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India and China agree to co-operate on IT

That is true and I think we have enough on this particular topic already.

Personally, I think this kind of economic cooperation is good, but I rather dislike the amount of people on this forum jumping into arguments on both nation's ability to produce goods and services. This is simply the start of the cooperation and only time will tell how each nation will do.

Tottaly Agreed, even i am pissed off by answering people here. What an absurd arguments people give here. Take for example in this thread itself a guy tagged Indian IT as waste, just because an Indian Call center guy suggested him replacement because the problem didn't come under his work section. Cooperation is required for both countries, just the interest factor is different. Don't you agree?
LOL just to make you happy, why we should avoid cheap products which STILL are manufactured huge in numbers in china and COPY & PASTING too. for example: Cherry's RR Phantom copy paste work and the Goophone what a copy work it does. And even if you believe it or not. Before Android came into existence, copy+paste and fake branding was the main stream work of all most all chinese mobile manufacturing companies and it is a FACT!! Xiaomi, Oppo all came only after Android came into market.

you are still delusional again
of course we are happy with our excellent performance

Our cellphones are gaining market shares
Samsung Keeps Lead Over Apple as Chinese Smartphones Gain Share - Bloomberg

copy and paste is like you delusionals have been parroting and slandering our products for the last 30 years

Let your deficits do the talking, and we are still laughing all the way to the banks!
you are still delusional again
of course we are happy with our excellent performance

Our cellphones are gaining market shares
Samsung Keeps Lead Over Apple as Chinese Smartphones Gain Share - Bloomberg

copy and paste is like you delusionals have been parroting and slandering our products for the last 30 years

Let your deficits do the talking, and we are still laughing all the way to the banks!

LOL again you are over reacting, when did i say Chinese phone industry isn't booming, you are just jumping from one topic to other. Please mann, spare me. Good Bye.
LOL again you are over reacting, when did i say Chinese phone industry isn't booming, you are just jumping from one topic to other. Please mann, spare me. Good Bye.

haha losers who can only dwell in a delusional world who cant put up with blazoning facts which hurt their much bloated egos
Dont try to use the same old backward tactics again which are useless on us
You have tried that smearing tactics before and debunked in one of the threads on something like cellphones etc
We are having a usd 9 trillion economy
We are the no 1 manufacturer in the world many years in a row
We sell literally all types of manufacturing goods which are welcomed by the world

What backward tactics? Expect some direct and indirect trade barriers in future. This ballooning trade deficit is a fairly recent phenomena and a result of poor policies of our present government, this will be corrected soon.

And nothing was debunked, China still makes cheaper copies of renowned cellphone makers, just like almost all other products. The world would still prefer a iPhone or a HTC over any Chinese phone if price is not a constraints.

The only quality that i have seen from Indians so far is bragging.

Then you have barely seen any Indian.
What backward tactics? Expect some direct and indirect trade barriers in future. This ballooning trade deficit is a fairly recent phenomena and a result of poor policies of our present government, this will be corrected soon.

And nothing was debunked, China still makes cheaper copies of renowned cellphone makers, just like almost all other products. The world would still prefer a iPhone or a HTC over any Chinese phone if price is not a constraints.

Bring them on with your cheap and backward tactic of another smearing campaign
The country which has been filing the most trade complaints over the years is india
The fact is we are gaining market shares in cellphone markets (as per my bloomberg quote above) and we are having trade surpluses which is testamount to our capabilities to sell our products very well

Then you have barely seen any Indian.

dont need to !
LOL again you are over reacting, when did i say Chinese phone industry isn't booming, you are just jumping from one topic to other. Please mann, spare me. Good Bye.

Best way to deal with 99% of Chinese members is to make your point and leave, don't waste your time & energy beyond a point of sanity.
These figures do the talking:
India's trade deficit with China mounts to $ 31.42 bn - Economic Times

India's trade deficit with China widens to $23 bn - Economic Times

India-China trade hits all time high of $ 73.9 bn in 2011 - Economic Times

and search on the net for earlier years!

I repeat, the trade deficits can be narrowed down by buying from india minerals, cowhides (for apparels, furniture etc) , gems, some agricultural products like sorghum (for wine making), `cotton BUT not software which poses a security concern
For the ignoramus and delusional, this is one prestigious test which indicates how poor the indian coders are

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

go around any other coding contests and see how the contestants of other countries like China Russia japan Belarus
Poland Croatia America etc are doing

You know what it is. It's just a stereotype invented by western media to pump up Indian IT sector as they do not want China to dominate another industry since they already dominate manufacturing. However, when you deal with them in real life, it's a wake up call.
They are not really that good. Providing service in IT sector is not as prestigious as making hardwares, chips. Given the alternative, the indians would rather be dominant in IT manufacturing like China anyday.

There are many parameters on which a company is ranked, so i would rather prefer a link in which world wide companies are listed and ranked.

Yup but he have also done B.Tech which is important to setup a stern base in any field. So doesn't it count?

He who makes the most money wins. That list is a true indicator.
The whole world knows what Chinese quality is, however, expect major impact on your exports to India if you don't reciprocate. Such trade deficit was not there before this govt. and won't be there after this govt.
True! Except the Indians. It's no wonder we are ahead and .... where do you stand?

I try to find as much positive number as I can, but...........................
1) The reason why India is relatively good at IT service sector is because of the insufficient of infrastructure. IT Service generally don't need shipping or other operation activities as manufacturing business do.
2) A strong market economy is a solid back of IT service. Just like the company on the list provided by @Reviewer21 #31 SAP. It's a very powerful Germany software that on business sides it can deal with enterprise resources planning, customer relationship management, product lifecycle management, supply chain management and supplier relationship management. It's data management or customer development function are also very strong. Business need facilitates IT service. As we know Germany has a strong manufacturing base. If you don't have a strong economy, you don't need this. Service should always serve the real economy. India should focus on it's domestic market, not cater to the USA's need, all your IT specialists should come back to India to support your real economy.

List of SAP products - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SAP AG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are many parameters on which a company is ranked, so i would rather prefer a link in which world wide companies are listed and ranked.

Yup but he have also done B.Tech which is important to setup a stern base in any field. So doesn't it count?

Many parameters?

The table provided by you uses one parameter and that is service revenue which in my opinion is a broader(I could be wrong though and prove me wrong)category of revenue than software revenue by which the Chinese top-10 are ranked。Anyhow,there are 3 Chinese “IT service firms” on the world Top-100(Huawei、inspur and Founder)and I am sure there will be more when this year‘s list is out。Do let us know if and when the latest result becomes available。

PS I do hope that call-centre revenues do NOT count as IT services revenues。:enjoy:
Many parameters?

The table provided by you uses one parameter and that is service revenue which in my opinion is a broader(I could be wrong though and prove me wrong)category of revenue than software revenue by which the Chinese top-10 are ranked。Anyhow,there are 3 Chinese “IT service firms” on the world Top-100(Huawei、inspur and Founder)and I am sure there will be more when this year‘s list is out。Do let us know if and when the latest result becomes available。

Yup Parameters, as in revenue of which source is included and which is not. For example the founder which you mentioned also includes Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals. And it isn't IT service, is it?
And the Indian companies Which i named ONLY included IT Services.

Wipro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tata Consultancy Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infosys - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whereas if you see the names you provided
Huawei's total revenue also includes Hardware like Mobile, Tablet Computers etc.
Inspur is actually a Computer hardware company
and Founder includes Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals.

And if i add TATA's total revenue like huawei's then it crosses even the Microsoft. TATA's revenue is about $100bn.

And these actually doesn't come under IT "Services" as @Fattyacids said. Both IT and IT Services are different.

Inspur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Founder Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Huawei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PS I do hope that call-centre revenues do NOT count as IT services revenues。:enjoy:

Huawei provides these services: Mobile and fixed broadband networks, consultancy and managed services, multimedia technology, smartphones, tablet computers

If Huawei's IT service includes Consultancy, then so can Call Centre who in a way do the same work - Consultancy. Isn't it?
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