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India and China :Jostling for space in the sea??

I don't have anti-Chinese views..I have anti racist views.Some of the Chinese members here are openly racist but for some reason it is allowed on this Pakistani forum though a lot of it applies to Pakistanis as well.For God's sake one of them makes fun of Indians not using toilet paper so what?Do Pakistanis use toilet paper,don't you use water just like the Indians? I could do the same thing and talk about Chinese eating dogs and a lot of other things like that which I find pretty disgusting but who I am to judge Chinese culture? Similarly I expect my culture to be respected.I will not accept that the Chinese culture is superior to my own.

On top of it one of them keeps throwing things out of their a@@...most of the world dislikes Indians? Bull sh1t.I could do the same thing and say most of the world hates the Chinese.Pathetic.

clarify a fact,most chinese don't eat dog now......it's a ancient custom
clarify a fact,most chinese don't eat dog now......it's a ancient custom

thanks for information.

Yes, still we have problem with Toilets, but do you think Pak doesn't have ?

Every one has problem, we do and we are better to acknowledge it. :china:
Back to the topic. China is a close ally of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Burma. We welcome China to the Indian Ocean.


P.S. Dont be fooled by the name, just because the Bharatis kept the word, "Indian" the British gave them, they think entire South Asian region belongs to them. India's real name is Bharat and the people of India are really Bharatis. The British also called us Indians, but we threw that British created name away and came up with the name of our people and our land, Pakistan. Bharatis kept the British created word for their ambitions.
India's real name is Bharat and the people of India are really Bharatis.

Who are you to tell us what we are and what we should really call ourselves?

By the way, India is not a name invented by the British.
Who are you to tell us what we are and what we should really call ourselves?

By the way, India is not a name invented by the British.

And what did you used to call your land before the British invasion?

Before British India, India was nothing but a bunch of smaller independent countries.

The British saw the Indus river flowing through Punjab and Sindh (present day Pakistan), combined those small independent countries, and came up with British India for their empire.
And what did you used to call your land before the British invasion?

I personally was not born at such a time and hence was not in any position to call my land anything. The word "India" has roots long before the British invaded the sub-continent.

Before British India, India was nothing but a bunch of smaller independent countries.

Wrong again. We were independent kingdoms. You do realise that it takes more than imaginary boundaries to make a country, right?

If we use your analogy, there was no China either - different dynasties before Sun Yat Sen established a republic. Or Britain - Under Roman rule before it's fall, subsequently invaded by Anglo Saxons.... hell even the Greeks were a bunch of city states completely independent of each other..... i could go on. Do you understand my point now Omar, or would you like me to elucidate further?
I personally was not born at such a time and hence was not in any position to call my land anything. The word "India" has roots long before the British invaded the sub-continent.

Your constitution also accepts BHARAT as an official name for your country.

Why does "india" have so many names.

Isn't it best to accept the name your own people made for your country, instead of what foreigners call your land and your people?
Your constitution also accepts BHARAT as an official name for your country.

Why does "india" have so many names.

What do you mean so many? India in English, Bharat in Hindi, that is all. Of course you can call us anything you want Omar, just don't call us often. :smokin:

Isn't it best to accept the name your own people made for your country, instead of what foreigners call your land and your people?

In the words of William Shakespeare, "what's in a name?"
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