great
central block comprising the Hindustani-speaking people, have
retained their peculiar characteristics for hundreds of years,
have still more or less the same virtues and failings of which
old tradition or record tells us, and yet have been throughout
these ages distinctively Indian, with the same national heritage
and the same set of moral and mental qualities. There was
something living and dynamic about this heritage which showed


itself in ways of living and a philosophical attitude to life and
its problems. Ancient India, like ancient China, was a world in
itself, a culture and a civilization which gave shape to all things.
Foreign influences poured in and often influenced that culture
and were absorbed. Disruptive tendencies gave rise immediately
to an attempt to find a synthesis. Some kind of a dream of unity
has occupied the mind of India since the dawn of civilization.
That unity was not conceived as something imposed from out-
side, a standardization of externals or even of beliefs. It was
something deeper and, within its fold, the widest tolerance of
belief and custom was practised and every variety acknowledged
and even encouraged."
Talking About Friends,I guess this word is Alien to iranians...One reason why you are internationally Isolated...
Iran was never isolated. Indian Prime Minister carried largest ever business delegation with him on Iran visit during last NAM submit. Seeing this Indian attitude to Iran, US was nearly pissed off
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Iran was never isolated. Indian Prime Minister carried largest ever business delegation with him on Iran visit during last NAM submit. Seeing this Indian attitude to Iran, US was nearly pissed off
oyye BJP ka account lol!

srry couldn't resist :omghaha:
hate to break your bubble. We share nothing in common. Especially with south Indians who are a totally different species (I haven't even mentioned NE ones)

wow ! A think tank feeling challenged to distinguish between race and species :D :lol:
That's wrong, China has another route via Myanmar which they have completed recently.

I assume you haven't compared the distances involved and a minor thing called "India" jutting out.

Exactly and your earlier statement why Iran didnt side with China, that it was not beneficial for both is what I wanted to point out.

Thats the order of the world, and we cant say that only one nation was responsible for this. I am talking about the same nation you said to be responsible for the upcoming world order.

Let's leave it for now, since the topic is about India-Iran-Pakistan...
Iran was never isolated. Indian Prime Minister carried largest ever business delegation with him on Iran visit during last NAM submit. Seeing this Indian attitude to Iran, US was nearly pissed off

Indian tea and flowers session in front of a few press cameras didn't solve the sanctions issue or rationing of their domestic fuel supplies

if anything, Indian (leadership) and FO showed nothing but perfidity vis a vis Iran

I assume you haven't compared the distances involved and a minor thing called "India" jutting out.

Let's leave it for now, since the topic is about India-Iran-Pakistan...
unlike another rather unruly neighbour - Pakistanis and Iranian on the street (ppl who matter most) have good feeling for eachother I would say

bilaterally on national level I'd like to see us cooperate with them the way we do with the Turks - who proven to have always been great allies (brothers)
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Most of India's ancient Empires originated from Bihar, while south was for spice trade. The Urdu language developed with Persian influence originated in Uttar Pradesh, all Mughalai dishes with Persian influence originated in Indian cities like Delhi, Lucknow, Hyderabad, not the Pakistanis cities.:sarcastic::sarcastic: Learn some history before making silly comments. :girl_wacko:

Punjab and Sindh were merely provinces of the Empires from North India.:laugh:

As expected the retarded historian is here once again, your inferiority complex is amazing. Always trying to associate your **** with us. Lets get back to real discussion, you are talking about post-islam relations and i dont need to remind you why that relation happened :cheesy:

I was responding to retarded baniyas who said Iran-India relations goes back thousands of years long before Islam. Facts are completely different, Marathis, bengalis, tamils, biharis other Bharti people had 0 to do with ancient relations.

Ancient persia empires only had relations with Pakistan part of South Asia. Right from Harappa Civilization, Vedic and Gandhara.
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mate most of the pakistani people also belong to the indigenous chamar communities as it has been proved by researchers from time to time.you guys may not like it but it's a fact and you have to deal with it,so stop showing disrespect to your true ancestors.......

haha here comes Bengali Brahmin who once told me he was European because genetic tests shows. :haha: Kid maybe your Vedic Aryan ancestors once upon a time moved from Pakistan and settled in Bengal, considering you are Brahmin. But right now you are just like any other Bengali, so stop claiming to be European origin retarded bharati. Unless you believe Vedic Aryans were Europeans :lol:, thats what Bharati brahmins believe.
As expected the retarded historian is here once again, your inferiority complex is amazing. Always trying to associate your **** with us. Lets get back to real discussion, you are talking about post-islam relations and i dont need to remind you why that relation happened :cheesy:

I was responding to retarded baniyas who said Iran-India relations goes back thousands of years long before Islam. Facts are completely different, Marathis, bengalis, tamils, biharis other Bharti people had 0 to do with ancient relations.

Ancient persia empires only had relations with Pakistan part of South Asia. Right from Harappa Civilization, Vedic and Gandhara.

There comes your another lecture of Jholachap history. :omghaha: Zoroastrianism and Hindusm can be traced to common origin, while Indian languages and Persian language has common origin. BTW why is every Pakistani claims that there ancestors not Hindus and every few months read about the fear of Sanskrit origin words entering Pakistani languages. :wacko:
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