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India and NSG-News, Updates and Discussions.

WASHINGTON: The US today said that there is "a path forward" for India to become a full member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group by the end of the year, hours after the group's plenary meeting ended in Seoul with no decision on India's membership in face of strong China-led opposition.

"We are confident that we have got a path forward by the end of this year," a top Obama administration official said.

"It needs some work. But we are confident that India would be a full member of the (NSG) regime by the end of the year," the official told PTI on condition of anonymity.

Refusing to divulge the discussions and opposition to India's membership within the 48-member grouping, the official said details of the internal deliberations are confidential.

But the US strongly believes in India's membership in the NSG and the Obama Administration has "worked closely" with New Delhi and other countries on this issues, the official said.

Without going into details of deliberations, the official referred to a similar discussion within the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) to which India was inducted early this month after months of discussions within its member countries.

Like NSG, decisions within MTCR is taken with consensus.

"We expected a discussion on the role that India will play and where it has been," said the official.

"We were able to end discussion this week and we have a clear path forward for India to become a full member by the end of the year," the official asserted.

"That's our expectation," the senior administration official reiterated when asked if US expects that India's NSG membership could be achieved by the end of this year.

"Our expectations is that this would be finished by the end of this year," the official said.

The NSG ended its plenary meeting in Seoul with no decision on India's membership.

China, which had made no secret of its opposition, succeeded in scuttling India's bid despite a significant majority backing the Indian case. Thirty-eight countries su
oh there goes the chinese economy

Its not about Chinese economy, its about Indian perspective, till now many were thinking china could be our ally in longer terms, this NSG stunt has created impression on majority of Indians that Chinese are indeed there to get us, You may not feel pinch immediately but eventually it will sink in.

I hope we just don't throw out our non-alignment principle and get decisive in US favour
India signed the CISMOA/LSA in return for America giving them an NSG seat.

Unfortunately the USA wasn't able (or was not willing) to give it to them.

But why punish Obama? I'm sure he tried his best.

Do you have any proof to back up your claim?
You are saying these CISMOA/LSA things for several times in several threads.Now where is these totally signed deal .

If you are TTA then do act like one .

We wont punish anyone but will balance our decisions to anticipate and adjust .
We only cares about us .
A lot of people dont realize how global real politik work, Thats the whole issue here, Global power play doesn't happen according to whims of fancies nationalists in developing countries, It's a whole different ball game.. The US knew all along this wont pass, And China would oppose it.. So they played the good cop, Came out unscratched
You hit the nail, buddy!

America is number 1. America +India says something 40+ countries countries support it. China says something, not even one country supports it. Everyone thinks you're nuisance. Everyone thinks America is global leader. Never been different before, not gonna be different in future. America is TRUE superpower. China only wannabe.
Hehe... Very emotional rant.

Good luck with the 2012 supa powa.
Dead president is smiling at Modi.
Bro, why bother with them delusional fools? Waste of your time.
India never signed the agreement as it is, it was tweaked to fit in its requirements to ensure Indias strategic autonomy which made the agreement not even worth the paper it was signed upon.

Now all along India was just a fence sitter as far as US-China relation ship was concerned. But with NSG saga every thing will change.

1) Americans will get pissed of that they could not push through and get what they wanted. Other countries in the region might no longer see US as a dependable ally. Which inturn will lead to US getting more aggressive to retain its clout.

2) With a big country like India not in NSG ,India does not see any need to respect global institutions so will other countries. UN and other agencies will only exist on paper. Their efficacy will erode and over a period of time it will collapse.

It is just like what happened before WW2.
It's natural that we will hold up Climate talks if we are not allowed entry into the NSG. How do we look at alternate power supplies if we are denied some of them?

India signed the CISMOA/LSA in return for America giving them an NSG seat.

Wow. Is that all it takes for China's support for NSG? CISMOA and LSA are nothing.

CISMOA allows the US to sell their communication devices to us. India's not signed the CISMOA. So the American aircraft we have been buying come with Indian radios. The only advantage is when we exercise together, we can communicate with the Americans directly. It does not have much relevance anywhere else.

And LSA allows Indian and US ships to refuel at their respective bases on credit. Right now it's being done by paying on the spot. It's a logistics agreement to use each other's bases for non-military supplies like fuel and food. If an Indian ship refuels at Okinawa for 2000 tons and an American ships does the same in India for 3000 tons, then the Americans pay for the difference of 1000 tons. India's agreement is called LEMOA because it has escape clauses for India during war. Meaning it is a peacetime agreement. But it will allow Indian ships to operate for a long periods of time in the Pacific Ocean (including SCS, ECS, Sea of Japan etc) without having to go back home to refuel and US ships to operate longer in the IOR.

BECA allows the use of US military satellite data, like GPS and maps.

CISMOA and BECA are simply agreements required to use their technology. It doesn't affect India negatively. LEMOA is merely a logistics agreement for non-military supplies.

These are very simple basic agreements. We are yet to sign any of these. At best only the LEMOA will be signed in the near future. The DTTI officials have said that the foundational agreements would help if signed but are not necessary for military cooperation.
Its not about Chinese economy, its about Indian perspective, till now many were thinking china could be our ally in longer terms, this NSG stunt has created impression on majority of Indians that Chinese are indeed there to get us, You may not feel pinch immediately but eventually it will sink in.

I hope we just don't throw out our non-alignment principle and get decisive in US favour
China has no reason to placate you. China knows very well that there is no 'Indian perspective', like there is no equatorian perspective. India is not a country, its a geographical area masquerading as a fake country, and china knows that pretty well. China can get away with it because India is a dysfunctional land of many countries held together by the threat of force. It doesn't have a single solid foreign policy direction. It just does things as time moves along, that's all.
Big political game is going on, before China understands one, another is going to start....no matter the role of India but the ultimate beneficiary is going to be India, directly!

One thing one should understand very clear and loud...there is no historical system like NSG, MTCR, UNSC which would be solely dependent on countries like China unless US OR Russia backs it! China is overestimating itself by its last two decades of economic growth..but if you see, at global stage, china is not respected for its human rights crimes and not been accepted as developed nation yet..though many chinese already living in Munich on PDF...its only been lucky to got inducted into UNSC and NSG because of timing....But, when the US and Russia (big rivals) support common friend like India (which is highly unlikely for other nation), no other power can stop them...and when it comes to the profile of India, world has acknowledged it as impeccable and the result, no wonder, 47 out of 48 supported India!!
You seem to hate hindus too much including Muslim fellows liked your commemt. When people lack balls then they bring religion. you are not in a condition to do constructive debate

Indians are embarrassing themselves. Along with China, lot of other countries opposed India's bid and supported China's stance but Indians are shamelessly singling out China...Never knew they hate China that much if i read comments of Indians over here and in Indian media articles...

It is a game b/w China and US. India is just a pawn.
Enough of this crap on depending on others. If we want one we will get one by acting like one. Asking US to do our job was ridiculous.

China goes about proliferating while India being a good boy gets spanked. Its high time India started to do what is good for it instead of adhering to stupid useless institutions and self imposed rules.
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