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India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

Yes we admit that there are factions inside our country posing threat to national security. We also admit that most of these factions are foreign funded and we'll do all possible to counter them.

Why are you making false claims here ADMIN? Show me your sources and if credible, I will agree with you.

Yes I am questioning you - the admin, for you are not being fair! This is a Pakistani defence forum but that doesnt give you the right to make false claims. Its alright when you all insult India, which you all are tied to by an umbilical chord, and its not right when we Indians criticize Pakistan? Is that in anyway logical?

If you dont agree with what the world has come up with as evidence what will you guys believe? Your own media, which if I may has no credibility even in your own country?

Really Enough is Enough. Go on make all kinds of noises and we will slowly and surely squeeze you all out of existence. It may take years but ... Borders are drawn and wiped and then again redrawn. Old countries have always weathered any storms, its always the newer countries that come into being and then DISAPPEAR! The powerful Soviet Union collapsed, the mighty English Empire withered away, the imperialistic Japanese were humbled!! Nothings impossible.

History always repeats itself!

Here's a good solution for a mess called Pakistan...

Hey all Indians and to the Indian govt:

1. Cut all ties with Pakistan, whatever they may be....cut people to people contact with Pakistanis, cut diplomatic and cultural ties with Pakistan. Dont give Visas to Pakistanis to visit India. Any Pakistani found in India should face deportation or persecution!

2. Fence the whole border with Pakistan....not a big problem, import Israeli tech to monitor this fence. Any violators should be killed, if they try to escape then they should be pursued till they are killed. If the world protests, then screw them, we should do what needs to be done to protect our borders.

3. Squeeze Pakistan diplomatically, and tell the world in clear terms, that they have to choose between either the Islamic Pakistan or India!! Lets see who the world chooses!

4. Increase co-operation with Afghanistan whose people are more friendly with Indians than Pakistanis, and divert more funding - as claimed by many Pakistanis here - to increase subversive activities in the parts of Pakistan where the RAW is so called active!

Push all these options and give a damn to what Pakistan then says.

You guys want to hate India, go ahead... we will definitely give you all a reason to do so.
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There are cases against this person and your judicial system is helpless in front of Modi!

So if tomorrow a leader of an Indian militant group takes part in election and they get a majority in an Indian State, would you still accept them?

The answer may be a 'yes' for you but the answer will be a big NO from majority of the Indians!

There are cases against Mr 10% Zardari, nawaz and many of your politicians not only in Pakistan but in some other countries as well. What are Pakistanis doing about it?

As for Indian Muslims being afforded second class status, FYI there are other groups of people too who are treated as second class people. It all depends on ones ability, if you have it in you you can make it, if not then u cant!
One one hand many of our intellectuals are muslims, on the other u have slums filled with Hindus! have you ever been to India? Have you seen life here? Then dont comment on our society based on views aired by your incompetent media! You have no idea about Indian society
Why are you making false claims here ADMIN? Show me your sources and if credible, I will agree with you.

Yes I am questioning you - the admin, for you are not being fair! This is a Pakistani defence forum but that doesnt give you the right to make false claims. Its alright when you all insult India, which you all are tied to by an umbilical chord, and its not right when we Indians criticize Pakistan? Is that in anyway logical?

That is because he is the mighty Neo and you need to bow down to him. He is the authority here. No one can question him...no one can challenege him apart from me. :cheesy:
Go on make all kinds of noises and we will slowly and surely squeeze you all out of existence.
You guys want to hate India, go ahead... we will definitely give you all a reason to do so.

LMAO. Are you seriously trying to threaten the good Pakistanis of this board? If you guys want to hate Pakistan, go ahead. :rolleyes: You aren't the first idiot trolling here, you certainly won't be the last. Why don't you take your pathetic BS to somebody who cares?

Moderators, I request you ban this stupid 9 year old lunatic. :crazy:
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LMAO. Are you seriously trying to threaten the good Pakistanis of this board? If you guys want to hate Pakistan, go ahead. You aren't the first idiot trolling here, you certainly won't be the last. Why don't you take your pathetic BS to somebody who cares?

Moderators, when will this stupid 9 year old be banned?

Hey 786,
I am not threatening the 'good' Pakistanis in this forum, I am just laying out some of the options that the Indian Govt can exercise. When one says all options are on the table, that doesnt necessarily mean the military option! Dont you fellas have any imagination? Why do you always think of war? There are many ways and methods to squeeze countries! Ask the British, they did quite good for a couple of centuries!

BTW can you come up with any ideas to counter some of the options mentioned in my post, instead of calling me a troll and asking the mods to ban me?

Anyway we Indians dont have the time to think about hating Pakistan, let alone doing it! Except for the Kashmir reason, no one - apart from some babus in south block, really bothers what Pakistan is up to! Hate Pakistan, lol what do you have that we are jealous so as to hate your country or countrymen?

C'mon lets see what you can come up with!
Why? Give me one good reason to waste my time with a stupid troll such as yourself.
Why? Give me one good reason to waste my time with a stupid troll such as yourself.

Only because you cannot counter my post? You've got Nothing to counter my point?? Ha! the typical response of a measly acumen!

And if Indian Govt really did use some of the options then lets see what you have to say!
india should be divided in mini states like it was before 47.you will solve all problems
Why are you making false claims here ADMIN? Show me your sources and if credible, I will agree with you.

Yes I am questioning you - the admin, for you are not being fair! This is a Pakistani defence forum but that doesnt give you the right to make false claims. Its alright when you all insult India, which you all are tied to by an umbilical chord, and its not right when we Indians criticize Pakistan? Is that in anyway logical?

If you dont agree with what the world has come up with as evidence what will you guys believe? Your own media, which if I may has no credibility even in your own country?
Google the info, or search the forum - articles quoting various official sources in Pakistan making those allegations are a plenty. You could indeed contest the veracity of those Pakistani claims, just as we would any claims against Pakistan in Indian or other newspapers, but that is still different from what El Nino has done.

El Nino's comments were not based on any sources - it was a pure distortion of facts and numbers he pulled out of his as*, and the evidence for that is also on this forum an on the net. Go to the Gallup or Pew Research website and search on Pakistan - all of the polls showing Pakistani opinion to be decisively against terrorism are there.

Really Enough is Enough. Go on make all kinds of noises and we will slowly and surely squeeze you all out of existence. It may take years but ... Borders are drawn and wiped and then again redrawn. Old countries have always weathered any storms, its always the newer countries that come into being and then DISAPPEAR! The powerful Soviet Union collapsed, the mighty English Empire withered away, the imperialistic Japanese were humbled!! Nothings impossible.

History always repeats itself!
History can indeed repeat itself, and to that count, since we are making inflammatory statements here, a splintering of India is also possible. India's ability to 'squeeze' Pakistan has been seen. You cannot do anything on the military front except for bluster and spittle, and were you to some day obtain the cajones to take military action against Pakistan, it would get you nothing, and I am not even talking about the nukes here. India won't be able to do much even in a conventional conflict.

You can't squeeze us out of existence because we do not depend upon you for anything. Try cutting off the water and those dams will be crumbling and destroyed, and we won't need to militarily invade India for that either. You cannot win militarily, you cannot do anything economically, and you have lost diplomatically.

I would get off my high horse, and get the Indian leaders to apologize to Pakistan for all the arrogance and belligerence we have been subjected to since the Mumbai attacks, and then humbly share the evidence and quietly cooperate with Pakistan to bring the perpetrators to task.
Here's a good solution for a mess called Pakistan...

Hey all Indians and to the Indian govt:

1. Cut all ties with Pakistan, whatever they may be....cut people to people contact with Pakistanis, cut diplomatic and cultural ties with Pakistan. Dont give Visas to Pakistanis to visit India. Any Pakistani found in India should face deportation or persecution!
Pleas do so, we'll return the favor. Not like we have that much going in the way of ties anyway.

2. Fence the whole border with Pakistan....not a big problem, import Israeli tech to monitor this fence. Any violators should be killed, if they try to escape then they should be pursued till they are killed. If the world protests, then screw them, we should do what needs to be done to protect our borders.
I am shaking in my boots! A fence you say! Go ahead, however we'll try and actually return alive any Indians who unwittingly cross the border, since we are better than you.:D
3. Squeeze Pakistan diplomatically, and tell the world in clear terms, that they have to choose between either the Islamic Pakistan or India!! Lets see who the world chooses!
Yes, yes, you have been trying that already, but the world has seen your leaderships complete insanity and belligerence, and refusal to cooperate with Pakistan. The world has exonerated the GoP and her institutions, and it has paid no heed to India's demands for extradition, and quietly encouraged Pakistan to punish the perpetrators according to her laws on the basis of any evidence shared - which India has refused to do.
4. Increase co-operation with Afghanistan whose people are more friendly with Indians than Pakistanis, and divert more funding - as claimed by many Pakistanis here - to increase subversive activities in the parts of Pakistan where the RAW is so called active!
Well, per the sources mentioned by me above, India is already doing that. Not much has changed has it.
Push all these options and give a damn to what Pakistan then says.

You guys want to hate India, go ahead... we will definitely give you all a reason to do so.
On the contraray, there was a lot of sympathy for India after Mumbai, until the HATE from your side, spewed through the media and government officials, got the response it deserved from Pakistanis.

Ciao - good luck with your 'list', though I woudl recommend a different one, since this one is severely lacking as I pointed out.
That is because he is the mighty Neo and you need to bow down to him. He is the authority here. No one can question him...no one can challenege him apart from me. :cheesy:

Don't join in the trolling or encourage them - Neo did not speak out of turn or conjure information/stats out of thin air, as El Nino did.
Why are you making false claims here ADMIN? Show me your sources and if credible, I will agree with you.

Yes I am questioning you - the admin, for you are not being fair! This is a Pakistani defence forum but that doesnt give you the right to make false claims. Its alright when you all insult India, which you all are tied to by an umbilical chord, and its not right when we Indians criticize Pakistan? Is that in anyway logical?

If you dont agree with what the world has come up with as evidence what will you guys believe? Your own media, which if I may has no credibility even in your own country?

Really Enough is Enough. Go on make all kinds of noises and we will slowly and surely squeeze you all out of existence. It may take years but ... Borders are drawn and wiped and then again redrawn. Old countries have always weathered any storms, its always the newer countries that come into being and then DISAPPEAR! The powerful Soviet Union collapsed, the mighty English Empire withered away, the imperialistic Japanese were humbled!! Nothings impossible.

History always repeats itself!

Here's a good solution for a mess called Pakistan...

Hey all Indians and to the Indian govt:

1. Cut all ties with Pakistan, whatever they may be....cut people to people contact with Pakistanis, cut diplomatic and cultural ties with Pakistan. Dont give Visas to Pakistanis to visit India. Any Pakistani found in India should face deportation or persecution!

2. Fence the whole border with Pakistan....not a big problem, import Israeli tech to monitor this fence. Any violators should be killed, if they try to escape then they should be pursued till they are killed. If the world protests, then screw them, we should do what needs to be done to protect our borders.

3. Squeeze Pakistan diplomatically, and tell the world in clear terms, that they have to choose between either the Islamic Pakistan or India!! Lets see who the world chooses!

4. Increase co-operation with Afghanistan whose people are more friendly with Indians than Pakistanis, and divert more funding - as claimed by many Pakistanis here - to increase subversive activities in the parts of Pakistan where the RAW is so called active!

Push all these options and give a damn to what Pakistan then says.

You guys want to hate India, go ahead... we will definitely give you all a reason to do so.

To some extent Points 1 to 4 are already being followed by India

1) getting Visa is tough and very special treatment is given to Pakistanis at airports etc.
Even Pakistani diplomatic staff has been beaten countless times by security agencies, not to mention the dead body of a cricket fan India sent after one week of Pakistan releasing an Indian Spy...if that makes you feel good then enjoy.

2)Indian border is well fenced and full of high power searchlights with lots of security personnel, I noticed it in Thar/Cholistan desert area surveys and on my flights from Karachi to Lahore...good for India since they are securing their country.
On other hand no such setup on Pakistani side.

3) I don't even want to answer this one since in our long history India has always maligned Pakistan on the diplomatic front and has actually done a good job of it...once again good for India.

4) India has always used Afghanistan as an additional launching pad for anti Pakistan efforts both diplomatic and military (with help of KGB), BLA members (baluch liberation army) were trained by KGB and now with India in Afghanistan they are active again, it makes sense for Pakistan to be suspicious but we are not going to attack India based on suspicions.

Anyways if you think buttons need to be pushed a lot more, do so.
I only hope for the betterment of entire region that people like you are not going to make the decisions.

I am a realist and so am never keen on the so called brotherhood of India and Pakistan, however i do believe there needs to be better relationship for benefit of both.
If India keeps up this attitude treating Pakistan like a little punk then i am afraid the road ahead is dark not only for Pakistan but India as well, no matter how big a democracy and economy it boasts of.

Pakistan is already fighting a major war against a purely evil organization which has killed more Pakistanis than any other nationality.
We do not need to be told to do more, rather we need mutual respect and support from all the stakeholders.

As far as the redrawing of borders are concerned...who knows what can happen anywhere down the line...nothing is spared from the rust of time, not even the mightiest of empires.
Therefore same is applicable to India as well.

Everyone has to come clean in this entire region if you all want to attain the status of developed countries, but do not expect a bullying attitude will get us anywhere except the stinking reality that is today (no matter what your stats tell you).
Go to the Gallup or Pew Research website and search on Pakistan - all of the polls showing Pakistani opinion to be decisively against terrorism are there.

Thats what el nino meant when he said that most of the Pakistanis are against terrorism and want better ties with India.

History can indeed repeat itself, and to that count, since we are making inflammatory statements here, a splintering of India is also possible.

Yeah! Like people havent been trying to do that for thousands of years. They come here to conquer and divide to enjoy the spoils but instead end up staying and assimilating with the people here!

India's ability to 'squeeze' Pakistan has been seen. You cannot do anything on the military front except for bluster and spittle, and were you to some day obtain the cajones to take military action against Pakistan, it would get you nothing, and I am not even talking about the nukes here. India won't be able to do much even in a conventional conflict.

Go on live in that utopian world you guys have built! Theres a reson for why India did not exercised the military option yet! And to think India cannot win a conventional war, is sorry to say, delusional!

You can't squeeze us out of existence because we do not depend upon you for anything.

Really? ask your govt and your businesses! Wonder why Indian goods are smuggled into Pakistan instead of Chinese goods? How many ordinary Pakistanis prefer Indian goods over Chinese goods? For Pakistan, India is among the biggest trading partners!

The Indian leaders to apologize to Pakistan for all the arrogance and belligerence we have been subjected to since the Mumbai attacks, and then humbly share the evidence and quietly cooperate with Pakistan to bring the perpetrators to task.

Your politicians smack of ignorant arrogance. instead of accepting the fact that the perpetrators of the Mumbai crime were of Pakistani origin - so called non-state actors, belonging to a group created and nurtured by successive govts from Zia-ul-Haq onwards, all you people do is go into 'denial mode'. When your own NSA gave out a statement that the moron caught alive was of Pakistani origin, your PM sacked him!! Nawaz made a statement baout that moron and then retracted it back again! When your govt doesnt know what to say, retracts every statement and contradicts every other statement, how can anyone trust your government? On what basis should the Indian govt collaborate with your agencies?

For eg, when Indian handed the Mumbai dossier to Pakistan, the first statements were that CIA gave them that, and then comes the whopper- its just information and not 'evidence' whatever that means. All this within 24 hrs even before studying the dossier!! If you cannot accept simple evidences and how can you work with us?

I am shaking in my boots! A fence you say! Go ahead, however we'll try and actually return alive any Indians who unwittingly cross the border, since we are better than you.:D

We have seen what you people did with Indian POWs during the last war.

Yes, yes, you have been trying that already, but the world has seen your leaderships complete insanity and belligerence, and refusal to cooperate with Pakistan. The world has exonerated the GoP and her institutions, and it has paid no heed to India's demands for extradition, and quietly encouraged Pakistan to punish the perpetrators according to her laws on the basis of any evidence shared - which India has refused to do.

Isnt that the other way around? Nobody in Pakistan has accepted the the perpetrators of the Mumbai crime were from Pakistan! Its all speculative to you, but the world leaders have been saying that these people were indeed Pakistanis!!

The present govt has nothing to with the crime, its some 'rouge' elements in your ISI!! The world has been saying this!

The other countries have their own agenda viz-a-vis the situation in NWFP/tribal areas of Pakistan , but after that what? Wait and watch!

Yeah when we give information/evidence, you brush it off and then say its all speculative and you want us to believe that you are earnest in tackling this menace! Yeah right!

Well, per the sources mentioned by me above, India is already doing that. Not much has changed has it.
On the contraray, there was a lot of sympathy for India after Mumbai, until the HATE from your side, spewed through the media and government officials, got the response it deserved from Pakistanis.

What sources? Your media against the world media? BTW what do you have that we Indians could possibly hate? All I see in posts here is hatred for India, everything is compared to India and the Indian perspective is bashed! Ok, fine its a Pakistani forum but then still!! Hate mongering?

There's a reason why India is exercising restraint! Its not because India is afraid of pakistani army or its nukes. That would be the last thing on our minds! If that escapes you then I can only sympathize with you.

BTW the list is just some of the many options that India can exercise, and lets see what the world would choose...an Islamic Pakistan - who everyone knows is the epicenter of terrorist activity - or the liberal forward surging economically growing India!
Thats what el nino meant when he said that most of the Pakistanis are against terrorism and want better ties with India.

Yeah! Like people havent been trying to do that for thousands of years. They come here to conquer and divide to enjoy the spoils but instead end up staying and assimilating with the people here!

Go on live in that utopian world you guys have built! Theres a reson for why India did not exercised the military option yet! And to think India cannot win a conventional war, is sorry to say, delusional!

Really? ask your govt and your businesses! Wonder why Indian goods are smuggled into Pakistan instead of Chinese goods? How many ordinary Pakistanis prefer Indian goods over Chinese goods? For Pakistan, India is among the biggest trading partners!

Your politicians smack of ignorant arrogance. instead of accepting the fact that the perpetrators of the Mumbai crime were of Pakistani origin - so called non-state actors, belonging to a group created and nurtured by successive govts from Zia-ul-Haq onwards, all you people do is go into 'denial mode'. When your own NSA gave out a statement that the moron caught alive was of Pakistani origin, your PM sacked him!! Nawaz made a statement baout that moron and then retracted it back again! When your govt doesnt know what to say, retracts every statement and contradicts every other statement, how can anyone trust your government? On what basis should the Indian govt collaborate with your agencies?

For eg, when Indian handed the Mumbai dossier to Pakistan, the first statements were that CIA gave them that, and then comes the whopper- its just information and not 'evidence' whatever that means. All this within 24 hrs even before studying the dossier!! If you cannot accept simple evidences and how can you work with us?

We have seen what you people did with Indian POWs during the last war.

Isnt that the other way around? Nobody in Pakistan has accepted the the perpetrators of the Mumbai crime were from Pakistan! Its all speculative to you, but the world leaders have been saying that these people were indeed Pakistanis!!

The present govt has nothing to with the crime, its some 'rouge' elements in your ISI!! The world has been saying this!

The other countries have their own agenda viz-a-vis the situation in NWFP/tribal areas of Pakistan , but after that what? Wait and watch!

Yeah when we give information/evidence, you brush it off and then say its all speculative and you want us to believe that you are earnest in tackling this menace! Yeah right!

What sources? Your media against the world media? BTW what do you have that we Indians could possibly hate? All I see in posts here is hatred for India, everything is compared to India and the Indian perspective is bashed! Ok, fine its a Pakistani forum but then still!! Hate mongering?

There's a reason why India is exercising restraint! Its not because India is afraid of pakistani army or its nukes. That would be the last thing on our minds! If that escapes you then I can only sympathize with you.

BTW the list is just some of the many options that India can exercise, and lets see what the world would choose...an Islamic Pakistan - who everyone knows is the epicenter of terrorist activity - or the liberal forward surging economically growing India!

Dude a piece of advice, why don't you join BR if you haven't already. Really this stuff of yours is going break all records there and you'll be a hit in no time.
Only because you cannot counter my post? You've got Nothing to counter my point?? Ha! the typical response of a measly acumen!

And if Indian Govt really did use some of the options then lets see what you have to say!

LMAO. A measly acumen? I feel so insulted... NOT. How about you answer my question? Why should I waste my time countering you? By not countering my post you have proved YOUR acumen to be "measly".

Your threats don't scare anyone, Pakistani or not. Go back to BRF kid.

By the way, who cares if Indian government implements the crap you pulled out of your stupid ***? Pakistan has faced far worse, wars with a numerically superior adversary, and has never capitulated. Now Pakistan's military is not only professional and competant, but nuclear armed also. If you idiots want to start a war, go ahead - you had better be prepared to reap the whirlwind.

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