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India does not want to invade Pakistan and the US is not our enemy!

So where was the$h1t in 08? All f@rts - tell your SUPA PAWA army to launch attack if they are man. As you guys believe you got all proofs that Pakistan is creating troubles for you so go ahead & try your misadventure.

They have attacked and created a new country so don't tell me which army was wearing chudiya. In India, government decides when to attack not like in your country where army get busted first then inform the govt. to save their a$$.

As I said, its nothing in pakistan that India would invade it, only when the big terror attack happens in India and if Indian govt. decides to go ahead then we will see the attacks on the terrorist camps inside the pakistan.
See this is what first post showed, you show yourselves as if you can't do anything on your own. Grow up, no ones going to interfere unless they see something worth gaining in it.

Before laughing like an indiot please tell me how you gonna face our nuclear threat and the agression from china ??Dear you will only end up loosing your all major cities and economy by our nukes and if china gets involved you will use all india.So wake up and smell the coffee .

Remove your blind fold brother... And face the reality.

It's not that India does not want to invade Pakistan it's just that it's can not , india has no capability to invade Pakistan other wise they would have done so , they tried in 65 and got their butt whipped
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India does not want to invade Pakistan and the US is not our enemy!



India no longer considers Pakistan a threat. Let’s face it. India is poised to become a global economic engine; its economyis the 10th largest and third by Purchasing Power Parity. India is a member of the G4 and has recently acquired almost absolute control of the International Cricket Council (ICC).

Having a G4 membership alone raises India’s global influence. Further, the day is near when India would be a permanent member in the UN Security Council. India played its cards well and is a potential super-power. It is time for Pakistan to come out of its shell of denial and recognise India’s swift progression.

Myth 1: India is Pakistan’s eternal enemy

Pakistanis are often found lamenting when India is offered a better deal by the US. The tendency of the West to prefer India has irked me for the longest of times. Nonetheless, when I analyse it rationally, I find asking myself,

“Why would they have it any other way?”

India has proven its mettle across diverse sectors of national importance.

So, why should it, then, not be offered a better package than us?

Further, given our all too frequent anti-US rhetoric, we should be grateful that the US still provides us abundantly, which in return sustains a big chunk of Pakistan.

Rationally speaking, whatever interest India may have had in the past to invade Pakistan is probably now lost. Now India is a lucrative business destination for many, including the US, and has repositioned itself as a competitor on a global level. With Indians stationed at key places globally, Indian leaders have re-imagined the world where the epicentre of power (economically at least) is India.

This dream may be far off but is certainly not far-fetched.

Subsequently, it is not in India’s strategic interests to continue to apportion defence budgets to fight a war with Pakistan in the hopes of an invasion – more so when Pakistan is in the midst of the worst crisis inflicted by rapid radicalisation of society.

In the same way, Pakistan must reduce the combatant engagement reserved for a war with India because it serves no other purpose but to satisfy inflated egos. National sovereignty is vital, yes, but it is important to realise that India has upped the ante and has no strategic advantage by conquering Pakistan – as many would have us believe.

The money spent fighting India could be spent elsewhere more productive; besides that, a peaceful South Asia is in everybody’s interest. It would be great and to the benefit of both the nations, if India and Pakistan were to reach a trade agreement like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and opened borders for tourism and trade.

If Pakistan has an enemy it is not India it is the wretched forces of extremism that have wreaked havoc on a typical Pakistani’s lifestyle.

Myth 2: US wants to take over Pakistan’s territory

Blasting the US is another classic.

Apart from all the controversy theories, some of which can naturally be true as well since there is always a one percent chance of them being true, the US is more our friend than we may realise. Contrary to popular belief, the US probably has no desire to gain territorial control over Pakistan, especially when it exercises so much indirect control anyway.

Projects such as the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), US help during the floods and other aid should be taken in a positive context. The fact that the government does not ensure that all the foreign aid is put to productive causes, is our fault, not that of the US.

The message I am trying to get across is that Pakistan must stop benchmarking international relations on a friend-foe scale. International relations are based on mutual interests, not friendships.

Myth 3: China will help Pakistan, no matter what

Our third misconception is about the Pak-China relations.

Yes, China has proven a steadfast ally for Pakistan. However, numerous analysts portray China as an ally that can always be trusted upon – no matter what the circumstances. This line of reasoning is absolutely incorrect and fails to account for the bilateral nature of national relations.

I do not want to portray China in a negative context, for that is not my intent, but the intent is for us to realise that there are benefits that China has by being our ally. Their main competition in the region is India and Pakistan’s historical relations with India positions Pakistan as an ally from a Chinese perspective. I admit this reasoning is rather simplistic, but that is just how it is. And, there is nothing morally wrong with it either.

It’s just how things work.

I believe that more than just economic and social indicators, we seem to have lost pride in being Pakistanis. This pride needs to be reignited. With news reports saying it has become controversial to play the national anthem at certain schools, it is no wonder we have lost the Pakistani sense of pride we once carried.

We need to start investing more in education and health, not our defence budget. That is the only way to eliminate the vicious cycle of terrorism, low standards of living and dwindling infrastructure.

India does not want to invade Pakistan and the US is not our enemy! – The Express Tribune Blog

Your comments on it..

This article is absolutely correct.The guy who wrote this has good education and rational thinking .We must debate this with fact not on jingoism.

good one!!!
yes we did invade that way :agree:

Like once a Chinese ambassdor said
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@ Topic - What a m0r0nic piece of crap this opinion is by author. Seems like he wanna earn some bucks & wants some attention.

IMO not worthy of sharing this cr@p here at PDF.
I'll love to believe that but
the Indian military deployments and cold start doctrine suggest the contrary
80% of Indian army is deployed like invasion army along the borders

all 3 armor divisions are deployed along Pakistani border
out of 33 infantry divisions 25 are deployed along Pakistani border
all 3 mechanized divisions are deployed along Pakistani border
almost all IAF bases are near Pakistan as forward airbases starting from the south in Rajhistan to the Kashmir in the north.

all above excludes the independent brigades of both armor and infantry and special task forces that form the tactical battle groups for the doctrines like cold start.

So my dear, accusing Pakistan of the military obsession with India is unfair without doing a simple count of Indian deployment against Pakistan vs its entire strength. yes there might not be a whole scale invasion like in 65 or 71 because the black-ops and proxies are doing a damn fine job. but any false flag or excuse can roll the concentration of these strike forces simultaneously into Azad kashmir, Punjab and Sindh.

I am a military man and I have spent a good amount of time along Kashmir and Punjab borders and I know what I am talking about. I will love to sing the Aman ki Asha but situation doesnt seem to be right when we got guns, missiles and tanks pointing at us within few miles along the entire eastern border of Pakistan

thats true, you guys tried that in 2008.. we were ready and deflated your threats that went out like hot air.
we might be confused with identifying taliban but there is no confusion with our eastern enemies and whats more, the entire FATA wants to join the fight too.. its just anther day of killing for them they dont mind the target and the venue.
and the kind of things the modern armies got these days

you might want to re-consider and think again if you like to believe that you are very safe in your chair behind the computer.
karma is a bitch think before farting. the wind may be blowing your way and you might have to eat your words with a good doze of methane

Because our only major threat is came from that area.And India will increase its military power in proportional to the Economy.It is not for attack Pakistan.But every country do that.Military is proportional for economy.
What is with all the Pak-India peace apologists, things are not so simple that being friendly with India will solve all of our problems, that is if India wants to be ''friends'' at all, just today I was watching a show on PTV (yes, I watch it sometimes) in which some singers were advocating peace despite the fact that they are almost always targeted by Shiv Sena's hate speeches when they go to India, I see that most have accepted Indian hegemony, atleast psychologically. I admit that there is alot wrong with our system and it needs to be fixed but the assumption that the Indians and the US have nothing but merry feelings towards us is naive, every country wants to guard its interests (justified or not) in the region and will continue to pursue them unless we are willing to oppose their illegitimate interests, and we are apparently not willing to oppose any thing, we have (or most have) lost the will to resist, lost the will to oppose and lost the will to guard our own interests.....
In 2008, India was jumping up & down(from Indian govt to Indian Army to Indian Media to Indian terrorists like RSS, VHP, etc) & thinking that while Pakistan Army is busy in internal mess you can invade it again(same old Indian tactic, they believe they can repeat same old cowardice of 71) but Pakistan too send it's forces to Eastern borders & accept Indian war challenge & then world witness indian F@rts disappearing in thin air.


I doubt you even get my joke.:lol:

No no you are wrong .A foreign policy that is 100% correct ,that is taken by PM Manmohan Singh is not invade Pakistan in the shadow of 2008.IF we attack then all the terrorists in Pakistan turn against us instead on PA.So we abstain from military punishment .and did a successful diplomatic war.And it is successful.At last Pakistan conceded Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani.
India doesn't want war, but slowly covert Pakistan into regional economic slave, where local industry is over run by low cost Indian products. Its a fact Pakistani economy has no match with Indian economy.
No no you are wrong .A foreign policy that is 100% correct ,that is taken by PM Manmohan Singh is not invade Pakistan in the shadow of 2008.IF we attack then all the terrorists in Pakistan turn against us instead on PA.So we abstain from military punishment .and did a successful diplomatic war.

But my point is that your govt, army, media & Indian terrorist groups such as RSS, VHP, Modi were jumping up & down for war with Pakistan but then what happened? This was not first time but it happened in 2002 too.
That what i mention in my post earlier that all India have is their coward tactics i.e to attack from the back when another country is busy in it's internal affair - something your country thought of doing in 2008 but was failed when Pakistan mobilized it's troops to Eastern borders.:guns:

We don't care what happens in any third world r republic.:azn: Responding in your tune i can say that in India generals wants to make money & not wanna work their lazy @$$3$ off, they are happy sitting & making money instead of fighting whereas in Pakistan Army works for money.:agree:

But where will you buy the b@lls from? Only real man got them. World saw where your f@rts disappear in 2002 & then in 2008 plus you guys blamed Pakistan several times when your someone got hit in Afghanistan but your Army is not fool like you to face war/death...as i said they love their money. Pakistan is always ready whenever you wish you can try, Pakistan provide you several reasons in the past. BTW any attack in Pakistan will result in counter attack & Pakistan will attack your 7 lakh occupying terrorists in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir & RSS, VHP, Modi, etc terrorists camps in India.:sniper:
Had your country invested the money at the right places you would not have had the TTP biting off your head...and your economy manacled.
How difficult is it to understand the author???
Just because he sounds sane he gets attacked by some ego maniacs who think an army is only for WAR.
I bet you are a teenager masquerading here as "Mr.Know it all."
That article was penned by a Pakistani who is living there and experiencing the real situation. It was meant for local pakistani's, not for people like you who enjoys life on foreign soil.

For you it's just an entertainment to watch Rat being Chased by a Cat, it's life and death issue for Rat.

Local Pakistanis? lol...care to tell me out of 180 Million Pakistanis how many will read his crappy opinion which is written in English. It is what he can sell & make bucks internationally & an aim to get invitations & attention by foreign news groups that love to spread anti-Pakistan propaganda.
But my point is that your govt, army, media & Indian terrorist groups such as RSS, VHP, Modi were jumping up & down for war with Pakistan but then what happened? This was not first time but it happened in 2002 too.

What do you know about Modi and RSS?Ignore VHP they are idiots.Fact is GoI also consider military action.But they took their final decision after consulting BJP and other parties.That is democracy in India.Modi is a politician.He knew consequences of a military action at that recession time .But even he was in the place of Manmohan Singh he dont ordered a military strike .Because that may effect business sentiment in India and Narendra Modi is too business friendly:D.
Our oppostion may create poltical noise but for national prosperity they silently agrees to central government.And there is lot of difference between 2002 and 2008.But business sentiment also work in 2002.
Had your country invested the money at the right places you would not have had the TTP biting off your head...and your economy manacled.

So you are expert on Pakistani issues? Pakistan never invested money on these TTP terrorist groups. Read the recent article published by WSJ which mentions where/how TTP generate money...it will give you some hints.

How difficult is it to understand the author???
Just because he sounds sane he gets attacked by some ego maniacs who think an army is only for WAR.

The author himself seems confused & uninformed. Pakistanis knows who are it's enemies. There is not a choice to pick between TTP & India. Both are proven enemies of Pakistan & it should be shown that way. And yes Army is paid for war not for sitting in barracks & it is good that Pakistan's Army always remains at war.

I bet you are a teenager masquerading here as "Mr.Know it all."

I' am a teenager or hundreder, none of your concern.

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