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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

indeed it is perfectly logic :D see:
1/ positive Iran - India relations
2/ discussion about zero
3/ then it becomes negative relations Pakistan - India
hopefully we play yo-yo ;)

hahahaha lol that explains it perfectly.

anyway if we are going to play yoyo lets hope we dont end up looking like this:
:woot:? No its not!

Old Persian and Sankrit have common origins. Doesn't mean that it came from Iran.

Actually Sanskrit and Avestan have a lot in common. Old Persian is different - Avestan was prevalent in the Balkh area of Northern Afghanistan.

It is said that Avestan borrowed significantly from Sanskrit, which originated in the Gangetic Valley and expanded to the west and North-West.
From what i have studied and read,the language comes from there only.North West,even the Rig Veda was written in the SWAT valley.

That may be true for the newest parts of the Rig Veda - however the oldest parts refer mostly to the Ganga-Saraswati region, i.e. present day western UP, Uttarakhand and Haryana.
Guys guys stop arguing, according to africans we are all from Africa.
forget persia or indus, we are all nigerians.
Truth is you people who call yourself modern day "India" aren't the ancient INDia you have simply usurped the name from the Indus civilization which is the ancestor civilization to modern day Pakistan. You people are from the Ganghes and Dravidian tribes now be proud and stop usurping the achievements of the Indus region (modern day Pakistan).

I wonder who accepted u in Princeton?
I am actually syed from iranian descent, came and settled in sub continent in 10 century.

Anyway your words remind me of an Indian Muslim professor who went to South Korea. Some Korean once shouted from Bus "Hey Arab" to him and the professor filed Racism case against that guy and court penalized that Korean guy with huge fine for racist abuse.
Multan is an ancient city that has existed for thousands of years. Don't embarrass yourself any further.

City is just sand and dust,the person's intellect comes from culture and that is not the present culture of Multan.

simple as that and they dont teach this at Princeton.

---------- Post added at 11:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

Is that what they teach you in public schools there? I'm sorry I don't have the time to correct the fallacies of the education system there. How distorted and dishonest is the version of history they teach there. Some Hindustanis even claim the IVC was a Hindu civilization, which is simply absurd, considering IVC buried their dead, slaughtered cows, consumed beef, had different belief system, and other practices.

yeah and hindus still do all that,like u guys we dotn define ourselves by rigid stuff and we move on,the single fact that they were Hindus is that they didn't try to recite some Arabic stuff or look westwards for salvation.They were firmly rooted in the sub-continent.
City is just sand and dust,the person's intellect comes from culture and that is not the present culture of Multan.

simple as that and they dont teach this at Princeton.

wrong city is not sand and dust , living people make it city , Multan is oldest living civilization of Asia and even in world , and your jealous of it.
Iranians being cunning as ever.

When they want to court Pakistan they will mention Kashmir.

When they want to court india they emphasise pre-islamic past and make India feel big by equating it's past, to irans past.

In truth they are not sincere to either party, which is their perogative, but never forget how they pull the right strings.
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