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India and Saudi Arabia relations

Exactly , We need to change our thinking, What we are doing is not only bad for our image around the world , but about keeping us and giving us false hope and false sense of security.

Saudis can do anything and everything with India it is none of our business.

Think if they were so good pals with us , then they would not have even try to have good relationship with India as every one know we don't share friendly relationship with India.

Secondly it is time we understand that this thinking will not takes us far.

Take our example , we being an Islamic state are helping US to fight against Our own Muslim brothers Rite and we are expecting that Saudis should not. We cant have it both ways


100% agree, can't say it better
OBL was their enemy number one, but now no more as his main demand was removal of US forces from the Saudi land, which the current king Abdullah done very masterfully, thus the flavor for OBL popularity in Saudi Arabia went down and OBL now mentions nothing about Saudi Arabia in his messages, rather now their target is other areas.

King Abdulla is probably one of the best Kings Saudi Arabia had. He has a pious background and has a lot of respect among Saudis unlike King Fahd. So he doesn't need the crutch of extremists and religious police and funding of extremists groups and so -called "Jihads" that the Fahd administration was involved in to deflect public opinion away from his behavior.

Abdulla is only "rolling back" the wrongs that were done under Fahd. Its not just removing US forces from Saudi soil. But also setting the path towards education, diversifying the economy and working to make Saudi society more tolerant by removing the influence extremists ulemas have and curtailing down the "religious police".
On fighting extremism, they have setup rehab programs to de-brainwash the extremists, setup cyber monitors to bring down Arabic "jihadi" websites, and disrupted informal financial and charity networks in a massive way internally and militarily took on AQ networks in Saudi Arabia.

As a person who lives in Saudi Arabia and has close contacts there, I can tell you that this not just some "opportunistic" change but a fundamental one.
I don't believe that for one second. The Saudi government has shown its duplicity in so many matters (Israel, US, Palestinians) that they have no credibility left. Also, keep in mind that many of the princes in the royal family act independently. While the King may say one thing, his princes are more than likely doing the opposite.

The biggest enmity in the Middle East is not Israel/Palestine, but Arab/Persian. The Saudis perceive AQ and its associates to be a valuable anti-Shia tool.

But, fact of the matter is all the 3 Price + all of the Kings 3 Brothers + King's entire cabinet was present at the Airport in the open sun to welcome Indian Prime Minister.
King Abdulla is probably one of the best Kings Saudi Arabia had. He has a pious background and has a lot of respect among Saudis unlike King Fahd. So he doesn't need the crutch of extremists and religious police and funding of extremists groups and so -called "Jihads" that the Fahd administration was involved in to deflect public opinion away from his behavior.

Abdulla is only "rolling back" the wrongs that were done under Fahd. Its not just removing US forces from Saudi soil. But also setting the path towards education, diversifying the economy and working to make Saudi society more tolerant by removing the influence extremists ulemas have and curtailing down the "religious police".
On fighting extremism, they have setup rehab programs to de-brainwash the extremists, setup cyber monitors to bring down Arabic "jihadi" websites, and disrupted informal financial and charity networks in a massive way internally and militarily took on AQ networks in Saudi Arabia.

As a person who lives in Saudi Arabia and has close contacts there, I can tell you that this not just some "opportunistic" change but a fundamental one.

Bhai, u said it.

Look at the University he have made and his commitment for R&D and investment for future.

Even both man and women study there never heard before.

“Mutaween” are instructed to show some leniency.
But, fact of the matter is all the 3 Price + all of the Kings 3 Brothers + King's entire cabinet was present at the Airport in the open sun to welcome Indian Prime Minister.

We dont have to read too much into such symbolism!
Maybe the Saudis too have realised how much we ppl love these gestures! :-)
Although a large number of Saudi Nationals were and are a part of AQ networks. The GoSA is decisively against AQ.

I don't believe that for one second. The Saudi government has shown its duplicity in so many matters (Israel, US, Palestinians) that they have no credibility left. Also, keep in mind that many of the princes in the royal family act independently. While the King may say one thing, his princes are more than likely doing the opposite.

The biggest enmity in the Middle East is not Israel/Palestine, but Arab/Persian. The Saudis perceive AQ and its associates to be a valuable anti-Shia tool.

militarily took on AQ networks in Saudi Arabia.


They don't want the dog hunting inside their own house, but it is OK to let it loose amongst expendable cannon fodder like Pakistanis and Afghans.

But, fact of the matter is all the 3 Price + all of the Kings 3 Brothers + King's entire cabinet was present at the Airport in the open sun to welcome Indian Prime Minister.

And what does that have to do with my post?
1. Yes, AQ get funds from gulf but u have to understand difference between gulf and Saudi King.

2. About Saudi lecturing Pakistan, yes i agree with u from US to Saudi everybody tries to adopt use and throw policy for Pakistan. But situation will change as Pakistan will progress economy and will move to China instead of US.

3. Yes, Arabs are cunning that's why they are progressing by burning fire in others homes.

4. Yes, Saudis have to change their hypocrisy and they have to understand the danger of playing double games.

When LeT allegedly attacks India, Indians and India's govt accuse the govt of Pakistan and say that Pakistan govt is responsible even if they are non-state actors or whatever.

Similarly, if saudi nationals send money through official and non official channels to these terrorists, then it also becomes their responsibility to keep a check and arrest such nationals who indulge in sponsoring terrorists.
I don't believe that for one second. The Saudi government has shown its duplicity in so many matters (Israel, US, Palestinians) that they have no credibility left. Also, keep in mind that many of the princes in the royal family act independently. While the King may say one thing, his princes are more than likely doing the opposite.

The biggest enmity in the Middle East is not Israel/Palestine, but Arab/Persian. The Saudis perceive AQ and its associates to be a valuable anti-Shia tool.


They don't want the dog hunting inside their own house, but it is OK to let it loose amongst expendable cannon fodder like Pakistanis and Afghans.

And what does that have to do with my post?

You have said that Saudi king will say something and his Prince will say something else.

Hence i proved u wrong by pointing above.

I think u got it, now.
You have said that Saudi king will say something and his Prince will say something else.

Hence i proved u wrong by pointing above.

I think u got it, now.

Just because they show up together to welcome the Indian PM means they agree on all policy matters, domestic and international?

You're kidding, right?
King Abdulla is probably one of the best Kings Saudi Arabia had. He has a pious background and has a lot of respect among Saudis unlike King Fahd. So he doesn't need the crutch of extremists and religious police and funding of extremists groups and so -called "Jihads" that the Fahd administration was involved in to deflect public opinion away from his behavior.

Abdulla is only "rolling back" the wrongs that were done under Fahd. Its not just removing US forces from Saudi soil. But also setting the path towards education, diversifying the economy and working to make Saudi society more tolerant by removing the influence extremists ulemas have and curtailing down the "religious police".
On fighting extremism, they have setup rehab programs to de-brainwash the extremists, setup cyber monitors to bring down Arabic "jihadi" websites, and disrupted informal financial and charity networks in a massive way internally and militarily took on AQ networks in Saudi Arabia.

As a person who lives in Saudi Arabia and has close contacts there, I can tell you that this not just some "opportunistic" change but a fundamental one.

He is rolling back the things in his own country for their own interest and exporting it through human resource and money to other nations. So he is keeping his own interest priority, damn cares where the dirt goes to and money sent. Same can be said for the other gulf nations also, they are living in heaven, while having made other places hell and sponsoring it to keep it that way.
When LeT allegedly attacks India, Indians and India's govt accuse the govt of Pakistan and say that Pakistan govt is responsible even if they are non-state actors or whatever.

Similarly, if saudi nationals send money through official and non official channels to these terrorists, then it also becomes their responsibility to keep a check and arrest such nationals who indulge in sponsoring terrorists.

100% agree it is Saudi's responsibility and i hope with this path breaking friendship they will do something in this regard.

Even if they don't act what will we lose they are old friend of Pakistan now we will get our share of pie.

Oil+Jobs+Investment+Business for our companies etc.
Just because they show up together to welcome the Indian PM means they agree on all policy matters, domestic and international?

You're kidding, right?

Yaar, why are u so rigid.

Everyone does not 100% with everybody.

What do u think Zardari agree 100% with Sharif but there is some conman ground. Try to understand my point.
100% agree it is Saudi's responsibility and i hope with this path breaking friendship they will do something in this regard.

Even if they don't act what will we lose they are old friend of Pakistan now we will get our share of pie.

Oil+Jobs+Investment+Business for our companies etc.

I am not talking about the pie or jobs or oil or whatever.

Try to understand the point being discussed and raised.
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