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India and China agree to co-operate on IT

India‘s IT industry is puny compared with China's。

That is a fact。Plain and simple。Anyone who tries to deny the fact is either a complete fool or a liar to himself。
Here, you come again. I already showed what is Indian's IT industry. Anyways - Ignorance is bliss.

Chinese come out of the last 200 years of misery fighting. With our backs to the wall and the world comming to carve us up, we still pulled ourselves together and fought on. India acts like a kicked puppy, still timid and unsure. Chinese discipline and hard work is what India needs, not talk of better government policy and leaders.
Innovation and invention doesn't seem like your cup of tea. You just keep on pressing Ctrl C+Ctrl V. That is your worth;)
Kicked puppy? LOL China comes to India everytime for investment and India kick Chinese like puppy...nah puppy is too cute word B word is perfect!
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Here, you come again. I already showed what is Indian's IT industry. Anyways - Ignorance is bliss.

Innovation and invention doesn't seem like your cup of tea. You just keep on pressing Ctrl C+Ctrl V. That is your worth;)
Kicked puppy? LOL China comes to India everytime for investment and India kick Chinese like puppy...nah puppy is too cute word B word is perfect!

China is going through a stage of development very similar to Japan and Korea of yesteryear. They also copied everything and sold it competively. Its just so happens that through copying, insight is gained and innovations followed.

India cant even copy, everything must be purchased. If Indians have a keyboard, learning to press Ctrl C + Ctrl V will be an issue.
India cant even copy, everything must be purchased. If Indians have a keyboard, learning to press Ctrl C + Ctrl V will be an issue.

We are better off than Ctrl C + Ctrl V. Smarty Ring, The Fin, and so on. Are Indian Innovations. We are slow but progressive on our own at least!

China is going through a stage of development very similar to Japan and Korea of yesteryear. They also copied everything and sold it competively. Its just so happens that through copying, insight is gained and innovations followed.
BTW can you mention, some of the Copy work of Japanese of yesterday as you say?
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Japanese and Koreans are innovative and are technically sound people. Japanese has very good working culture and zeal to invent new things.
Chinese come out of the last 200 years of misery fighting. With our backs to the wall and the world comming to carve us up, we still pulled ourselves together and fought on. India acts like a kicked puppy, still timid and unsure. Chinese discipline and hard work is what India needs, not talk of better government policy and leaders.

Well, we may think that far too many of you are just unthinking people who need to be told what to do and you will just do it.

That is why your leaders decide that you are not ready for democracy, how many kids you are going to have (and threaten to scrape the wombs if it is more than one etc.)

It is very easy to stereotype, one can do it for you very easily. E.g. I can draw conclusions from the way hundreds of millions of you were running after the four pests, banging your pots and pans and drums.

And from your pathetic attempts at "dense rice farming" and how you dealt with the whole issue.

Different countries have different challenges and different way of dealing with them. We need no advice from you or your ilk.

India‘s IT industry is puny compared with China's。

That is a fact。Plain and simple。Anyone who tries to deny the fact is either a complete fool or a liar to himself。

Your domestic industry is bigger, our services export industry is far bigger than you. There is no Chinese company in the list of global SIs. Even the global ones have a very large part of their technical manpower in India.

Ayone Anyone who tries to deny the fact is either a complete fool or a liar to himself.

Working enough to survive is not the same as working to prosper. Chinese discipline and hard work is well known, that is why we can do 7 12 hour shifts weekly. Indians are not as hard working, spending too much time on cricket and bollywood.

I know you can be made to wake up in the middle of the night because someone in Apple decided to have glass screens on the iPhone.

You will get a tea and 2 biscuits and start furiously wiping those screens with n-Hexane all night for a pittance while Apple makes all the money. :tup:

China is going through a stage of development very similar to Japan and Korea of yesteryear. They also copied everything and sold it competively. Its just so happens that through copying, insight is gained and innovations followed.

India cant even copy, everything must be purchased. If Indians have a keyboard, learning to press Ctrl C + Ctrl V will be an issue.

This is what we call being thought controlled zombies.

We think you make excellent samples of that. Thinking independently is not something that comes naturally to your kind and seems to be entirely dispensable.
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This is hilarious!
Indians have no idea of how the East Asian tiger economies started off. The japanese have been copying the West since their Meiji Restoration! Until the eighties, they still copied and produced household electronics like VCRs and televisions and discmans! They copied and improved them, requiring less parts to cut costs as well as adding their own small innovations.

China is going through the same route, East Asian culture makes us more similar to each other and Confucian values drives our countries.
Well, we may think that far too many of you are just unthinking people who need to be told what to do and you will just do it.

That is why your leaders decide that you are not ready for democracy, how many kids you are going to have (and threaten to scrape the wombs if it is more than one etc.)

It is very easy to stereotype, one can do it for you very easily. E.g. I can draw conclusions from the way hundreds of millions of you were running after the four pests, banging your pots and pans and drums.

And from your pathetic attempts at "dense rice farming" and how you dealt with the whole issue.

Different countries have different challenges and different way of dealing with them. We need no advice from you or your ilk.

Your domestic industry is bigger, our services export industry is far bigger than you. There is no Chinese company in the list of global SIs. Even the global ones have a very large part of their technical manpower in India.

Ayone Anyone who tries to deny the fact is either a complete fool or a liar to himself.

I know you can be made to wake up in the middle of the night because someone in Apple decided to have glass screens on the iPhone.

You will get a tea and 2 biscuits and start wiping those screens with n-Hexane all night for a pittance while Apple makes all the money. :tup:

This is what we call being thought controlled zombies.

We think you make excellent samples of that. Thinking independently is not something that comes naturally to your kind and seems to be entirely dispensable.

The jobs in China pays small but in comparison to what the Indians get, Chinese live like royalty! I am not going to diminish the quality of this thread by posting about some of the distasteful tasks allocated to various castes in India.

Chinese are far more intellectually vibrant that Indians, look at the PISA results of 2009 and 2012!
You gloat about your outsourcing industry which is so tiny as a percentage of the economy as a whole.

Indian plan:

Lets go from agrarian economy to services! that way we dont have to go through the hardship of manufacturing! We can phone each other up and sell each other telemarked goods! Our leaders are wise indeed! Superpower 2030 here we come!
I am not a racist and I respect China.

It doesn't extend to the kind that try to put down my country and my people.

Anyway, let's move on. I don't think we have anything to discuss.

No I will not put this down just yet. You call me racist and label Han as locusts and zombies. Please quote me labeling Indians in such distasteful manner. No?
You lose.

Now you can leave, Im done with petty racists like you.
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