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India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

but you have to admit there are factions in pakistan that are destroying your country.

EVEN THE USA is worried wat ,may transpire in this country.

Yes we admit that there are factions inside our country posing threat to national security. We also admit that most of these factions are foreign funded and we'll do all possible to counter them.
What a load of crap you're posting again! Please back up your claim with facts, reports, analysis, polls or just shut up!

You're posting a lot of bs and false claims about Pakistan and this ends now!
Consider this a warning.

And I'd like to see how you come to that figure (95%).

You have 48 hours to prove your claim otherwise I expect an opology to this board for spreading misinformation.

Neo you need to relax.

The percentage he quoted is obviously an exageration, but the the important basis of the fact remains that a sizeable number of people in Pakistan are not just oblivious but sympathetic towards the Pakistani Taliban et all. What they see is that these are their own people fighting against a Pakistani govt bought by US.
Neo you need to relax.

The percentage he quoted is obviously an exageration, but the the important basis of the fact remains that a sizeable number of people in Pakistan are not just oblivious but sympathetic towards the Pakistani Taliban et all. What they see is that these are their own people fighting against a Pakistani govt bought by US.
Yes Neo, I too feel the same. There is a sense of sympathy towards the Taliban in most of the Muslim world, and its not only Pakistan. The people think of the Talibans good side, For eg: Taliban brought Justice to Afghanistan, Crime plummeted under their rule. People think of these, they dont think of the thousands of people who starved under the them, the widows who suffered etc.
Anti-Americanism isn't the same thing as support for talibanism which is the case in western parts of Pakistan. They'll support anyone who can stop US from bombing our villages, be it Iran, China or Russia...it would make no difference for the locals...they want peace as the rest of Pakistan.

Mr El Nino has a bad habbit of exagerating stats when it comes to Pakistan and he's spreading misinformation. That has to stop!
Latest polls conducted by foreign sources and published elsewhere in this forum show that support for talibanism or islamists is at all time low...well beneath 50% all over the country.
I did not imply simply anti americanism. I meant that a good many of them think of these people who will make an Islamist country and whatnot.

You need to still chill a bit mate. Dont blow a nerve cuz of what is posted on a forum!
non-state actors do not come from moon.they are operating from pakistan.gordon brown said accepted it and every other world leader said this.india government just want you to dismantle those terror camps.its easy for pakistan if they have will.this is just we want.we dont want to fight with pakistan.war is not the solution.
One thing which always surprises me is the lack of understanding displayed by many people with regards to Pakistan's position.

As far as non state actors are concerned, I think Pak Army and entire state machinery has been engaged in a deadly war against such groups.
So assuming that we are siding with them or not doing enough is quite ridiculous especially with the number of military and civilian casualties in mind.

As far as afghan Jihad elements and their alleged ties to Osama are concerned, who was the architect of the anti soviet Mujahideen?
The whole world knows that it was USA but the scapegoat is Pakistan.
In spirit Pakistan helped a Muslim country under attack but the aftermath and subsequent exit of USA was something Pakistan had to pay a heavy price for. (Pakistan accepted millions of afghans with open arms so nobody should doubt about the help Pakistani nation and state extended.)

Most of us while hating terrorism do maintain that many many of the militants are just fighting a battle against foreign troops and cannot be all labeled as terrorists, otherwise going by this criteria even the founding fathers of USA were terrorists fighting against the British throne.
Labeling them all terrorists will result in further disaster.

Osama and his group were formerly working for CIA in Afghanistan so forgive us Pakistanis if we have our doubts about what is going on and who is to blame.
If Osama is not caught does it mean US is supporting him?
With the kind of resources at their disposal if USA can fail for so many years then what makes India so sure that Pakistan is not doing enough?
These are some of the best fighters in the world trained by CIA amongst many other agencies and they operate in the toughest terrain possible!!!
This is a meat grinder of a battlefield, a reality which people deliberately ignore while making big statements.

Is it prudent for India to start a war with Pakistan?
Who will benefit from this war if it happens?
Think it over from an impartial and realistic point of view.
I think it is India's attitude which needs some rethinking.

USA can have the luxury of quitting, they did it once.
Now they say it was a mistake.
Pakistan and India are here to stay so better realize the benefit of more cooperation and less threats.
One thing which always surprises me is the lack of understanding displayed by many people with regards to Pakistan's position. Is it prudent for India to start a war with Pakistan?Who will benefit from this war if it happens? Think it over from an impartial and realistic point of view. I think it is India's attitude which needs some rethinking. Pakistan and India are here to stay so better realize the benefit of more cooperation and less threats.

Very nice article. We can choose friends but not neighbors. Pakistan and India have to compramise and improve relations one or the other day for sure. Both countries need to talk open heartedly list the limitations and come up with some solution.

You did not answer my question.

WHY are your terror groups targeting india.

WHY are they targeting white civillians


Don't be so naive, you know well why the terrorists and freedom fighters are targetting India.

Why don't you work with Pakistan to solve the Kashmir issue?

Let me ask a question, why Muslims in India are second class citizens?

Why is your 'strong' democratic set up supporting murderers like N. Modi?

You have supressed Muslims in your country for over 60 years and then you have the courage to ask why these guys are hell bent on destroying you?

India needs to stop blaming Pakistan for all its problem and start looking at the indigenous Muslim groups in order to understand the sources of hate within your own society.
Why is your 'strong' democratic set up supporting murderers like N. Modi?

Because the good people of Gujarat deem him fit to be the Chief Minister of their state and want and support him to be their leader.Period.
Because the good people of Gujarat deem him fit to be the Chief Minister of their state and want and support him to be their leader.Period.

There are cases against this person and your judicial system is helpless in front of Modi!

So if tomorrow a leader of an Indian militant group takes part in election and they get a majority in an Indian State, would you still accept them?

The answer may be a 'yes' for you but the answer will be a big NO from majority of the Indians!
There are cases against this person and your judicial system is helpless in front of Modi!

So if tomorrow a leader of an Indian militant group takes part in election and they get a majority in an Indian State, would you still accept them?

The answer may be a 'yes' for you but the answer will be a big NO from majority of the Indians!

Democracy is all about freedom to choose your legislators. People who will potray your viewpoints or take care of your needs and wants. People have the right to choose the one to represent themselves, militant or otherwise. Just my two cents
Don't be so naive, you know well why the terrorists and freedom fighters are targetting India.

Why don't you work with Pakistan to solve the Kashmir issue?

Let me ask a question, why Muslims in India are second class citizens?

Why is your 'strong' democratic set up supporting murderers like N. Modi?

You have supressed Muslims in your country for over 60 years and then you have the courage to ask why these guys are hell bent on destroying you?

India needs to stop blaming Pakistan for all its problem and start looking at the indigenous Muslim groups in order to understand the sources of hate within your own society.

This is just pure hogwash!

Isn't it clear now that the terrorists came from Pakistan? Why try to bring in all unrelated issues!

It is not about Kashmir and not about Indian Muslims. That is clear as daylight to anyone who would look.
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