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India and China :Jostling for space in the sea??

Basic economics

OH !you transformed into an Ugly Troll.Help a troll is assaulting me.Hope Iam the Damsel in distress for the mods.

What I said is the fact

And what I raised was just an easy-to-understand analogy to your absurd logic.

What are the favours US wants to give to its potential rival?none you wasted all your surplus in US bonds.You fell into a monetary trap:tongue:

what favours? It's classified, darling. I can tell you, but I'am afraid that I have to kill you. Money trap? now who is trapping whom? Hint: western media's self-cooked analysis on that won't help that much.

But you are China and the debtor US why don't you blanket bomb US

A pimp will never kill his b****. Maybe it doesn't work like that in India?

Actually an anti ballastic missile shield is coming in place:cheers:

Haha, great! Load up the next video game please?[/QUOTE]

I am tried of laughing ... byebye :wave:
Haha, great! Load up the next video game please?

I am tried of laughing ... byebye :wave:
dats really a hot debate... speeder ? met with a bumpy roads or wat ?

hope this thread doesn't go off the track... ;-)
And what I raised was just an easy-to-understand analogy to your absurd logic.
Thats an analogy? ?
What are the favours US wants to give to its potential rival?none you wasted all your surplus in US bonds.You fell into a monetary trap
what favours? It's classified, darling. I can tell you, but I'am afraid that I have to kill you. Money trap? now who is trapping whom? Hint: western media's self-cooked analysis on that won't help that much.
Are you a communist party appartchik by chance.The US wants to contain China.It does not consider you as its ally.I other words It saw to it that you cannot use your FDI's

A pimp will never kill his b****. Maybe it doesn't work like that in India?
But thats not what you said, you said

Shout that in front of your local bank branch that "I own you now after you loaned me", and see how long it takes for their security guards to start wooping your a**. I give it, hmm, 2 min?

You mean that you can defeat US
You obviously has no clue on basic economics.

China owns the US! In anothee word, regardless what the Western media pretend to propagate, the US is China's ***** at the moment , and inthe foreseeable future. Got it?

And surely average and the almost all citizens of both Xinjiang and Tibet (unlike hundreds die-hards) are much better off being parts of the superpower instead of joining the dirt-poor Afhganistan, etc.

Completely wrong...you think the US will ever repay China? In a conflict between the 2,the US will simply write off her debt to China. The dollar will take a hit but will recover as it is and will remain the worlds currency. What will China do... Bomb the US?
Russia: Doesn't trust you 1969 sino soviet saw to that.Thats the reason why they did not lease you an Akula.You have your two most poweful strike corps near the Russian border.They think that you have an eye on Siberia

Taiwan:What can the PLA do if Taiwan declares independence in the middle of war with India.Or US sends a CBVG near Taiwan

Japan:most hated country in China ,very justifiable so.Do you think they will sit idle when you are distrubing their sea lanes.They have the most powerful navy in the pacific

USA:It does not want a rival to its position so why not take actions which may hurt you

Vietnam:1978,1984 and the spratly islands dispute

Indonesia and Philipines:South china sea problem

South Korea:Your proxy north korea is a problem

Barring Kashmir nowhere there is a problem.We indians are a bunch of bickering brothers we quarrel all the time ,but when an outsider
comes into the quarrel .We will skin him alive

Young Hindu Brahmin doesn't understand the situation in Asia.

(1) Japan -- strong ancestral, cultural, and historical bond with China. Japanese ARE Chinese who migrated there over time! :) Furthermore, the far-right-wing old geezers are being slowly dying off. The youth just want fun, money and more fun -- they don't care (nor want) a war, especially with the world's #1 giant. Not to mention the locals (e.g. Okinawa incidents) are tired, shamed of being a 'prostitute' to the White-Man! We East Asians have pride you guys won't comprehend. :sniper:

(2) Taiwan province -- the youths, adults and nearly all the politicians are happy with PRC. And why would Chinese kill their own, we aren't Bharat after all!

(3) USA -- the ONLY nation capable of serious damage to China, but would ALSO suffer serious damage. Get it into your heads, they do NOT care about your welfare.

(4) Viet Nam -- you guys still have no clue about Vietnamese history, development and their relations to China and other Asian nations. Until then, please don't comment you will only make further fools of yourself. :)

(5) Philippines / Pinoys -- out of the 10 ASEAN nations it is the MOST friendly to Chinese people and China. In fact, I always talk to them and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM admire and love Chinese people. Strange how JKV don't compare. Also, the locals are tired of the FDA and US is on shaky grounds.

(6) Indonesia -- it is a misconception others have about them. They are itching to get rid of the White Vermon. They want their "South Indonesia" back and for that they know who their REAL friends and REAL enemies are!

(7) ROK -- they are smartening up. Their people are also anti-American! :)

(8) DPRK -- they are very disciplined and methodical, so don't assume they aren't. In fact DPRK is MORE powerful than India, they have near-ICBM that can blanket cover India.

In conclusion, it is NOT in Hindustan's interest to wage a war with anybody. Not now and not in the foreseeable future. Learn to get along with people, make friends not war! :cheers:

SinoIndusFriendship - "Young Hindu Brahmin doesn't understand the situation in Asia"

What kind of $%^& is that? Are you sunni or shia?..should someone ask you that question? Disgusting...You pin blame on hindus for caste system but you perpretrate racism and bias in every thread.

SinoIndusFriendship - "Young Hindu Brahmin doesn't understand the situation in Asia"

What kind of $%^& is that? Are you sunni or shia?..should someone ask you that question? Disgusting...You pin blame on hindus for caste system but you perpretrate racism and bias in every thread.


That "$%^&" is called the TRUTH. It is the Brahmin Hindus who throughout this thread is basking in the mirage of "wiping out" Chinese. And regarding "racism and bias" that is YOU GUYS who are perpetrating outright Mongoloid Racims and Bias. So when someone counters you and you can't respond you whine immaturely.

The young fellow was throwing out names of nations he 'thinks' would want to attack China, not knowing that these nations are in SUPPORT of China/Chinese. Simple fact is this, even in Pinoyland there are probably say 24% Chinese (and descendants) who control the local economy -- yet there is not animosity rather good feelings. Even I am surprised at this fact. Well Pinoys are extremely friendly people, more so than most other ethnics.

Bottom line is stop talking nonsense about waging war and blocking the sea lanes, then I'll stop responding. :azn:
Completely wrong...you think the US will ever repay China? In a conflict between the 2,the US will simply write off her debt to China. The dollar will take a hit but will recover as it is and will remain the worlds currency. What will China do... Bomb the US?

No idea on what you are ranting about. You have zero clue on the very dynamics of Sino-US relationship, which has been recognised times and again as "THE most important bilateral relationship of 21st century" by Hillary Clinton and the US foreign ministry. Indeed nearly half of the current US cabinet are made up by Chinese Americans! Just wait to see how Obama repeats the exact same phrase when he goes visiting China on Nov. The US will let someone sabotage that? Because of Indians? LOL.

And do not even try to argue with your half-baked "economics" here. I major in economics in one of UK's top universities, oke? Now take the hint and go play with your toys.
No idea on what you are ranting about. You have zero clue on the very dynamics of Sino-US relationship, which has been recognised times and again as "THE most important bilateral relationship of 21st century" by Hillary Clinton and the US foreign ministry. Indeed nearly half of the current US cabinet are made up by Chinese Americans! Just wait to see how Obama repeats the exact same phrase when he goes visiting China on Nov. The US will let someone sabotage that? Because of Indians? LOL.

And do not even try to argue with your half-baked "economics" here. I major in economics in one of UK's top universities, oke? Now take the hint and go play with your toys.


Come to the US and see what the Americans think of China
That "$%^&" is called the TRUTH. It is the Brahmin Hindus who throughout this thread is basking in the mirage of "wiping out" Chinese. And regarding "racism and bias" that is YOU GUYS who are perpetrating outright Mongoloid Racims and Bias. So when someone counters you and you can't respond you whine immaturely.

The young fellow was throwing out names of nations he 'thinks' would want to attack China, not knowing that these nations are in SUPPORT of China/Chinese. Simple fact is this, even in Pinoyland there are probably say 24% Chinese (and descendants) who control the local economy -- yet there is not animosity rather good feelings. Even I am surprised at this fact. Well Pinoys are extremely friendly people, more so than most other ethnics.

Bottom line is stop talking nonsense about waging war and blocking the sea lanes, then I'll stop responding. :azn:

The Indians/Indian origin people on this board are all brahmins according to you,,Are you really dense?...you called me a brahmin on on another thread.I am not..I am a shudra/untouchable and I support India over China any day of the year.Take that and smoke it.
Russia :she is not USSR long time ago ,russia and china need each other to counter US,india can't play the same role with current influence,enconmic or military

Taiwan:over one thousand of missiles aim at Democratic Progressive Party,KMT don't have the will to declares independence.......i doubt DPP will ever have a chance to rule taiwan,do you know chen shui-bian ......

Japan:china is first import country to japan,there are also thousands of missile aim at japan,why are PLA distrubing their sea lanes.

USA:same reason like japan, PLA will only concern how many weaponry india will get from US then

i am even bother to continue.......

none of these countries have enough reason to joint a china-india border war.........

So you do agree that some of these countries ARE your enemies, don't you? Which, btw, contradicts your own previous post on the subject.


Come to the US and see what the Americans think of China

Some of us already live/have lived in USA so we know. For others, you don't have to go that far to get the "worst case scenario" by going to:


You can see for yourself how they view Hindus Indians and all other color races. This is what is considered the cream of the crop White Nationalists (WN). :woot:

Come to the US and see what the Americans think of China

I go to NYC nearly twice per year. Generally, the higher the social levels the Amercians are, the higher appreciation they will show towards China, Chinese and Chinese culture in general due to higher knowledge levels and incomes. Take a good look at NYC Mahanttan, LA, SF bay area, etc., even here in central London, unlike mid-America, such as Ann Arbor alike, where it's packed with redneck joe 6 packs and few Indu beggars waiting at some convinient stores. Yeah, I 've been the Lake area as well. Apart from some nice natural environment in certain area, it's filled of sorry country cousins. Do I give a d*** about what they think? LMAO.
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I go to NYC nearly twice per year. Generally, the higher the social levels the Amercians are, the higher appreciation they will show towards China, Chinese and Chinese culture in general due to higher knowledge levels and incomes. Take a good look at NYC Mahanttan, LA, SF bay area, etc., even here in central London, unlike mid-America, such as Ann Arbor alike, where it's packed with redneck joe 6 packs and few Indu beggars waiting at some convinient stores. Yeah, I 've been the Lake area as well. Apart from some nice natural environment in certain area, it's filled of sorry country cousins. Do I give a d*** about what they think? LMAO.

Few Indu beggars?..Indians have a higher median income than other ethnic groups including Chinese in the US.
You guys really are racist aren't you?Within few posts educated Chinese like yourself start throwing out epitaphs like beggars,country cousins,Brahman Hindu etc.
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