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India doctor explains how to fight corona virus with just diet plan.

Most indians diet plan is basically their rubbish caste propoganda of vegeterian obsession. Most people around the world get majority of calories on vegetarian diet. In fact cultures like chinese eat far more vegan good than dairy addicted indian upper caste food where even gods need to be feeded constant milk and ghee etc.
Indian vegetarianism is a obsession and mental disease and does no good. I do beleive in science advise to limit red meat consumption but dont go the indian brahmin way with concepts of purity and hatred those concepts bring.
What you are referring as fake news is given by a doctor who is chairman of indo Vietnam medical association. He was given few month by doctor because of his weak heart. Within few years, he made world records of maximum push ups in one minute. He has many memory records on his name and writer of many books. He is a world renowned doctor of diabetes and heart disease.

Listen to bellow video and cure of any viral decease cough, cold, flue, pneumonia etc.

@Irfan Baloch ,@WebMaster

Look at the idiotic negative rating given by @doc Check whether the post worth negative rating.
Most indians diet plan is basically their rubbish caste propoganda of vegeterian obsession. Most people around the world get majority of calories on vegetarian diet. In fact cultures like chinese eat far more vegan good than dairy addicted indian upper caste food where even gods need to be feeded constant milk and ghee etc.
Indian vegetarianism is a obsession and mental disease and does no good. I do beleive in science advise to limit red meat consumption but dont go the indian brahmin way with concepts of purity and hatred those concepts bring.

I think that even among Hindus vegetarianism is sharply declining, with time.
I think that even among Hindus vegetarianism is sharply declining, with time.
My point is there is a difference between eating mostly healthy vegetarian food - which most of the world does anyway - And the ritual obsession of vegetarian food and implied purity and disgust of others that brahminism teaches. Thats a disgusting value and produces mental illness.
My point is there is a difference between eating mostly healthy vegetarian food - which most of the world does anyway - And the ritual obsession of vegetarian food and implied purity and disgust of others that brahminism teaches. Thats a disgusting value and produces mental illness.

Most indians diet plan is basically their rubbish caste propoganda of vegeterian obsession. Most people around the world get majority of calories on vegetarian diet. In fact cultures like chinese eat far more vegan good than dairy addicted indian upper caste food where even gods need to be feeded constant milk and ghee etc.
Indian vegetarianism is a obsession and mental disease and does no good. I do beleive in science advise to limit red meat consumption but dont go the indian brahmin way with concepts of purity and hatred those concepts bring.

Milk and ghee is added for taste purposes, not for any religious obsession. I don't really know where you are from but you seem to be Pakistani. Ever tried butter chicken without cream and butter? Or Sarson ka saag without ghee? Or Karahi chicken not floating in a layer of oil? Copious amounts of ghee and butter is what gives our cuisine its taste, and it's been shown to have no adverse affects as long as you have a fairly active lifestyle. Obesity rates among middle class Indians are far lower than most developed countries.
I don't know much about baba ramdev besides he is one of the best businessmen in India.


Wrt to Indian doctors, you need to find out which doctor is best from your friends/co workers/relatives.

I have some terrible experience with Indian doctors. Some of them are under qualified and too arrogant to listen to their patients.

Well, the treatment for my Bell's Palsy was done by two different practitioners - the first one was a lady neurologist who prescribed me medicines and the other was a gentleman who prescribed me some facial exercises. Both worked.

And I just remembered that I had asked my mother if she found any remnant of the palsy. She said she didn't.

So I am cured.

Vegetarianism is the key...

Most indians diet plan is basically their rubbish caste propoganda of vegeterian obsession. Most people around the world get majority of calories on vegetarian diet. In fact cultures like chinese eat far more vegan good than dairy addicted indian upper caste food where even gods need to be feeded constant milk and ghee etc.
Indian vegetarianism is a obsession and mental disease and does no good. I do beleive in science advise to limit red meat consumption but dont go the indian brahmin way with concepts of purity and hatred those concepts bring.

I think that even among Hindus vegetarianism is sharply declining, with time.

Milk and ghee is added for taste purposes, not for any religious obsession. I don't really know where you are from but you seem to be Pakistani. Ever tried butter chicken without cream and butter? Or Sarson ka saag without ghee? Or Karahi chicken not floating in a layer of oil? Copious amounts of ghee and butter is what gives our cuisine its taste, and it's been shown to have no adverse affects as long as you have a fairly active lifestyle. Obesity rates among middle class Indians are far lower than most developed countries.

Strictly speaking, dairy products are also non-vegetarian.
Isn't it true that Baba Ramdev had Bell's Palsy in his childhood ?? It certainly didn't get cured by his Ayurveda. I myself had Bell's Palsy a few years ago. The left side of my face was paralyzed and it was mostly cured ( I think there is still some defect remaining ) by allopathic therapy that included steroids ( IIRC ).

On 1st of October, I was detected with severe low functioning of heart at 20 to 25%.Matter was critical and doctors called for angiography. I decided otherwise and started Ayurvedic medicine with diet plan. My heart functioning improved to 35% within a month. I have the reports.Vaidya told me that it will improve above 55 pc which is considered good. I will start a thread with all reports when next report comes in.

well deserved for posting dubious potentially dangerous medical advise. @Irfan Baloch
I already discussed this issue with the @WebMaster a few weeks ago. He asked me to bring it to his attention.

Don't expose your stupidly. It is not me who advises this. The guy who is giving advise is a world renowned doctor and chairman of indo Vietnam medical association. He was advised not to do any hard physics work as his heart was found to be very week. He made world record in highest push ups in a minute. He has many memory world record and written many books on medicine and memory. Without knowing anything and believing that what you understand is only truth is stupid in nature. Moderators should look into these sort of guys with very limited understanding of subject but very high zeal of giving negative rating. They often ruins healthy discussion with their narrow thinking.

@Irfan Baloch , @WebMaster

On 1st of October, I was detected with severe low functioning of heart at 20 to 25%.Matter was critical and doctors called for angiography. I decided otherwise and started Ayurvedic medicine with diet plan. My heart functioning improved to 35% within a month. I have the reports.Vaidya told me that it will improve above 55 pc which is considered good. I will start a thread with all reports when next report comes in.

Don't expose your stupidly. It is not me who advises this. The guy who is giving advise is a world renowned doctor and chairman of indo Vietnam medical association. He was advised not to do any hard physics work as his heart was found to be very week. He made world record in highest push ups in a minute. He has many memory world record and written many books on medicine and memory. Without knowing anything and believing that what you understand is only truth is stupid in nature. Moderators should look into these sort of guys with very limited understanding of subject but very high zeal of giving negative rating. They often ruins healthy discussion with their narrow thinking.

@Irfan Baloch , @WebMaster

@Irfan Baloch ,@webmasters

This man @doc seem to become totally crazy. Kindly take care of him.
On 1st of October, I was detected with severe low functioning of heart at 20 to 25%.Matter was critical and doctors called for angiography. I decided otherwise and started Ayurvedic medicine with diet plan. My heart functioning improved to 35% within a month. I have the reports.Vaidya told me that it will improve above 55 pc which is considered good. I will start a thread with all reports when next report comes in.
The quality of Ayuverda practioners has detoriated. Drug companies won't allow Ayurveda/Naturopathy to succeed.

When I was in school, some of friends took treatment from a 90 year old vaidya who restored their eyesight and they didn't have to wear eye glasses. He gave them some herbs mixture to put their eyes. His fee was nominal.

Also when I was 16 there this friend of my mine who was only 5 feet even, his father took him some vaidya. He took some herbs and shot upto 6'1 by 18 years of age. Btw his family members were short too.

But vaidyas like the above are very rare. Most vaidyas are frauds and many even use harmful metals and chemicals in their medicines.

But I hope you share your medical reports.
On 1st of October, I was detected with severe low functioning of heart at 20 to 25%.Matter was critical and doctors called for angiography. I decided otherwise and started Ayurvedic medicine with diet plan. My heart functioning improved to 35% within a month. I have the reports.Vaidya told me that it will improve above 55 pc which is considered good. I will start a thread with all reports when next report comes in.

But how do you explain Ramdev's Bell Palsy condition which wasn't cured by his knowledge of Ayurveda ?? I had the same condition and it was cured by Allopathy therapy and self-therapy ( facial exercises ).
Milk and ghee is added for taste purposes, not for any religious obsession. I don't really know where you are from but you seem to be Pakistani. Ever tried butter chicken without cream and butter? Or Sarson ka saag without ghee? Or Karahi chicken not floating in a layer of oil? Copious amounts of ghee and butter is what gives our cuisine its taste, and it's been shown to have no adverse affects as long as you have a fairly active lifestyle. Obesity rates among middle class Indians are far lower than most developed countries.

Whether it is poor reading comprehension skills or simply mental arguements i dont know.
I said milk and ghee as religious food because it is fed to gods and many gods in india must be fed milk based or ghee based "prasadam". i didn't call it religous obsession because ordinary people eat it. Thats just dietary obsession if eaten in lot of quantities. And its common fat content world over.

The real food obsession of "vegetarianism" in indian brahmin classes however is neither related to nutrition nor to animal welfare and not even about encouraging eating vegetables. It is a caste obsession and is tied with concepts of purity and hate of impure classes. It creates a paronia and some sort of mental obsession and illness - after all how can you operately sanely in a society while beleiving 99%(if you consider world pop) as impure.

In a typical karahi or say chicken noodles majority of calories still come from vegetarian sources, but in obsessed brahmin mind it is "non-veg"( a weird word) to be despised.
But how do you explain Ramdev's Bell Palsy condition which wasn't cured by his knowledge of Ayurveda ?? I had the same condition and it was cured by Allopathy therapy and self-therapy ( facial exercises ).
Baba ramdev is yoga guru. I don't think he is an ayurvedic doctor. Although he has ventured in medicines field
Do not fall into trap of world's biggest business of frightening people to earn money. Corona is not at all more lethal than many deceases we already have.

Forget about corona but cure any infectious or lifestyle diseases naturally. Cure diabetes
Heart problem, cancer etc totally naturally. Listen to the video of dr chaudhary. Propagate this as much as you can. Get benefited and let others take benefits.
Didnt see any video,,,but u believed tht someone can CURE cancer naturally?
During ths times lot of jholachaps will try to make money or gain fame.
Dont fall for it.
N most importantly dont spread misinformation.
Becoz of ppl like u,who refuse to appreciate the gravity of the situation,,we will see severe community spread.
Consequences of which will chnge ur opinion drastically in coming weeks.
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