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Drinking cow urine is known to be harmful – so why do people consume it every day in India?

Hindus drink cow urine for the same reasons that some Arabs and Muslims drink camel urine - religion.

Camel urine is pure, can be used to treat diseases, but cannot say the same about cow urine: Zakir Naik

Camel Urine and Islam

Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).
Sahih Bukhari 8:82:794

Anas b. Malik reported that some people belonging (to the tribe) of 'Uraina came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) at Medina, but they found its climate uncongenial. So Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to them: If you so like, you may go to the camels of Sadaqa and drink their milk and urine. They did so and were all right.
Sahih Muslim 16:4130

A tradtionalist told me from one who had told him from Muhammad b. Talha from Uthman v. Abdul-Rahman that in the raid of Muharib and B. Thalaba the apostle had captured a slave called Yasar, and he put him in charge of his milch-camels to shepherd them in the neighborhood of al-Jamma. Some men of Qays of Kubba of Bajila came to the apostle suffering from an epidemic and enlarged spleens, and the apostle told them that if they went to the milch camels and drank their milk and their urine they would recover, so off they went.
From The Sirat Rasul Allah ( The Life of The Prophet of God ), by Ibn Ishaq (3) pages 677, 678

Drinking Camel Urine in Yemen

I'm drinking daily :)

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 3.12.31 PM.png
People don't consume it everyday.I've know of just one normal guy who drank a drop of diluted cow urine when he had his upanayana (thread ceremony) when he was 11 because of the priests insistence.Luckily my parents and relatives don't believe in all this BS.

Moreover cow urine is also given as a remedy by quacks for diseases ranging from skin problems to cancer.Uneducated and superstitious people are the real reasons for this practice to continue.
Shut up dog brothel owner

shut up. Find your dog bride or lizard mistress.

I'm drinking daily :)
Yes, we can see from your DP.

There was an outcry in Britain regards these Hindus disgusting habit

Why is COW URINE on sale on the shelves of some British corner shops?​

An investigation has discovered convenience stores in London are selling cow urine next to the naan bread.😁😂

Nobody drinks it for the n'th time
I have not seen a single person in my entire life who drinks cow urine. It is only falsehood. But, ofcourse, out of 1.4billions, it is possible to have one or two million mirons, who account for less than 1%
its having the medicineal value, as per following points:
  • increase the brain power
  • increase the immunity
  • save from corona and cancer even
  • the mosqitos are not biting anymore
  • clean the utensils from it, giving best shine and antiseptic like dettol
  • in garden the better vegetables are growing in the organic way with it
therefore, as per above stated points and also as per ayurvedic system (the ancient health secrets even wests scientist now saying)

the real gift of nature :)
The Chinese love canine penis so much, it's a lore 🤨

Indians love all animals.

its having the medicineal value, as per following points:
  • increase the brain power
  • increase the immunity
  • save from corona and cancer even
  • the mosqitos are not biting anymore
  • clean the utensils from it, giving best shine and antiseptic like dettol
  • in garden the better vegetables are growing in the organic way with it
therefore, as per above stated points and also as per ayurvedic system (the ancient health secrets even wests scientist now saying)

the real gift of nature :)
You forgot the radiation protection qualities.

EDIT: I am sorry, that holy shit. That's different.

Also I wanted to talk about this ,

Tweet has been deleted. Someone was complaining that people should be wary of some online sellers selling their own urine as authentic cow urine. That's disgusting and frankly, makes me sick. What is the world coming to? People can be so deceitful and nasty.

@Valar. , @NagaBaba @CallSignMaverick @Areesh , don't know who to trust anymore. :(

Happened 1400 years ago for some particular ailments in absence of any other cure

Meanwhile pajeets in 21st century on government level:

Cow Urine to be Used in Government Hospitals​

Happened 1400 years ago for some particular ailments in absence of any other cure

Meanwhile pajeets in 21st century on government level:

Cow Urine to be Used in Government Hospitals​

And with a straight face, it is being said that no one consumes the golden elixir.
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