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India and Saudi Arabia relations

LCA Tejas...more deep relations like paying more and more for decommissioned aircraft carrier? agreed india russia relations are no where near end..but at the same time how long will russia have a long face over afghan war defeat...
How on earth can you say that.... Our military is strong, the main reason is russia, what has USA helped us with, in the past too we have defense deals with USA, but thos deals can never match those that are between India and Russia... And I dont think India would go for F-18..

USA gives PAk F-16, then to India F-18.. then they will offer pakistan with something more better.. they play games with us... But Russia is not like that to us... they help us develop... USA does not do that, they want themself to be dominant but russia on the other hand wants India to be as dominant as they are and helping us though the way....

Was Russia happy over Indian and US nuclear deal ? because they know USA will take away their Indian huge arms market slow and surly
LCA Tejas...more deep relations like paying more and more for decommissioned aircraft carrier? agreed india russia relations are no where near end..but at the same time how long will russia have a long face over afghan war defeat...

What has afghan war defeat got to do with relation with India??? This relation started way back from the soviet era...

India has Integrity , so its not buying with sellers credit.... We give money .. business is business.... And Alliance is not in terms of business, Our allys have supported us in our past wars....

Admiral Ghorskhov is a good aircraft carrier..... We are not fools to pay something for a crap, even if we do thats non of your business.:smitten:
Well by now graph are sure for Russians are they lost (face saving)

Give it up man, you are just saving your judgement.... Russia wants our betterment... when in need they know India will support them, and more over Russia will not be unhappy as and when India looks for weapons or signs treaty with foreign markets.....

As I told you before, Our relationship is not business minded...
Give it up man, you are just saving your judgement.... Russia wants our betterment... when in need they know India will support them, and more over Russia will not be unhappy as and when India looks for weapons or signs treaty with foreign markets.....

As I told you before, Our relationship is not business minded...

Russia need $$$$
RIYADH: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh began the first visit to Saudi Arabia by an Indian leader since 1982 seeking to build economic ties and to enlist the kingdom's help in improving regional security.

Saudi Arabia has close ties with Pakistan and has also been cited as a possible mediator in any political settlement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Some analysts had argued India should build its own relationship with Saudi Arabia, in part to ensure it does not lose out to Pakistan as countries position themselves for an eventual end to the eight-year-old Afghan war.

In an interview with Saudi journalists, Singh said he planned to discuss regional stability, which along with the Afghan war is complicated by a standoff between Iran and the West over Tehran's nuclear programme.

“I propose to review the regional scenario, and discuss how we can work together to address the complex issues at hand,” he said of his talks with King Abdullah.

Junior Foreign Minister Shashi Tharoor said India could seek Saudi support in persuading Pakistan to act against Pakistan-based militant groups -- adding however that this did not mean looking for Saudi mediation.

“Saudi Arabia of course has a long and close relationship with Pakistan but that makes Saudi Arabia all the more a valuable interlocutor for us,” Tharoor told Indian reporters.

“When we tell them about our experience, Saudi Arabia listens as somebody who is not anyway an enemy of Pakistan but rather as a friend of Pakistan, and therefore I am sure listens with sympathy and concern to a matter of this nature.”

India broke off talks with Pakistan after the November 2008 attack on Mumbai blamed on the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba.

The top diplomats of the two countries held talks on Thursday but they have yet to resume a formal peace process.

Singh also said India wanted to strengthen energy ties with Saudi Arabia, its biggest supplier of oil. Like China, India is constantly working to secure energy supplies for its growing economy.

“We believe that conditions are ripe for moving beyond a traditional buyer-seller relationship to a comprehensive energy partnership,” he said.

“Indian companies are well-equipped to participate in upstream and downstream oil and gas sector projects in Saudi Arabia,” he told business leaders. Singh is the first Indian prime minister to visit Saudi Arabia since Indira Gandhi in 1982.
:) Its indeed surprising. But lets assume Sudia decides to play a role in normalising Indo-Pak tension and suggests something for Kashmir soultion, so would India be ready to accept it ?

I wouldn't trust the Saudis on anything. They don't give a damn about their fellow Arab Palestinians; what makes you think they will care about Kashmir or Pakistan?

Would they be so friendly to India if they were at all sensitive about the Kashmiris' plight?

The Arab governments are traitors and are the biggest enemies of ordinary Muslims.

Pakistan Foreign should be policy:
1. If India goes to Saudi Arab , Pakistan should go to Iran and vice versa.
2. If India goes to USA , Pakistan should to Russia (apologies for the past) and vice versa.
3. If India goes to other Arabs , Pakistan should go to Israel and vice versa.
else India will isolate Pakistan for good.

Pakistan's foreign policy should be proactive, based on our self-interest and a long term, consistent plan; not reactive to India.

India's government is staffed by capable and qualified individuals who know how to work both sides of the aisle. Unlike Pakistan, where we keep electing feudal masters whose only skill in foreign policy is to walk around with a begging bowl, pocketing their commission along the way.

We Owe Russia a lot in terms of Help provided to us, but in terms of $$ I dont think so, do you know any?? if yes feel free to share it...

This thread is about India/Saudi Arabia. Let's leave Russia, US, Israel, ... out of it. The only exception is Pakistan, because this is PDF and the Pakistani perspective on this India/KSA relationship is relevant here.

India has millions of Muslim citizens who have the right to go to Hajj and maintain close relations with Muslim countries. Instead of faulting India for doing a good job, we should be demanding our politicians to maintain good relations with all Muslim countries (i.e. Iran, Turkey, Malaysia) instead of selling out to Saudi Arabia in exchange for some free oil.
There is an easier way out here. Maybe this can give an impetus for Pakistan to improve its relationship with India and not see as some sort of "evil anti-muslim country"

Eventually Pakistan will need co-operation with India to jump-start their economy in a SAARC type framework and India will need peaceful relations with Pakistan to move in the fast lane for development.

Another thing is unlike Pakistan, India's foreign policy has to be out in the open and debated int eh parliament. So only those policies that will have the widest possible benefit to India will be allowed to go ahead. Not opportunistic narrow policies that will benefit only a few people or a few organisations.
Let india talk. Saudi Arabia will never side with india over Pakistan. Saudi Arabia has its interests with Pakistan.

All Arabs know at the end of the day, india goes to bed with israel.

S Arabia worried over militancy

S Arabia worried over militancy

Expressing concern over growing dangerous trends in Pakistan, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al Faisal on Sunday said that its political leadership should unite to fight the menace of terrorism.

“Pakistan is a friend of Saudi Arabia and therefore anytime when one does see dangerous trends in a friendly country, one is not only sorry but worried. And, it is indeed the duty of all political leaders in Pakistan to unite together to see that extremism does not find its way to achieve its aim in the country and this can only happen with united political leadership in Pakistan. This we hope, Pakistan will possibly achieve,” said Prince Saud al Faisal.

He also mentioned that Saudi Arabia had no relations with Taliban because the latter provided sanctuaries to Al Qaeda.

Interacting with reporters at King Saud’s guest palace, where the entire Indian delegation including Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh are staying, Prince Saud al Faisal said,

“There is no relation between Saudi Arabia and Taliban. Relation was abrogated when Taliban gave sanctuary to Al Qaeda and since that time till today there has been no relationship between Taliban and Saudi Arabia. It shows the seriousness we attach to this issue.”

Saudi Arabia is also worried about growing penetration and increased leverage of Al Qaeda in adjoining Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine.

Saudi foreign minister also said India and Saudi Arabia were moving in the right direction towards strategic cooperation. Both countries will be signing more than ten agreements, including an extradition treaty and an exchange of sentenced people.—AP
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