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India and China :Jostling for space in the sea??

Do they?

Americans like them a lot more than the Chinese and your buddies the Pakistanis

Americans? Most and Least Favored Nations

And why would we care what Americans think. Most Americans cant even point out Pakistan on the world map, and America's image have worsened all across the world thanks to Bush Jr.

I'm not surprised that the least favored nations on the list are Muslim nations. The only reason why Americans love India is because of India's attitude towards Muslims. 2002 Gujrat Massacre of Muslims and Massacre of Muslims in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Hey; Are you an Indian today? or.....something else??

Enjoying your trolling?

May i remind you the topic of this thread; India and China; Jostling

for space in the sea??

If you have nothing to contribute, please bug off!!:smitten:


So Indians are now not the most disliked as your buddy grandly said?:rofl:
And why would we care what Americans think.

Because thier government is keeping Pakistan afloat by giving aid to your country so it wouldn't go bankrupt.

Most Americans cant even point out Pakistan on the world map, and America's image have worsened all across the world thanks to Bush Jr.

A sad reality.

I'm not surprised that the least favored nations on the list are Muslim nations. The only reason why Americans love India is because of India's attitude towards Muslims. 2002 Gujrat Massacre of Muslims and Massacre of Muslims in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Care to back it up some how with statistics of something or this is just another imaginary conclusion.
uhm, excuse me, there are so many replies if I'd flip through them it would incur two much pressure on the server. So would some one please tell me in one liner about this question of: still josteling of what?
Yes/No?? I want a quickie answer.

Thank you.


China wants it's oil and shiping lanes secured and wants to have blue water navy and is building navel based around Indian ocean

India thinks China is trying to encircle them by building these bases and is closely co-operating with Pakistna, India's arcrival.

So, you see the dilema on both sides.
Because thier government is keeping Pakistan afloat by giving aid to your country so it wouldn't go bankrupt.

Dont worry about Pakistan. Pakistan will do just fine without US aid, remember the 90's when US placed sanctions on Pakistan, nothing happened to Pakistan then infact Pakistan was was doing much better before U.S. made its prescence in neighboring Afghanistan.

Care to back it up some how with statistics of something or this is just another imaginary conclusion.

Just google, "Gujrat India Muslims 2002", you being from India should very well know what happened in Gujrat, India in 2002 and what Hindus did to Muslims. You can also google "Babri Masjid demolition" and see how Hindus destroyed a Mosque and murdered the Muslims who were protecting the Mosque.

Also visit the following threads on Indian Occupied Kashmir:




And there's countless other news on atrocities committed by Indian armed forces on defenseless Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The average American is too ignorant about whats happening in the world. Even non-Muslim countries like China and Venezuela are taking notice of the evil U.S.-Israel-India alliance.
Dont worry about Pakistan. Pakistan will do just fine without US aid, remember the 90's when US placed sanctions on Pakistan, nothing happened to Pakistan then infact Pakistan was was doing much better before U.S. made its prescence in neighboring Afghanistan.

I have to be worried, unstabel Pakistan is not in India's interest and back than you didn't had huge exterimst problem like one today.

One your second part you didnt really prove how "Americans are supporting India becaue you think that they are anti-muslims". :coffee:
Why is it that when some Indians lose the argument with Chinese, they switch the subject to Pakistan?

Please stay on topic, preferably without racial insults.
Are you all morons? What hate speach are you talking about?

By your reactions its easy to see that it is TRUE! I live in Kanada. I know where I am, and where i'm from. Don't lecture me on my environment and don't tell me that I haven't been hated.

You guys on the other hand don't seem to have a reply to my comment that is anyway relavent! Its just baiting!

I know Indian society is racist, discromnotory, sexiest etc... but YOU don't need to remind me when you don't understand the roots or the ground reality! I know plenty of Chinese, Koreans and Phinoys. Asians are racist! Who isn't? But oriental Racism is directed by the white media. You idolize the white folk. That is a TRUTH! I know second gen asians and unlike south asian second gen, they have lost their tradition and act like white folk. Of course not always bad. You have to change. But they have told me. Their parents, tell them to make friends with white kids, not black or brown; white kids. Why? My parents have a disturbing perception of blacks from MTV and Cops. But asian parents? They don't want their grandchildren to be dark..er. They don't want there children to learn from barbarians. South Asian parents, know what stereotyping is. We have Muslims, Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Christains, Bengalis, Gujus, Pakistani, Afgans, Tamils, Punjabis, goans. 90 percent of China is HAN. 95 percent of Japan, is Japanese. Point is that South Asians know diversity, we are diversity. Values unite us, and thats why we like each other on the ground even though they;re are major differences and unforgetable sentiments.

My neigbor is Somolian and a Muslim. Nice guy. Some of the Chinese that have lived in Canada for a while don't mind blacks. But they;re are the times when he walks around hes being watched like a hawk. He gets it less from white people. But hes not a lone. I realited his story with mine. I don't wan't Hello Kitty pencils or anything but walking around in a Asian shop with my GF and even she notices that the dumb owner won't take her eyes off me! Her daughter doesn't give a damn. My GF left the shop, gave the ***** the dirtest look i've ever seen her give anyone. I laugh at the incdent. Like I was going to rob her Hello Kitty Shop. psst...pathetic.

BTW, i'm Sikh. I have come across every kind of discrimnation. White people are the worse, because they won't confront you about it. They put on a face. Asians, not so much. BUt their parents and fobs really don't like us. Why do you think Asian girls are with white guys? Black people like trust brown people more than they should. But I love black people. Not the MTV sterotype but the actual Africans that have the work ethic and warm hospitality. Sadly, most people tend to overlook a persons character and judge them by the skin color.

BTW don't bothe respond and baiting. I'm not going to bother if you bait. I;m not a idoit. I have a life and I can understand frustration on keyboards. I read 95 percent of the time. I post less than 5 percent.
back on topic.
I shouldn't have divirted the topic but i thougth i'd put in my opinon on the racism card.
Is there a struggle for China to control or have leverage in the Indian Ocean? Yes. Is China trying to control the Indian ocean or in the next decade? No by a long shot.
THe PLAN can patrol the other oceans but they can not support a sustained war effort. They're subs can stray into the Indian ocean but the surface vessels are targets and PLAN does not have too much experience on the open seas. Even the Pak Navy could wipe out the surface fleet of the PLAN if they came to clost the Arabian sea. The PLAN is learning and grasping patrols and peace time operations. Its far from real war time operations on open seas.

Right now CHina, realies on Su-30MKK for antiship operations. The PLAN does not have a well rounded multirole capability. They are focusing on submarines that could survive a wreak havoc. But that ofcourse is no long term solution. THose sailors need food and fuel. The PLAN's long term PLAN (pun:cheesy:) is to gain experience. They don't know much because they have been kept in the dark. Technology wise and tactics.

What they are trying to do is understand what works. Which is why they build ships in batches of 2. These are part experiements and gap fillers. The real deal is decade or two away when China becomes a serious threat to US and Japanese dominance. One only needs to look at PLA rapid growth in this decade and come to a realization. Does the PLA know what they want yet? How they wan't to transform into a fit military? The answer stares you in the face. They are trying to figure it out. A completely new doctrine to protect they're global assets.

Should India be concerned? No. India has a good position even with though the numbers don't add up. China is a very simple, effective scapegoat for the US, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Russia, India to spend more on defence. Media kicks up storms about China. The threat from China is not military, but commercial. Quality assurance needs to be inplace in China. Thats the only thing the media has hit the spot on. Its military capability as of now is defensive and concentrated on a small island while Pakistan is funded to keep India in its place.

Jatt; You finish? Thankyou very much for your crap.

BTW, are you a social worker? If not, go for it.

But please save all your trash to youself!!

You are polluting the forum.

Now go to bed and have a nice wet dream.:smitten:

Why is it that when some Indians lose the argument with Chinese, they switch the subject to Pakistan?

Please stay on topic, preferably without racial insults.

It clearly gave my POV but the response I got is flaming and Ranting
back on topic.
I shouldn't have divirted the topic but i thougth i'd put in my opinon on the racism card.
Is there a struggle for China to control or have leverage in the Indian Ocean? Yes. Is China trying to control the Indian ocean or in the next decade? No by a long shot.
THe PLAN can patrol the other oceans but they can not support a sustained war effort. They're subs can stray into the Indian ocean but the surface vessels are targets and PLAN does not have too much experience on the open seas. Even the Pak Navy could wipe out the surface fleet of the PLAN if they came to clost the Arabian sea. The PLAN is learning and grasping patrols and peace time operations. Its far from real war time operations on open seas.

Right now CHina, realies on Su-30MKK for antiship operations. The PLAN does not have a well rounded multirole capability. They are focusing on submarines that could survive a wreak havoc. But that ofcourse is no long term solution. THose sailors need food and fuel. The PLAN's long term PLAN (pun:cheesy:) is to gain experience. They don't know much because they have been kept in the dark. Technology wise and tactics.

What they are trying to do is understand what works. Which is why they build ships in batches of 2. These are part experiements and gap fillers. The real deal is decade or two away when China becomes a serious threat to US and Japanese dominance. One only needs to look at PLA rapid growth in this decade and come to a realization. Does the PLA know what they want yet? How they wan't to transform into a fit military? The answer stares you in the face. They are trying to figure it out. A completely new doctrine to protect they're global assets.

Should India be concerned? No. India has a good position even with though the numbers don't add up. China is a very simple, effective scapegoat for the US, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Russia, India to spend more on defence. Media kicks up storms about China. The threat from China is not military, but commercial. Quality assurance needs to be inplace in China. Thats the only thing the media has hit the spot on. Its military capability as of now is defensive and concentrated on a small island while Pakistan is funded to keep India in its place.

To put it more simply the PLAN is in a tough neighbourhood.All its neighbours are no push-offs Russia,Japan,South Korea,Taiwan ,Indonesia and USA in the Pacific neighbourhood.All of them are
economic powerhouses.Two being superpowers.They don't have Indian privledge of being in a neighbourhood having weak navies.

Regarding Pakistan as a proxy even that is changing.The Obama adminstration is watching the GoP and the military like a hawk and the aid is being monitored very strictly.India's economy has seen to it that Pakistan does not become a threat
By the way Hack is an indian himself..In fact Indian American hence his anti chinese views.

I don't have anti-Chinese views..I have anti racist views.Some of the Chinese members here are openly racist but for some reason it is allowed on this Pakistani forum though a lot of it applies to Pakistanis as well.For God's sake one of them makes fun of Indians not using toilet paper so what?Do Pakistanis use toilet paper,don't you use water just like the Indians? I could do the same thing and talk about Chinese eating dogs and a lot of other things like that which I find pretty disgusting but who I am to judge Chinese culture? Similarly I expect my culture to be respected.I will not accept that the Chinese culture is superior to my own.

On top of it one of them keeps throwing things out of their a@@...most of the world dislikes Indians? Bull sh1t.I could do the same thing and say most of the world hates the Chinese.Pathetic.
I don't have anti-Chinese views..I have anti racist views.Some of the Chinese members here are openly racist but for some reason it is allowed on this Pakistani forum though a lot of it applies to Pakistanis as well.For God's sake one of them makes fun of Indians not using toilet paper so what?Do Pakistanis use toilet paper,don't you use water just like the Indians? I could do the same thing and talk about Chinese eating dogs and a lot of other things like that which I find pretty disgusting but who I am to judge Chinese culture? Similarly I expect my culture to be respected.I will not accept that the Chinese culture is superior to my own.

On top of it one of them keeps throwing things out of their a@@...most of the world dislikes Indians? Bull sh1t.I could do the same thing and say most of the world hates the Chinese.Pathetic.

Well said Hack..guys think also about the serious environmental problems caused because of 1 billion people using toilet papers?? how many trees has to cut down to meet India's need only??we cant blindly follow what Europeans and Americans do..
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