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India does not want to invade Pakistan and the US is not our enemy!

It's the same as "Does China want to invade us ? No", "Does India want to invade Pakistan? No".None of these two countries want to go back to their days of impoverished past after putting in so much effort.

But I'm pretty sure that if Pakistan (the one with current ideology) was in our shoes the same could not be said.
I' am of Pakistani origin & knows zillion times more than what you know.

As i said read WSJ recent article then come back & post. WSJ is American paper hence neutral & will give you some hints on how TTP generates it's money.

You will find similar opinion as of mine by 99% of Pakistanis. And stop repeating that line "denial mode" taught to you by your Army, i can also say your hypocrisy mode amazes me coming from hypocrisy cum democracy.

TTP & India both have proved to be enemies.
India have either occupied Pakistani lands in the past otherwise meddled in internal affairs of Pakistan & break it.
In 1947 India occupied Kashmir, Junagadh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan, in 1965 India crossed International borders & attacked Lahore at night, in 1971 India meddled in Pakistani internal affairs & trained/sponsored/armed mutki terrorists against Pakistan, etc etc

Nope never heard in countries surrounded by third world republics.

As i said i' am teenager or in my 70's or in my 100's - none of your concerns.

Okay Okay, India is SUPA PAWA, HYPA PAWA, GRETA PAWA, ETC PAWA...now happy? Plz stop with your emotional rants now.:coffee:

Sure I am emotional about my India.I like to know as an Indian more than an NRI.You reside in US and so you are elite pakistani.God knows how much difficulties faced in daily by Nawaz Sharif and PA to protect Pakistan from TTP.

Sure you can say India is not our enemy. But, then why would have we fought FOUR WARS with them? Why haven't we resolved the Kashmir issue? Why did they help in the breaking of west and east Pakistan? Why is funding militants groups and not spending it other areas itself? India may not be a enemy, but it sure isn't a friend and neither does it consider Pakistan to be one either. Truth is while both countries are progressing at their own pace and both will eventually be powerful players at the world stage, while still remaining the greatest threat to each other.

If you want to become a greatest power you need to destroy all terrorists and develop a good economy.Otherwise your future is in shadows of other countries in South Asia ,countries like SL and BD are already better than Pakistan
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I will not try to analyze the blog since I really think author has motivations other than "love for his country" but I would say that right title should read "India really does not want to invade Pakistan and US is her own best friend"
I know, that is what you are proving out to be again & again.
Hehehe....somebody has serious comprehension issues.Okay let me put it this way "brain is awesome I wish everyone had one".:whistle:

American Pakistani said:
Wait...are you a troll?
Look who is talking....the one stamped a troll with a capital T.Lolzz
I hate personal attacks ....so lets refrain from doing it...and not stifle this discussion
American Pakistani said:
WSJ is internationally reputed paper & many Indians love to quote it.
As if I didnt know....
But atleast you take seriously what Indians quote.Good going...
But wheres the link??? Bring the proof ...presto!...don't expect me to google it for you.

American Pakistani said:
I say what is truth. Sorry i know it is bitter.
Whose version of Truth are you parroting anyway???

American Pakistani said:
Both TTP & India are enemies. This is not what i said but the history says.
TTP- Yes
India- NO
The MFN status will help build more trust among these warring countries and will bring economic progress too....Inshallah.

American Pakistani said:
They do eye others territories, thats why occupied so many lands.
Which land??
Indian army has only protected Indian territories.And has taken defensive stance only.

American Pakistani said:
As for Akhand Bharat dream, we write that on tissue paper & wipe out @$$3$ with that.:D
That clown bharat verma show you impossible dreams. Its better to shun him off.:agree:
Baby that was the politest way by which I meant "your country would have been gobbled up by now had our army been more aggressive".
But thankfully we are a peace loving country.
And stop provoking me...You would cede to ground.Lolzzz

American Pakistani said:
I dunno what is Azad Kashmir. Is it Pokemon?
India via Afghanistan.
Aaahhhhh gosh I was banging my head against a guy with such a poor GK....issshhhh
Azad Kashmir is Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

American Pakistani said:
Your 7 lakh terrorist occupiers are good only for fake encounters & unarmed people of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.
We have the 3rd largest standing army .....ergo dont even think of antagonizing..
..or else you'll understand the meaning of the word belligerence.

American Pakistani said:
They never choose to join India but were occupied by force.
The fact is those were a part of India/Bharat/Hindustan since the earliest time.It was just a matter of bringing all the states under one constitution.
Prove me wrong.

American Pakistani said:
No it's like asking you if you are dallit, brahmin, high caste, low caste, etc.:agree:
Hehehe....I am the most secular person around.I dont believe in caste/creed...high/low.
Just that you misconstrued my quote.
But then you can ONLY think of acting like nonagenarian. :devil:
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What would India get after invading pakistan ? what would Pakistan become after invasion? another Afghanistan.

I would be happy if we have neighbor like Pakistan ...but country like Afghanistan ..noooo way...

Afghanistan is like hydra monster...you cut it into 100 pieces only to find you have 100 Afghanistans to fight.
Now look at the double standards of these indians ,they dont,t want a neighbour which is hydramonster but they had put billions of dollars in afghanistan so they can have strategic hold against pakistan and they can sponsor terrorism in pakistan from there...but these indians ended up loosing badly in the graveyard of empires..what a waste of time,effort and money.Those billions of dollars could be used for feeding their huge starving population.
Now look at the double standards of these indians ,they dont,t want a neighbour which is hydramonster but they had put billions of dollars in afghanistan so they can have strategic hold against pakistan and they can sponsor terrorism in pakistan from there...but these indians ended up loosing badly in the graveyard of empires..what a waste of time,effort and money.Those billions of dollars could be used for feeding their huge starving population.
We are Indians bro. We are like that. Bagal mein... you know? :azn: :unsure:
We are Indians bro. We are like that. Bagal mein... you know? :azn: :unsure:
I am glad at least you have accepted the mistake you have committed in afghanistan.

We should not feel proud of our nuclear weapon... People like you want to destroy Pakistan and other country too,, not much difference between suicide bomber and you.... Even if India attack us, we should not use nuclear weapon....
Our enemy is not India, our enemy is Taliban and extremist mindset... .... We should not allow anybody to use our land against other country.
By writing such posts what do you think the indian members here will hug you and will give you a indian citizenship? Our first use policy is a fact and you are calling the whole pakistanis a suicide bombers? You have no idea what are you talking about..for gad sake please stop talking through your arse hole.
Go sort out the Taliban. Then sort out the BLA. Then sort out the Yanks riding your rear endlessly (good to know that you your heart is in the victim whilst your body is in the abuser). Then talk about Pakistan being ready for India.

I know it is pretty hard for a citizen of a Bharat mata who have it's rear always booked for one nation or another. But this does not means that every country is similar to Bharat Mata.:D
Hehehe....somebody has serious comprehension issues.Okay let me put it this way "brain is awesome I wish everyone had one".:whistle:

I wish the same:cheers:

Look who is talking....the one stamped a troll with a capital T.Lolzz
I hate personal attacks ....so lets refrain from doing it...and not stifle this discussion

Well you sounds like a troll to me.
And BTW this is not called personal attack. It is what you sounds like - thanks to your posts.

As if I didnt know....
But atleast you take seriously what Indians quote.Good going...
But wheres the link??? Bring the proof ...presto!...don't expect me to google it for you.

Jeez dude! I never ask you to google it up for me.

Whose version of Truth are you parroting anyway???

The truth's version.

TTP- Yes
India- NO
The MFN status will help build more trust among these warring countries and will bring economic progress too....Inshallah.

History shows India too is enemy of Pakistan. I wish for peace, friendly & trade relations but these are distant dreams unless the giant issues are not solved.

Which land??
Indian army has only protected Indian territories.And has taken defensive stance only.

IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir, Junagadh/Manvadar, Hyderabad Deccan. Plus naked involvement of Indian in funding 1971 Mutki terrorists.

Baby that was the politest way by which I meant "your country would have been gobbled up by now had our army been more aggressive".
But thankfully we are a peace loving country.
And stop provoking me...You would cede to ground.Lolzzz

But your country would require b@lls for that & sorry it comes free by God & cannot be purchased. Till then we keep wiping our $h1t with a tissue paper that have "akhand Bharat" written on it.:devil:
I post facts if you get provoked by that it is your problem. You can try that.

Aaahhhhh gosh I was banging my head against a guy with such a poor GK....issshhhh
Azad Kashmir is Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

There is no such thing as the one you've mentioned. That's why i was confused. I only know about IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir/Indian Occupied Kashmir.:agree:

We have the 3rd largest standing army .....ergo dont even think of antagonizing..
..or else you'll understand the meaning of the word belligerence.

Sorry your bravado does not work here. As i said Pakistan has provide dozens of reasons & provoked you but except f@rts nothing from 3rd largest army. Its time to teach IA the meaning of the word "belligerence".:lol:

The fact is those were a part of India/Bharat/Hindustan since the earliest time.It was just a matter of bringing all the states under one constitution.
Prove me wrong.

I don't wanna go off topic by posting history here. Search for the map of IVC/Durrani Empire etc. Just because Mughals & British unite all neighboring countries to rule with ease doesn't mean these lands are Bharat property.

Hehehe....I am the Indian secular person around.I dont believe in caste/creed...high/low.
Just that you misconstrued my quote.

There fix it for you buddy. And we knows how it works.:cool:

But then you can ONLY think of acting like nonagenarian. :devil:

lol & why would i think of acting?:crazy:
I laugh at those Pakistanis who want to make peace with India. They forget that we are at war with each other. Right now, they are helping the Baloch terrorists and in Afghanistan also. And we are helping the Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmiris. Plus we are going to have serious problems over the water issue with the Indians. We have too many problems with them to consider peace.
There is no trust. They have the misguided notion that Dawood Ibrahim is in Pakistan(they even made a hilarious movie recently called D-Day where they enter Pakistan and kill him). But he is in UAE right now.
If India wants peace than it should come forward and stop beating around the bush and lets talk on equal terms.
American Pakistani said:
I wish for peace, friendly & trade relations but these are distant dreams unless the giant issues are not solved.
just what i was stressing on from last 2 days.
Now give me a reason why we are debating??? You gotta understand that no country ..mind you no country in its senses would go for a war when all the world is still reeling from recession. Not even "a CHINA " can afford it.The examples could be US not involving itself in Syria...China Vs Japan is nothing but a volcano switching itself on and off.Russia has its own troubles...and well in India its election year.
India has its internal and political issues to be resolved right now.It would be very naive to imagine that India would even attack its worst enemy at this point of time...or in the near future.

And for you to watch and read..................
When The Indian Air Force Undertook Missions To Save And Protect pakistanis
Responding to SOS calls from besieged pakistan Army soldiers, the Indian Air Force [IAF], in 2006, with its Mil Mi-35 "Akbar" attack helicopters, undertook fire support missions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [DRC]. Despite coming under attack itself & suffering damages to the Helicopters, the IAF remained committed to the task at hand.

As a result of the firepower it was raining from the air, the IAF created sufficient time & opportunity for the pakistani soldiers to retreat to safer positions. The present Commanding Officer [CO] of the No.125 Helicopter Squadron, "The Gladiators", then deputed to the DRC for the MONUC mission, recalls that event in this video below.

When The Indian Air Force Undertook Missions To Save And Protect pakistanis - AA Me, IN

Now tell me are you convinced that india is not interested in attacking Pakistan??

American Pakistani said:
Jeez dude! I never ask you to google it up for me.
Sweetie...but you never really gave me the proof.So what were you expecting i'll google it???

I wish the same:cheers:
Well you sounds like a troll to me.
And BTW this is not called personal attack. It is what you sounds like - thanks to your posts.
The truth's version.
History shows India too is enemy of Pakistan. I wish for peace, friendly & trade relations but these are distant dreams unless the giant issues are not solved.
IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir, Junagadh/Manvadar, Hyderabad Deccan. Plus naked involvement of Indian in funding 1971 Mutki terrorists.
But your country would require b@lls for that & sorry it comes free by God & cannot be purchased. Till then we keep wiping our $h1t with a tissue paper that have "akhand Bharat" written on it.
I post facts if you get provoked by that it is your problem. You can try that.
There is no such thing as the one you've mentioned. That's why i was confused. I only know about IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir/Indian Occupied Kashmir.
Sorry your bravado does not work here. As i said Pakistan has provide dozens of reasons & provoked you but except f@rts nothing from 3rd largest army. Its time to teach IA the meaning of the word "belligerence".
I don't wanna go off topic by posting history here. Search for the map of IVC/Durrani Empire etc. Just because Mughals & British unite all neighboring countries to rule with ease doesn't mean these lands are Bharat property.
There fix it for you buddy. And we knows how it works.
lol & why would i think of acting?

Frankly your posts have crossed the border of being dilettante....
And drilling sense into you :moil: is like banging my own head against a wall.:hitwall:
You are just too dilettante-ish....

You've been posting a lot about sh!t...f@rts...toilet tissue papers....

American Pakistani said:
except f@rts nothing

American Pakistani said:
tissue paper & wipe out @$$3$ with that

Sweetie if possible go visit a doc atleast today for the severe indigestion caused by your own posts in your tummy.
I seriously dont like engaging in such a malodorous discussion .:coffee:

Get well soon!!!

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This cannot happen, the fire of vengeance between the two nations is dying a slow death. I call for nuking each other. :mad:

Besides what's the point of having nukes if you can't use them??;):coffee:

WAR WAR WAR WAR....NO PEACE.....WAR it's cooler 8-)


..............then why the hell are we making Dhoom 4 ??????????? :confused::butcher: (Yeah shooting starts soon :D)

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