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India and Saudi Arabia relations

Saudi Arabia is the biggest supporter of AlQaeda. I would take their "concerns" with a grain of salt. Or a tablespoon.

Are u for real??????????????

Go back and read history.

Osama bin laden is the biggest enemy of Saudi Arabia

Osama says they are US puppet and want to over throw the saudi king

Osama says the Saudis have allowed "Evil Forces" American forces in the holy land of Makkah and Madina.

And saudis are for his blood
Pakistan will not go to Israel, just forget about that. Pakistan doesnt even recognize Israel, and zionists will always hate Pakistan. I dont think Pakistan should trust Russia either, they know the reason why Soviet Empire fell was mostly because of ISI.

However, theres no harm in improving Pakistan-Iran relations, Pakistan should make more trips to Iran.

India's government (not most indian people) have lots of money and Saudis want to do business with them, thats it nothing more.

there was no need to flame :tdown:
what will you say about your country then ?? neither your govt nor people have money
Are u for real??????????????

Go back and read history.

Osama bin laden is the biggest enemy of Saudi Arabia

Osama says they are US puppet and want to over throw the saudi king

Osama says the Saudis have allowed "Evil Forces" American forces in the holy land of Makkah and Madina.

And saudis are for his blood

You first need to get real a big time, since it is the arab states actively funding terror outfit and saudi arabia is one of them.
Let india talk. Saudi Arabia will never side with india over Pakistan. Saudi Arabia has its interests with Pakistan.

All Arabs know at the end of the day, india goes to bed with israel.

Please show some respect here man. You are talking about a nation here. If you are a rational person, u should be ashamed at what you said and apologise.:angry:
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Just ignore this schinese fella, will you guys??he is like a street dog running and barking after every vehicle..the dog dont know why is he running and barking after the vehicle still he runs after it..same goes for schinese and Indian defence..when ever there is a topic related to Indian defence is appeard he felt like barking.let him be..old habits die hard ;)

that sums it up the best :victory::sniper::cheers:
Are u for real??????????????

Go back and read history.

Osama bin laden is the biggest enemy of Saudi Arabia

Osama says they are US puppet and want to over throw the saudi king

Osama says the Saudis have allowed "Evil Forces" American forces in the holy land of Makkah and Madina.

And saudis are for his blood

Before showing us history, let your history be updated too.

And by the way, these AQ guys and others get the maximum of their funds from their gulf donors, brothers. That is on record as even US officials have acknowledged this fact.

So before the Saudis lecture us or anyone else, they should see their own hand in this menace and their continuous support to the terrorist network.

Yeah, one should praise their cunning tactic, that they have removed the terror network from their soil and imported it to other countries and support it with their funds, thus the terror network won't be coming back to their own land as they have made them busy somewhere else.

OBL was their enemy number one, but now no more as his main demand was removal of US forces from the Saudi land, which the current king Abdullah done very masterfully, thus the flavor for OBL popularity in Saudi Arabia went down and OBL now mentions nothing about Saudi Arabia in his messages, rather now their target is other areas.

So the saudis should keep it shut and do their own part rather then lecturing others.
There is an easier way out here. Maybe this can give an impetus for Pakistan to improve its relationship with India and not see as some sort of "evil anti-muslim country"

It was India who always acted confusely over peace talks. Pakistan had always opted for diplomatic talks for improving relations.

So Its India who should decide whether you want to improve relations or not.
Saudi or no Saudi if India doesnt want good relations then NO one can help it.

Eventually Pakistan will need co-operation with India to jump-start their economy in a SAARC type framework and India will need peaceful relations with Pakistan to move in the fast lane for development.

Well Pakistan never pleaded to India for trade most of the times it was India.

As far as SAARC like set up for economic benefits of other regional countries then it had failed so far so i dont see it a viable option

Another thing is unlike Pakistan, India's foreign policy has to be out in the open and debated int eh parliament. So only those policies that will have the widest possible benefit to India will be allowed to go ahead. Not opportunistic narrow policies that will benefit only a few people or a few organisations.

Thats Indian Internal matter so i wont comment on it.
He was banned many times. He is not a troll rather a good debater its another matter that Indians provok him in many other threads. So dont complaint of being a victim dear.

If i debate well, but then constantly spew BS , and insult your country, will you still allow me in in the forum, or for that matter any other member. This fellow goes out of his way not just to make personal remarks, but also post cheap, immature, illogical statements about a whole nation. I am really disappointed that he is being shown leniency, and some of members are supporting him.
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Was Russia happy over Indian and US nuclear deal ? because they know USA will take away their Indian huge arms market slow and surly

i dont know how u guys seem to claim urselves as experts in foreign relations.. atleastu pretend that way through ur posts..
Indo- US nuclear deal is a misnomer... since u can see the biggest benefiters other than India and US of course are France and Russia. They are able to now expand their tech sharing more freely and in tune with the new deal. It's a win-win for all the parties (India, Us, France, Russia and other raw material exporters).

Coming back to arms market, U may say the share of russian arms may reduce but that's the only way to go. u can't expect russias 80% or whatever arms share of india to increase or stay same... Even if the share reduces, the $$$ amount is increasing... so russians won't mind ( i mean they can't complain even if they dislike)... so keep ur half-cooked stories with u....:what::what:
Apparently there is a major rift within the Saudi royal family. One camp is still hardcore pro-US, but some of the princes are decidedly anti-West. It will be interesting to see what happens if/when there is a succession. Dare we hope that the Arabs finally wake up and realize the West have been playing them for fools all these years?

In any case, the West has nothing to worry about. Theyhave plenty of other stooges in the region, including Kuwait, Bharain, Qatar and the $2 billion/year thug Hosni Mubarak. And, as ever, Pakistani politicians will be more than happy to do the US bidding in exchange for a little chai paani. ;)
It was India who always acted confusely over peace talks. Pakistan had always opted for diplomatic talks for improving relations.

So Its India who should decide whether you want to improve relations or not.
Saudi or no Saudi if India doesnt want good relations then NO one can help it.

Well Pakistan never pleaded to India for trade most of the times it was India.

As far as SAARC like set up for economic benefits of other regional countries then it had failed so far so i dont see it a viable option

Thats Indian Internal matter so i wont comment on it.

sorry but you also very well know that who started 1965, and kargil war.....................so saying that Pakistan always seeks diplomatic means.......................false....................:bunny::bunny:
Can anyone please tell me the mods ban so many other members on this forum but not this person?

just keep reporting.........
lets see how long mods can ignore the troll..:police:

Well if Mods can let many of the Indian trolls roam freely by just deleting their posts then why not keep him online.

But problem is you guys being countrymen can't see the Indian trolls as their trolls seems legitimate posts to you.

So enjoy your time and no need to tell us what to do and what not, we know well when to ban whom and whom not. You do your role on the forum, we will do our role.

And this is a final warning, if next time you guys tried to be over smart telling us what to do, you will be history.

Also hey guys, I'm back. I have another couple of accounts which I will use if I gets banned again.

Nice place to say this because moderator is also present here..why dont you tell the names of the accounts too so that mods work will be easy ?:)
Indian PM, Saudi monarch seal ties with Riyadh Declaration

Indo-Asian News Service
Riyadh, March 01, 2010
First Published: 09:06 IST(1/3/2010)
Last Updated: 12:24 IST(1/3/2010)

India and Saudi Arabia signed the Riyadh Declaration late on Sunday night to put their seal of approval on rapidly growing ties that are moving towards a strategic partnership covering security, economic, defence, technology and political areas and including joint combat of terrorism.

The 'Riyadh Declaration - A New Era of Strategic Partnership' was signed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz at a ceremony at the Al Rawad Palace in Riyadh.

"The two leaders reviewed the status of implementation of the historic Delhi Declaration signed in 2006, and expressed their satisfaction at the steady expansion of Saudi-India relations since the signing of the Delhi Declaration," the new declaration read.

"They re-emphasised the importance of full implementation of the Delhi Declaration through exchange of visits at ministerial, official, business, academia, media and other levels."

The Delhi Declaration, signed during the historic visit of King Abdullah to India in 2006 as the chief guest on India's Republic Day, had charted out a new path of cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia across a range of fields including security, bilateral trade and investment, culture, science and technology.

According to the new declaration, keeping in view the development of relations between the two countries, and the potential for their further growth, the two leaders decided to raise their cooperation to a strategic partnership covering security, economic, defence and political areas.

"The two leaders reiterated their mutual desire to develop as knowledge-based economies based on advances in the areas of information technology, space science and other frontier technologies," it stated.

The two leaders renewed their condemnation of terrorism, stating that it was global and threatened all societies irrespective of race, colour or belief.

"The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in exchange of information relating to terrorist activities, money laundering, narcotics, arms and human trafficking and develop joint strategies to combat these threats," the declaration stated.

Manmohan Singh - whose visit here marked the first by an Indian prime minister after 28 years - and King Abdullah also called for preservation of Afghanistan's sovereignty and independence.

"They supported the efforts of the people of Afghanistan to achieve stability and security, protected from exploitation by terrorist organisations, while upholding the values and principles of the constitution of Afghanistan," it stated
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