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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

Is it not funny how alot of people are arguing over nothing or zero to be exact.

its alright dude, i am tired of these pakistani trying to prove that zero was invented outside india......they are just so jealous......
anyways, any news about our pipeline????
Indeed very correct zero was invented in ancient Pakistan , and Indus Vally civilization belongs to Pakistan not to India.
Indus valley Civilization's eastern most border is Meerut city east of Delhi in India, southern border was Gujarat. You are Lucky that largest city Harappa, Mohanjodaro falls in Pakistan. Anyway main sea port Lothal is in Gujarat, other cities like Kalibangan and Ropar also fall in India.

Anyway when Pakistan never existed 2000 yrs ago so what is yours and what is mine. People of Indus valley civilization were dark Skin Dravidians who migrated to south and eastern India and in Pakistan only Brahui are Dravidians. Ancient Tamil is the nearest surviving language to Indus valley's language(I read it somewhere). Anyways when Pakistanis considered Siraj ud daulah of Bengal and Tipu Sultan of Mysore as their history 2000km away we Indian also thinks sub-continent has common history because people of Lothal didn't know they were Indians and people of Harappa didn't know they were Pakistanis.

Your Two nation theory is based on 2 religions (Muslims vs non-Muslims), not on two-ethnicity theory. :thinktank:
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were all in one land back in those days. Hell, even Bengali happens to be an Indo-Aryan language!

however all was known as collectively india in west and Bharat by Bharatiyas.
There was no pakistan or bangladesh.
There was no ancient pakistan .there was just ancient India and present day india
however all was known as collectively india in west and Bharat by Bharatiyas.
There was no pakistan or bangladesh.
There was no ancient pakistan .there was just ancient India and present day india

Ancient India and present-day India were quite different.

I think the terms like:

"It was Pakistan that did this"

"It was India that did this"

blah blah blah...

It's all meaningless.

There was no modern-day Pakistan.

And there was no modern-day India.

There was just one big-*** India. It'd be hard to determine as to what credit goes to whom nowadays. Both India and Pakistan today are large countries. Perhaps it should just be South Asia for the sake of simplicity(?) I mean, look at it this way, regardless if one is Punjabi or Bengali, we all have cultural ties with Iran (which literally translates to "Land of the Aryans"). And that history spans tens and thousands of years.

I'd have to admit, it has a fascinating history. And so little is known to this day. V.S Naipaul stated ancient India as a 'lost civilization'. Unfortunately, I do agree with him. It was literally a magnet for Aryan, Muslim and Western invaders.

It'd be hard the trace the whole picture. But, I'd always be interested to find more :D
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