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India and China agree to co-operate on IT

为啥总感觉三三不知道什么叫IT?who can tell me?
View attachment 21718

I try to find as much positive number as I can, but...........................

You are one of the sensible Chinese members, so I would answer accordingly. If you look at the chart, there are 3 categories:

1. Trade deficit with oil exporting countries: Oil imports are the biggest cause of our total trade deficits, but here we cannot reduce imports now, but there is a scope of increasing exports to close the trade deficit.

2. Gold exporting countries, primarily Switzerland: Believe it or not, but gold is the 2nd highest commodity responsible for our trade deficit, we have put some restriction on gold imports this year, but Indians adore gold, we can't do much about it.

3. Other countries: Other countries includes all imports other than oil and gold, and here we have much scope of improvement. We have to stop imports of everything that we already produce or can immediately produce if we want to. And I can tell you that our primary focus will be on China, because China is the single largest reason for our trade deficit, and most of the imports from China are ordinary goods that are imported just because of cheaper prices, such imports will be reduced going forward, unless China increases its imports from India.

And remember, our trade deficits are a result of the mis-governance of current government, we are hopeful about replacing this government this year. :-)

Here is a quote for you when the present Indian government came into power in 2004:
"In his Budget speech in July 2004, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram noted that “the economic fundamentals appear strong” and “the balance of payments robust”. Yes, the current account surplus of $22 billion for the three years 2002-04 had broken the unbroken run of current account deficits for almost a quarter century — despite the average oil prices having doubled."

The elephant experts didn’t see | Business Line
You are one of the sensible Chinese members, so I would answer accordingly. If you look at the chart, there are 3 categories:

1. Trade deficit with oil exporting countries: Oil imports are the biggest cause of our total trade deficits, but here we cannot reduce imports now, but there is a scope of increasing exports to close the trade deficit.

2. Gold exporting countries, primarily Switzerland: Believe it or not, but gold is the 2nd highest commodity responsible for our trade deficit, we have put some restriction on gold imports this year, but Indians adore gold, we can't do much about it.

3. Other countries: Other countries includes all imports other than oil and gold, and here we have much scope of improvement. We have to stop imports of everything that we already produce or can immediately produce if we want to. And I can tell you that our primary focus will be on China, because China is the single largest reason for our trade deficit, and most of the imports from China are ordinary goods that are imported just because of cheaper prices, such imports will be reduced going forward, unless China increases its imports from India.

And remember, our trade deficits are a result of the mis-governance of current government, we are hopeful about replacing this government this year. :-)

Here is a quote for you when the present Indian government came into power in 2004:
"In his Budget speech in July 2004, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram noted that “the economic fundamentals appear strong” and “the balance of payments robust”. Yes, the current account surplus of $22 billion for the three years 2002-04 had broken the unbroken run of current account deficits for almost a quarter century — despite the average oil prices having doubled."

The elephant experts didn’t see | Business Line

Think again. Your trade deficit because your people need and want more of China's stuff and China does not want or need most of your stuff besides agricultural and mineral products.
Think again. Your trade deficit because your people need and want more of China's stuff and China does not want or need most of your stuff besides agricultural and mineral products.

Leave it, this discussion would be beyond your grasp.
Think again. Your trade deficit because your people need and want more of China's stuff and China does not want or need most of your stuff besides agricultural and mineral products.

India doesn't have trade deficit if oil trade is taken out of the picture.

With China mostly it is low end, low technology mass manufactured goods in sweatshops or electronic goods that are imported. They can be manufactured locally once the regulatory issues that discourage local manufacturing are taken care.

There is almost nothing that China makes that can't be done locally if we have the right policies in place. May be we can import low cost, low end bulk products in a few cases.

So yes, it may be that our trade may need to be scaled down. That is fine for us.

Trade is always for mutual benefits. Being petty or selfish in the short term may hurt long term interests.
Leave it, this discussion would be beyond your grasp.

LOL. Dude, I can continue the debate but since you want to drop it, fine move on...

India doesn't have trade deficit if oil trade is taken out of the picture.

With China mostly it is low end, low technology mass manufactured goods in sweatshops or electronic goods that are imported. They can be manufactured locally once the regulatory issues that discourage local manufacturing are taken care.

There is almost nothing that China makes that can't be done locally if we have the right policies in place. May be we can import low cost, low end bulk products in a few cases.

So yes, it may be that our trade may need to be scaled down. That is fine for us.

Trade is always for mutual benefits. Being petty or selfish in the short term may hurt long term interests.
$31 billion trade deficit is the number I'm seeing with many sources.
$31 billion trade deficit is the number I'm seeing with many sources.

Yes, most of it is due to low end mass manufactured goods and electronics goods import.

Nothing high tech about them. This will reduce for sure. It is stupidity in fact to import such stuff from there.

We should just import bulk low end low value stuff from China for final value added manufacturing in India. This will be corrected soon, I am pretty sure.
Yes, most of it is due to low end mass manufactured goods and electronics goods import.

Nothing high tech about them. This will reduce for sure. It is stupidity in fact to import such stuff from there.

We should just import bulk low end low value stuff from China for final value added manufacturing in India. This will be corrected soon, I am pretty sure.

Maybe it's not high tech stuff, but for people in india who do not have them or can manufacture them, it is high tech. Not sure what you're trying to say with part two other than you want to import the various low end bulk tech items and have them assemble in india to be exported back to china?? That makes absolutely no sense you know that right?
Maybe it's not high tech stuff, but for people in india who do not have them or can manufacture them, it is high tech.

This is your imagination or hallucination. Anybody can use screwdrivers. It doesn't require much skill.

As I said the bulk of imports from China is mass manufactured low tech goods. China has the advantage of scale there and India has to have the right policies to promote low tech mass manufacturing at a large scale in India.

For electronics, we need to get some fabs here and develop the ecosystem. All of it is eminently doable in a relatively short time.

No rocket science about it as it was in our Mars mission (the first successful Mars mission in Asia BTW). ;)

Not sure what you're trying to say with part two other than you want to import the various low end bulk tech items and have them assemble in india to be exported back to china?? That makes absolutely no sense you know that right?

No, not to be exported back to China. Where did I say that?

Trade is for mutual benefit. No one is forced to trade when it doesn't benefit one.
The reason that Indians purchase so much low end goods is simple because their own manufacturing sector is extremely inefficient and minuscule. Problems such as:

Unreliable electricity
Red tape
Untimely logistics and freight
poor work ethic
hot oppressing weather

These problems will not go away anytime soon, or for the foreseeable future. People will chant Modi like he's the second comming of Lord Krishna but India will remain Indian, for better or worse.
The only reason is govt inefficiency and their policies. Rest you said is just :blah: I mean you want to live and for that you'll have to work so the work ethic and crap goes down the gutter. Everyone Want to live and earn good.
The reason that Indians purchase so much low end goods is simple because their own manufacturing sector is extremely inefficient and minuscule. Problems such as:

Unreliable electricity
Red tape
Untimely logistics and freight
poor work ethic
hot oppressing weather

These problems will not go away anytime soon, or for the foreseeable future. People will chant Modi like he's the second comming of Lord Krishna but India will remain Indian, for better or worse.
The reason that Indians purchase so much low end goods is simple because their own manufacturing sector is extremely inefficient and minuscule. Problems such as:

Unreliable electricity
Red tape
Untimely logistics and freight
poor work ethic
hot oppressing weather

These problems will not go away anytime soon, or for the foreseeable future. People will chant Modi like he's the second comming of Lord Krishna but India will remain Indian, for better or worse.


India has no other choice but to buy Chinese goods. Because the alternative is far too costly for a poor country like India to afford.

China now exports more high tech goods than low tech goods. Machinery and electronics make up a lot of the high tech goods. We no longer dominate in toys, apparel, shoes.

Indian economy is a complete farce.

Because Indians are culturally very anti-business and far too jingoistic to ever beat China.

Red tape is incredibly rampant in India. They are very lazy too.

India lacks transportation infrastructure, far too much regulation, too much corruption, too high inflation to afford energy and raw materials, factor prices costs too much.

Even if Modi comes nothing will change fundamentally. Democratic system is slow by nature and for a large and diverse country like India, democracy is like a cancer.

India is too much into emulating western systems and morals than becoming stronger. They are far too religious aswell.

All these together makes business very difficult in India.

Many Chinese businessmen has said India is an incredibly difficult place to do business with red tape one of the biggest issues along with lack of infrastructure and divergent decisions made between central and local governments.

India overtaking China will remain a pipe dream of Indians for the rest of this century.

Pipe dream is the closest India will get to China.

China is way ahead and moving ahead at a far greater rate than before in every area.
Working enough to survive is not the same as working to prosper. Chinese discipline and hard work is well known, that is why we can do 7 12 hour shifts weekly. Indians are not as hard working, spending too much time on cricket and bollywood.
If it was to be so we could not have maintained a decent growth rate for the last couple of decades.
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