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India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

el nino

Mar 31, 2008
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Yes, because if India isn't patient with Pakistan, Pakistan will explode and become an unstable state controlled by terrorists and our nukes will be in hands of mullahs and so on etc. ;)
Keep reading western propaganda.
pakistan should understand who is the real enimy and shouldnt care for all these media reports...
pakistan should understand who is the real enimy and shouldnt care for all these media reports...

Pakistan understands who is the real enemy, and those are the cowards hiding up in the mountains sending in drugs addicts into Pakistani cities so they can blow themselves up.
The ISI chief has recently said that not India, but terror is Pakistans real enemy and threat, and it must be dealt with.
However, with the warmongering attitude of the Indian government, it will be hard to focus on these terrorists.
95% of pakistanis are not bothered about jehadis or the army or nuke weapons.

They just want a peaceful life for their famalies with good living standards.

But unfortunately their wishes come secondary to the various factions running pakistan.

How can you claim india is war mongering.

Pakistanis have walked into our major commercial city and killed civillians

I ASK WHY ???????


I know it was not at the request of pakistans pub;ic.

but you have to admit there are factions in pakistan that are destroying your country.

EVEN THE USA is worried wat ,may transpire in this country.
95% of pakistanis are not bothered about jehadis or the army or nuke weapons.

They just want a peaceful life for their famalies with good living standards.

But unfortunately their wishes come secondary to the various factions running pakistan.

Once again, the "various" factions as you call it, our government I assume, is doing its best providing the people of Pakistan with everything they need, ofcourse everyone wants a peaceful life for their families with adequate living standards, but with a warmongering neighbour right next to our door, Pakistan must balance these things in order for her to continue and exist not under India, but right next to it.
Stop blabbering about the so called poor Pakistani people that are suffering due to their government.
It's your country that poses a big threat to Pakistan when she says certain things like "keeping all options open".
Pakistanis want a normal and peaceful life, and they certainly do NOT want it to be ruined or affected by the hostile, expansive Indian machine.
Normal relationships between Pakistan and India means both countries do not have to worry and can focus on improving the living standards for their citizens.

You did not answer my question.

WHY are your terror groups targeting india.

WHY are they targeting white civillians


How can you claim india is war mongering.

Pakistanis have walked into our major commercial city and killed civillians

I ASK WHY ???????


I know it was not at the request of pakistans pub;ic.

but you have to admit there are factions in pakistan that are destroying your country.

EVEN THE USA is worried wat ,may transpire in this country.

First of all, Pakistanis have not walked into Mumbai and killed civilians, rather a Pakistani, something which is also clouded in a mystery and is quite uncertain due to Indias failure to provide adequate evidence before and the fact that they created a very bad atmosphere for Pakistan to co-operate with + their media waging an all out war against Pakistan, so the coming days, weeks, or months still have to clear out what was the real deal during the attacks.
Also, Pakistan is NOT WARMONGERING, these people were NON-STATE-ACTORS.
Have you read anything coming from Pakistani officials that contained a threat towards India? Has Pakistan ever begun threatening India? We were and still are always the smaller side, so a defensive stance is something more realistic instead of an offensive posture which India has maintained throughout her existance against Pakistan.
Please don't be blind, India mobilized its troops after these attacks, they carried out exercises for precision strikes, an Indian jet violated Pakistani airspace "by accident" ofcourse during those times, and all the COUNTLESS threats and statements coming from INDIAN OFFICIALS.
Tell me, who is the warmonger here? Surely cannot be Pakistan, as our government has been aiming to avoid any conflict with its bigger neighbour, they've said so in recent statements that they do not want this conflict to escalate.

Why these non state actors targeted innocent civilians and white people? Beats me, they're terrorists, don't you agree?
The same kind and breed which affects our country too.
They do these kind of things, and it's very immoral of you to ask a Pakistani person why these non-state actors did this, as if the Pakistani state and people supported these attacks.
Nobody did, it's awful and cowardly, Pakistanis know it because it happens in Pakistan too, hence why our government/military is doing its best trying to tackle these militants, however, it's quite a difficult task especially when we have to focus on India aswell because they simply cannot be overlooked when they "keep all the options open".

Yes I admit there are factions, as you call them, I'd call them terrorists, in our country that tend to ruin things or try and cause fear among Pakistani people.
These pigs need to be exterminated, and Pakistan needs to fully co-operate with India to tackle both nations problems regarding terrorism.
However, TEAMWORK is essential, unfortunately, your government shows all BUT flexibility and willingness to join forces or take part in a joint investigation.
Is it because of the upcoming elections in India that your officials need to keep the fire and tensions burning between both nations?
Is it something else? The warmongering attitude? Whatever it is, it's definitely not good for both nations in their fight against an enemy which has often been overlooked and ignored, but now needs to be destroyed.
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As the times reports indicates,,, As the Pentagon has indicated,, Pakistan is a country that seems to be linked to so many terrorists activities. They all seem to be orginating from this same region.

From an indian point of veiw the war on terror was between islmic jehadis and the WEST.

india was minding its own business until 26/11

These terrorists have brought india into this equation.

And according to india & other western inteligence their are elements in the Pakistan military & ISI who are involved...

As the times reports indicates,,, As the Pentagon has indicated,, Pakistan is a country that seems to be linked to so many terrorists activities. They all seem to be orginating from this same region.

From an indian point of veiw the war on terror was between islmic jehadis and the WEST.

india was minding its own business until 26/11

These terrorists have brought india into this equation.

And according to india & other western inteligence their are elements in the Pakistan military & ISI who are involved...


Who cares what the Times report had indicated?
They most likely also backed up U.S. claims of WMD in Iraq and indicated that too right?
And the pentagon? Please verify your source.
As for the U.S., it has lost quite alot of credibility after Iraq, it was only a matter of time before Pakistan got its turn after Iraq and Afghanistan.
Your perception of Pakistan being some sort of safe haven for terrorists is actually completely wrong and based upon American claims and most likely western propaganda.
The truth lies much deeper and is rooted far and far away, it is partially because of Americas foreign policy and their support to these Jihadis in the past which has made them stronger but at the same time, also made them not too fond of the U.S. foreign policy in general.
Another thing is that Pakistan never really bothered trying to control the tribal areas as they weren't so troublesome as they are today, this is because Pakistan joined the U.S. in 2001 in their war against terror, which created bad blood among alot of these militants in the tribal area who then saw and still see Pakistan as a puppet of the U.S.
Anyhow, it doesn't matter what these militants think, they need to be taken care of, Pakistan has neglected it for way too long, and should root it out because these so called muslims bomb innocent Pakistanis but at the same time vow to protect them if war broke out between Pakistan and India.

Also, mind me if I correct you when you say that India was minding its own business untill the Mumbai attacks occured.
India has never minded its own business, please don't hide that fact.
If India did mind its own business, and i'm talking from a broader point of view, then Pakistan and India would be best friends.
Truth is, India cannot mind her own business because its agencies and "factions" as you name them originated from India, are also the cause for certain attacks inside Pakistan.
Please do not deny this fact, and also do not deny the fact that India has never been interfering with Pakistani policies.
Check for articles and findings in the PDF forums regarding Indias/RAW involvement inside Pakistan.
India was in the "equation" long before these attacks occured.
And once again, your claim is baseless as long as there is no concrete evidence.
According to this and according to that? We can go on for ages and talk like that, we need hard evidence.
The U.S. has already said it was highly unlikely that the ISI was involved in these attacks, so there goes your whole "western agencies" claim against Pakistan.
These people are non state actors untill proven otherwise, period.
Do not accuse Pakistan of something when your nation is equally guilty as Pakistan is in any case between both sides.
The problem regarding terrorism is much more widespread, and India is obligated to work with Pakistan to rid South Asia of this nasty plague.
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Pakistan understands who is the real enemy, and those are the cowards hiding up in the mountains sending in drugs addicts into Pakistani cities so they can blow themselves up.

Exactly and dont forget India's consulates near those mountains in Afghanistan.
95% of pakistanis are not bothered about jehadis or the army or nuke weapons.

What a load of crap you're posting again! Please back up your claim with facts, reports, analysis, polls or just shut up!

You're posting a lot of bs and false claims about Pakistan and this ends now!
Consider this a warning.

And I'd like to see how you come to that figure (95%).

You have 48 hours to prove your claim otherwise I expect an opology to this board for spreading misinformation.
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