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India and China :Jostling for space in the sea??

Some of us already live/have lived in USA so we know. For others, you don't have to go that far to get the "worst case scenario" by going to:

Stormfront - White Nationalist Community

You can see for yourself how they view Hindus Indians and all other color races. This is what is considered the cream of the crop White Nationalists (WN). :woot:

You really are pathetic arent you?...the anti-Chinese American thinking has nothing to do with race.America is the superpower they don't want to share the prestige..not with China and not with anyone.It has nothing to do with race..nothing.China being communist adds to hysteria.
Few Indu beggars?..Indians have a higher median income than other ethnic groups including Chinese in the US.
You guys really are racist aren't you?Within few posts educated Chinese like yourself start throwing out epitaphs like beggars,country cousins,Brahman Hindu etc.

I knew this bs would come out sooner or later. :disagree: When Big O cuts you Visa limits of you sorry a***s, which is highly likely, most of you (assume that you are where you are saying you are. According to the Indian habit, that is highly unlikely) will go back being call center operators in banglaore or Mumbay. Sorry, dream over!:wave:
You really are pathetic arent you?...the anti-Chinese American thinking has nothing to do with race.America is the superpower they don't want to share the prestige..not with China and not with anyone.It has nothing to do with race..nothing.China being communist adds to hysteria.

Look what a cheap loser we got here!!

You know whats your problem? you are suffering an identity crises,

One moment you act as a Indian, once you lost your pride as an

Indian due to hard cold facts, you change to an so call American

identity and start shooting trash, hoping to regain some of lost

dignity. Thats just shameful !!

And please stop preaching your Indian style democracy+caste system

It just laughable and rediculous!!

As you said you are a untouchable, a better wording will be identity

untouchable.:smitten: :pakistan::china:
I knew this bs would come out sooner or later. :disagree: When Big O cuts you Visa limits of you sorry a***s, which is highly likely, most of you (assume that you are where you are saying you are. According to the Indian habit, that is highly unlikely) will go back being call center operators in banglaore or Mumbay. Sorry, dream over!:wave:

Jealous....not indu beggars anymore?:rofl:

You should really look at the definition of a beggar in the dictionary.

The median income of Indian-Americans are higher than everyone else...not of visa holders.I dont know what visa numbers have to do with the income of Americans of Indian origin?
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Look what a cheap loser we got here!!

You know whats your problem? you are suffering an identity crises,

One moment you act as a Indian, once you lost your pride as an

Indian due to hard cold facts, you change to an so call American

identity and start shooting trash, hoping to regain some of lost

dignity. Thats just shameful !!

And please stop preaching your Indian style democracy+caste system

It just laughable and rediculous!!

As you said you are a untouchable, a better wording will be identity

untouchable.:smitten: :pakistan::china:

I am not Indian...never said I was and I will never be Indian.That is impossible due to the accident of my birth and choices made by my parents.

as for the rest of your post...:pakistan::china:..happy?
Young Hindu Brahmin doesn't understand the situation in Asia.
Iam not a brahmin
(1) Japan -- strong ancestral, cultural, and historical bond with China. Japanese ARE Chinese who migrated there over time! :) Furthermore, the far-right-wing old geezers are being slowly dying off. The youth just want fun, money and more fun -- they don't care (nor want) a war, especially with the world's #1 giant. Not to mention the locals (e.g. Okinawa incidents) are tired, shamed of being a 'prostitute' to the White-Man! We East Asians have pride you guys won't comprehend. :sniper:
(2) Taiwan province -- the youths, adults and nearly all the politicians are happy with PRC. And why would Chinese kill their own, we aren't Bharat after all!
(3) USA -- the ONLY nation capable of serious damage to China, but would ALSO suffer serious damage. Get it into your heads, they do NOT care about your welfare.
neither they care about the chinese
(4) Viet Nam -- you guys still have no clue about Vietnamese history, development and their relations to China and other Asian nations. Until then, please don't comment you will only make further fools of yourself. :)
ask any vietnamese what they think of china
(5) Philippines / Pinoys -- out of the 10 ASEAN nations it is the MOST friendly to Chinese people and China. In fact, I always talk to them and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM admire and love Chinese people. Strange how JKV don't compare. Also, the locals are tired of the FDA and US is on shaky grounds.
(6) Indonesia -- it is a misconception others have about them. They are itching to get rid of the White Vermon. They want their "South Indonesia" back and for that they know who their REAL friends and REAL enemies are!
(7) ROK -- they are smartening up. Their people are also anti-American! :)
(8) DPRK -- they are very disciplined and methodical, so don't assume they aren't. In fact DPRK is MORE powerful than India, they have near-ICBM that can blanket cover India.

You call commie basketcase methodical?
In conclusion, it is NOT in Hindustan's interest to wage a war with anybody. Not now and not in the foreseeable future. Learn to get along with people, make friends not war! :cheers:

IF you can't debate civily,Please don't rant.This discussion is all food for thought ,it's not a pissing contest
That "$%^&" is called the TRUTH. It is the Brahmin Hindus who throughout this thread is basking in the mirage of "wiping out" Chinese. And regarding "racism and bias" that is YOU GUYS who are perpetrating outright Mongoloid Racims and Bias. So when someone counters you and you can't respond you whine immaturely.

The young fellow was throwing out names of nations he 'thinks' would want to attack China, not knowing that these nations are in SUPPORT of China/Chinese. Simple fact is this, even in Pinoyland there are probably say 24% Chinese (and descendants) who control the local economy -- yet there is not animosity rather good feelings. Even I am surprised at this fact. Well Pinoys are extremely friendly people, more so than most other ethnics.

Bottom line is stop talking nonsense about waging war and blocking the sea lanes, then I'll stop responding. :azn:

- How do you know peoples 'caste' or 'creed'. How does caste relate to the response.

To your point about other nations wanting to attack the Chinese, you seem to believe everything that seems to favor your VIEW of the Chinese and its neighbourhood.At the end of the day, your views are anecdotal...as well...and not the gospel as you make them out to be.

Lastly, while I dont care about sea lanes and who blocks it from whom...why is it okay for China to build sea ports around India but NOT okay (with you) if India counters it with whatever it deems fit.
This might be off topic but from my experience, Asians or Orientals look down on darker skinned people. Indian people do it too, but we really don't hate you for it. But with Asians, their preception of darker skin is just awwfull. A friend told me that they think its unattractive, even being Punjabi brown, we have no manners, we're poor and we'll rob you etc... its the preception of blacks in the US! Thats real racism. of course some of the educated who grew up with me know better. They're parents are worse than mine! You see, in China/Japan etc... there are no minorities or very little, so racism and discrimination is new to them. Asians hate being compared to South Asians. Even Pakistani's which they have a terriable preception of. Apparently, all brown people are Taliban and Alquida. Sikhs and Pakistanis.
I find it a little humorous because Pakis' and Indians hate each other, but in out of our homes in the real world we like each other because we have the same things in common. Chinese hate Indians at first because they think we are Pakistani! They believe FOX! They;re no better than white people cause they;re doing what the white folk are doing!
I've punched people for calling me a ****. I know people call me a ****. I'm not angry because people mistake me for a ****, i;m angry because its dregotory. Its like the F word with a lot of hate, if the hate wasn't there i wouldn't care, but its hate and it gets deflected back with a punjabi fist.
So don't tell me Chinese aren't racist. I know a lot of your people and they are more racist than white folk, because some white folk know not to take FOX seriously but Chinese FOBS want to be like white people. So they act like them.
East Asians look down on South Asians. THats the truth. We are not developed people with a advanced society. THey think acting like white people is modernized. but thats another story.
This might be off topic but from my experience, Asians or Orientals look down on darker skinned people. Indian people do it too, but we really don't hate you for it. But with Asians, their preception of darker skin is just awwfull. A friend told me that they think its unattractive, even being Punjabi brown, we have no manners, we're poor and we'll rob you etc... its the preception of blacks in the US! Thats real racism. of course some of the educated who grew up with me know better. They're parents are worse than mine! You see, in China/Japan etc... there are no minorities or very little, so racism and discrimination is new to them. Asians hate being compared to South Asians. Even Pakistani's which they have a terriable preception of. Apparently, all brown people are Taliban and Alquida. Sikhs and Pakistanis.
I find it a little humorous because Pakis' and Indians hate each other, but in out of our homes in the real world we like each other because we have the same things in common. Chinese hate Indians at first because they think we are Pakistani! They believe FOX! They;re no better than white people cause they;re doing what the white folk are doing!
I've punched people for calling me a ****. I know people call me a ****. I'm not angry because people mistake me for a ****, i;m angry because its dregotory. Its like the F word with a lot of hate, if the hate wasn't there i wouldn't care, but its hate and it gets deflected back with a punjabi fist.
So don't tell me Chinese aren't racist. I know a lot of your people and they are more racist than white folk, because some white folk know not to take FOX seriously but Chinese FOBS want to be like white people. So they act like them.
East Asians look down on South Asians. THats the truth. We are not developed people with a advanced society. THey think acting like white people is modernized. but thats another story.

Take your stupid hate speech home with you!!

One simple conclusion to your B.S.; You were really hurt after you

read all the post in this thread.

And don't even try to critisize Chinese being racist, we are nothing

compare to you Indians, you think people are blind, racist remarks

against Chinese from Indians are on daily bases.

So stop pretending being the victim!!

Now go and enjoy a bottle of your indegenous soft drink to calm

yourself down!!:smitten::pakistan::china:
This might be off topic but from my experience, Asians or Orientals look down on darker skinned people. Indian people do it too, but we really don't hate you for it. But with Asians, their preception of darker skin is just awwfull. A friend told me that they think its unattractive, even being Punjabi brown, we have no manners, we're poor and we'll rob you etc... its the preception of blacks in the US! Thats real racism. of course some of the educated who grew up with me know better. They're parents are worse than mine! You see, in China/Japan etc... there are no minorities or very little, so racism and discrimination is new to them. Asians hate being compared to South Asians. Even Pakistani's which they have a terriable preception of. Apparently, all brown people are Taliban and Alquida. Sikhs and Pakistanis.
I find it a little humorous because Pakis' and Indians hate each other, but in out of our homes in the real world we like each other because we have the same things in common. Chinese hate Indians at first because they think we are Pakistani! They believe FOX! They;re no better than white people cause they;re doing what the white folk are doing!
I've punched people for calling me a ****. I know people call me a ****. I'm not angry because people mistake me for a ****, i;m angry because its dregotory. Its like the F word with a lot of hate, if the hate wasn't there i wouldn't care, but its hate and it gets deflected back with a punjabi fist.
So don't tell me Chinese aren't racist. I know a lot of your people and they are more racist than white folk, because some white folk know not to take FOX seriously but Chinese FOBS want to be like white people. So they act like them.
East Asians look down on South Asians. THats the truth. We are not developed people with a advanced society. THey think acting like white people is modernized. but thats another story.

Nice generalization about "FOB"s there. And I guess you can't be a 'fob' yourself.... :disagree: Just look on this forum and BRF and who's fantasizing over Faux News. People ALL OVER THE WORLD dislike Indians because of HOW THEY ACT and HOW THEY TREAT OTHERS. Sorry, but your attitudes against your own "dark skin" Dalits and Africans are much worse. Hypocritical much?!

You treat others like sh1t, look down on "Mongoloids" thinking you are 'superior' to them. Truth is you need to learn to use toilet paper rather than your left hand. :woot: Before I too as upset because everyone had something against Hindus/Indians, and I defended them constantly. Truth is you need to stop being sorry-arse-racist and stop pretending to be white, because White folks won't ever think you are one of them -- no matter how much of the ARYAN mythology you push on to them.

Barring Kashmir nowhere there is a problem.We indians are a bunch of bickering brothers we quarrel all the time ,but when an outsider
comes into the quarrel .We will skin him alive

You talk big. Tell me what happened when the British came into the quarrel? Mmmmm? :smitten:

After all this time you guys still can't stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them and look them in the eyes as equals. Self respect starts at home.

Nice generalization about "FOB"s there. And I guess you can't be a 'fob' yourself.... :disagree: Just look on this forum and BRF and who's fantasizing over Faux News. People ALL OVER THE WORLD dislike Indians because of HOW THEY ACT and HOW THEY TREAT OTHERS. Sorry, but your attitudes against your own "dark skin" Dalits and Africans are much worse. Hypocritical much?!

You treat others like sh1t, look down on "Mongoloids" thinking you are 'superior' to them. Truth is you need to learn to use toilet paper rather than your left hand. :woot: Before I too as upset because everyone had something against Hindus/Indians, and I defended them constantly. Truth is you need to stop being sorry-arse-racist and stop pretending to be white, because White folks won't ever think you are one of them -- no matter how much of the ARYAN mythology you push on to them.


Do they?

Americans like them a lot more than the Chinese and your buddies the Pakistanis

Americans? Most and Least Favored Nations
Do they?

Americans like them a lot more than the Chinese and your buddies the Pakistanis

Americans? Most and Least Favored Nations

Hey; Are you an Indian today? or.....something else??

Enjoying your trolling?

May i remind you the topic of this thread; India and China; Jostling

for space in the sea??

If you have nothing to contribute, please bug off!!:smitten:

Hey; Are you an Indian today? or.....something else??

Enjoying your trolling?

May i remind you the topic of this thread; India and China; Jostling

for space in the sea??

If you have nothing to contribute, please bug off!!:smitten:


Most of the time you havn't been on topic either. How can you ask others to be ontopic if you can't follow the same rule...:coffee:
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uhm, excuse me, there are so many replies if I'd flip through them it would incur two much pressure on the server. So would some one please tell me in one liner about this question of: still josteling of what?
Yes/No?? I want a quickie answer.

Thank you.
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