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India and Saudi Arabia relations

Saudi could play interlocutor's role in Indo-Pak ties - Oneindia News

Riyadh(Saudi Arabia), Feb 28 (ANI): Keeping Saudi Arabia's close relationship with Pakistan in view, India is hoping to convince Riyadh to play the role of an interlocutor with the objective of improving ties between the two South Asian neighbours.

Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor told reporters here on the sidelines of the Indian delegation's meeting with the Saudi leadership that: " We feel Saudi Arabia has long and close relationship with Pakistan and that makes Saudi a more valuable interlocutor to us".

Both India and Saudi Arabia face similar threats and dangers from common forces and both, feel the need to have detailed discussions on issues relating to the troubled AFPAK region.

According to India's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Talmiz Ahmed, " Saudi is very concerned about the inability of Pakistani leadership to control extremist elements within their country. Saudi is also concerned about what is happening in Afghanistan."

India and Saudi Arabia see terrorism as a common battle. Both countries plan to create a mechanism for real time information sharing and pooling of resources.

Tharoor revealed that Saudi Arabia has its own issues with Al Qaeda and understands that the Qaeda is a different side of same coin.

"We expect to have a constructive conversation on the issue. The tentacles of terror have already spread from Afghanistan to Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, and latest is Yemen," he added.

Although New Delhi and Riyadh have found common ground on the issue of terrorism, Saudi Arabia is yet to come out in support of a comprehensive convention on terrorism. It still has a problem with the language and definition of what constitutes state-sponsored terrorism. (ANI)

My coment: This is quite interesting. GoI is usual touchy on third party role in Indo-Pak talks. I guess it shows a level of confidence that GoI is placing on the Saudis to be constructive with their best interests in mind unlike say the Chinese or even the Americans.
Are you talking about the SA which imported our DF missiles in the 1980s? Are you talking about the SA which is trying to buy our UNSC vote in recent years?

indian friends:

in terms of international influence, india is 5 decades away from the current China. you don't have UNSC veto power, you do not have influence outside south asia.

:wave::wave: behivor youself, or we can capature your capital, sentence your PM and rename your country.

This guy need Bojhpuri chappal , wo bhi 12 number ki.:taz::taz:
Saudi could play interlocutor's role in Indo-Pak ties - Oneindia News

Riyadh(Saudi Arabia), Feb 28 (ANI): Keeping Saudi Arabia's close relationship with Pakistan in view, India is hoping to convince Riyadh to play the role of an interlocutor with the objective of improving ties between the two South Asian neighbours.

My coment: This is quite interesting. GoI is usual touchy on third party role in Indo-Pak talks. I guess it shows a level of confidence that GoI is placing on the Saudis to be constructive with their best interests in mind unlike say the Chinese or even the Americans.

:) Its indeed surprising. But lets assume Sudia decides to play a role in normalising Indo-Pak tension and suggests something for Kashmir soultion, so would India be ready to accept it ?
^^^ Dear we already had a solution to Kashmir under Musharraf-Singh proposal in 2008. What we need is reduction in violence to propose and implement that solution to the public.

I think the emphasis will be more around controlling of extremists groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan and appeals to Pakistan to hand over Mumbai suspects. It will go a long way to help the GoI move much faster on composite dialouge.
I think SA is diversifying its options. And its a good thing not only in economics but also in diplomacy.

As far as involving SA in Kashmir is concerned I think India is trying to neutralize the radical elements (radical only in terms ideology and thinking a la Sayyad ali shah Geelani) in the Kashmir. But the success of this is doubtful.
^^^ Dear we already had a solution to Kashmir under Musharraf-Singh proposal in 2008. What we need is reduction in violence to propose and implement that solution to the public.

I think the emphasis will be more around controlling of extremists groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan and appeals to Pakistan to hand over Mumbai suspects. It will go a long way to help the GoI move much faster on composite dialouge.

Well its just ageneral statement to discuss extremism in the region, Just a standard statement was always.

India is going to mess up things in Afghanistan and not solve it simple as that.

As far as handing over "Suspects" in Mumbai attacks then we need to understand that it silly to demand such a thing because its "suspects" that too suspected by India and not proven.

If India is pressing religoulsy this point then i would see if India should also demand the same from US in case of Headly who is not a suspect but has been accused of practically taken part in preparations.
Good debater???? Yes, ofcourse by your standard only. You have the same feeling about yourself. Isn't it????


This is their forum man. So, I guess they have the freedom to set their own standards here.

I don't think we should complain. At least give them one place where they could apply their own standards. :rolleyes:
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I think SA is diversifying its options. And its a good thing not only in economics but also in diplomacy.

As far as involving SA in Kashmir is concerned I think India is trying to neutralize the radical elements (radical only in terms ideology and thinking a la Sayyad ali shah Geelani) in the Kashmir. But the success of this is doubtful.

There are no radicals there. All of them are not fighting for forming some Radical state rather they are fighting to get back their country which had been occupied by India.

Syed Ali Shah Gillani had always been peacefully protesting.

He had been thrown into jails most of his life by Occupying Indians

This is their forum man. So, I guess they have the freedom to set their own standards here.

I don't think we should we complain. At least give them one place where they could apply their own standards. :rolleyes:

Cut the crap. We have seen the Indian forums with the most fil.thy language and your standards there.

Cut the crap. We have seen the Indian forums with the most fil.thy language and your standards there.

I hope you are aware of the fact that two wrongs don't make right?

Anyways, I'm not active on other Indian defense forums... so can't comment in this regard.
From India's point of view Geelani is radical.

and Mirwaiz Hurriat is moderate.

Thats the point of view of India and it doesn't matter what you think.

This is the point of view with which India would be involving SA in Kashmir.

Thats my guess.
There are no radicals there. All of them are not fighting for forming some Radical state rather they are fighting to get back their country which had been occupied by India.

Syed Ali Shah Gillani had always been peacefully protesting.

He had been thrown into jails most of his life by Occupying Indians

May I know what is the basis of your overblown propoganda of something relating Indian occupation? since there is nothing anything as Indian occupation rather you should call Pakistan's occupation indian territory of Kashmir
:) Its indeed surprising. But lets assume Sudia decides to play a role in normalising Indo-Pak tension and suggests something for Kashmir soultion, so would India be ready to accept it ?

First of all get the facts straight then talk about unnecessary things of kashmir solutions. Indo-SA meet is to discuss Security and Economic cooperation not to discuss bilaterals between India and Pakistan.
Something major is happening in this touch ... as the Arabs don't bring their ladies to dinner table etc

I wonder ... if there is something going on ... hmmmm:whistle::blink:

You got it, that's my point.

The Arabs, specially Saudis thinks them self superior even to other Muslims.

And Saudi King's wife is hosting personal dinner for a Non-Muslim lady it is a unheard of.

Why are they making it personal inviting them in family and welcome by full family Royal clan at airport? This is definitely good for India.

But don't expect big result instantly but in near future there will be something major.
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