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Indians are embarrassing themselves. Along with China, lot of other countries opposed India's bid and supported China's stance but Indians are shamelessly singling out China...Never knew they hate China that much if i read comments of Indians over here and in Indian media articles...

It is a game b/w China and US. India is just a pawn.
Lol why are you singing china china throughout the time:lol:? you are a Pakistani not a Chinese. What has your country got? We got more than 90% country's support.. If we are embarrassing ourselves it's not your problem.. We saw china on masood azar issue.. So we know what they actually wanted.... it's obvious to us but not might be to you which we hardly care..
Lol why are you singing china china throughout the time:lol:? you are a Pakistani not a Chinese. What has your country got? We got more than 90% country's support.. If we are embarrassing ourselves it's not your problem.. We saw china on masood azar issue.. So we know what they actually wanted.... it's obvious to us but not might be to you which we hardly care..

You r new member over here......You'll mature up as time passes. You didn't get anything, It was due to US you were able to have such support. Pakistanis, like other countries, just want to have some merit regarding NSG entry.

So stop chest thumping and go to sleep. I know Indians are rolling in their beds with anger despite so much thankless dance, selfies, hugging all around the world. It must be painful.

Pak Cheen dosti Zindabad....Pak Turkey dosti Zindabad....
If signing NPT is mandatory as per international law then Obama is illegally backing India for NSG group ?
that was not the international law..it was the rule drawn up by a group nations giving them the flexibility to change it with consensus in group when required..
Why is India not signing NPT. Simple question.
India will sign it, just accept India as Nuclear Power State and member of UNSC on par with existing 5...after all we are the second largest populist nation on the earth and hold substantial pie in the world economy which is growing so fast!
Big win for China, Pak combo.
Loser USA.

Kudos.. A rare Indian poster with somewhat accurate view on this, But i'd say even the US came out well unscathed.. They played the cards well.. They always knew China will veto this hence played the good guys and did'nt have to play dirty.. As i mentioned elsewhere if Kerry really wanted this to happen he would have.. Next time it will be even more difficult for India without being a signatory to the NPT, The failure this time ensured that.. US had the last laugh at the expense of Indian diplomacy
You r new member over here......You'll mature up as time passes. You didn't get anything, It was due to US you were able to have such support. Pakistanis, like other countries, just want to have some merit regarding NSG entry.

So stop chest thumping and go to sleep. I know Indians are rolling in their beds with anger despite so much thankless dance, selfies, hugging all around the world. It must be painful.

Pak Cheen dosti Zindabad....Pak Turkey dosti Zindabad....
If it's due to US effort we got support then what china did about the major nations supporting India?? There is a lack of Chinese influence on those countries???
BTW Except Chinese those who hasn't supported India gave the reason that India is a non NPT signed nation & asked for a major revamp on inclusion of new members to NSG including turkey & also given assurance there will be probability of India's inclusion till year ends.. get it???
But fact is nobody bats an eye about Pakistan except china.. So what are you taking fun about???
Excellent. :enjoy:

Now take your smartphone, open up the back, and see where the components came from (you should see the "Made in..." sticker right there).

Next, take your tablet, your laptop, your PC, open up the case and check where all the components came from.

Good luck. :azn:

I did and found that most of the electronic components were fabricated in Indonesia, Tiawan, South Korea. But the mother board was printed Made in China. Its a matter of Supply and Demand, aka whenever there is a demand, the Supply source would be created, and when the supply demand arises, and the Cheaper source becomes costlier than the local source, due to higher taxes, the local source, will fulfill the demand.

We too have the market, and our Industry though not big as our eastern one, but not floating on the Bank Loans and depends on the high supply rate to survive due to low margin. Only three words for you.

1. 25 percentage of the workforce of the whole world, and comparatively younger. --- Supply
2. Make In India, Skill India, highest FDI --- Change in the Trend..
3. Huge market, with big Middle class people --- Demand

It could be the matter of time, when the tag Made in China would be replace by Made in India.
It might be that they want that , us going closer to the Americans, while they side up the with Russians. It could be a long game being played by china.
Current Chinese think tanks consider they are in a position to take on US itself and replace them as sole superpower.

So doesn't matter to them that India joins USA camp.

Chinese had plans to use India as counterweight to USA and Soviets back in 1970s, that was a long time ago.

Big win for China, Pak combo.
Loser USA.

How is USA a loser here?

The NSG waiver they got us allows the Indo-US nuke deal to continue and US nuclear reactors to be exported to India.Also increase of Indian nuclear weapon stockpile targeting China, which benefits USA even more.
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If signing NPT is mandatory as per international law then Obama is illegally backing India for NSG group ?


This statement of US made me laugh. It can be an attempt to become good guy in eyes of Indians. I mean, they knew since beginning that China will oppose India due to merit and geopolitical issues yet they cleverly backed India. So, that even if failed, US still earn goodwill and become a true buddy in eyes of Indians. Now, US may be expecting Indians to move more closer to her.

Signing of Logistics agreement with US was a bad idea. China openly reacted to it. And Russia might be not happy either but they can't react like China did due to their relations with India. As Dawn report says, Russia also opposed India's entry.
Pakistan doesn't consider itself a country cause Pakistan has no foreign policy:lol:..
We do have solid foreign policy, we are well aware of our enemies and our friends. But its your country which is acting immaturely you guys claim russia to be your allies but on the same time you are ditching them by joining hands with USA. Your country is meddling into southern chinese seas where you have no business. And soothing the anti chinese elements, and on other hand wanting them to support you in NSG matter.
You are just feeded by military funded media & babble what they want..
Oh really, the very same media which spew so much hatred against Pak army, how can that be funded by Pak army?
Your country resembles to a single state of India & still unable maintain law & order.
We have terrorists problems. So what, i ask you a question which country is safe from terrorists activities. We just happens to be a country which resides next to afghanistan and you dont, you guys are so much lucky in this regards. Just imagine if there was no Pakistan and you happens to be the neighbor of afghanistan. Then what might have happened to your country?
Terrorists & mullahs want freedom.I think what you said suits more to Pakistan.. .
LOL this part of your comment really raises concerns about how much average indian really is aware of the issue of terrorism. My sincere advise to you my friend, stay away from the matters which you dont know.
You are listed as a failed nation & it is for a reason..
We were told from the very beginning that we cant survive this new country will merge with india. And here we are its 2016.
And we were told that Pakistan will never be able to make nuclear bombs. And here we are a country which has fully operative nukes.
And more over we were told that terrorists are just few km away from islamabad. They will capture the capital. And here we are defeated terrorists, killed so many of those indian aided terrorists. And now they are running towards afghanistan to their financial supporters india.
After 1947 you got divided, we didn't....
Time has changed. Its 2016, we are way more powerful than we were in past. And more importantly we have good strong friends which we can trust. While you guys are surrounded with the countries which are in critical of you.
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