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In a first, Navy inducts 32 religious, motivation officers

LOL what big threat?

We wouldn't be afraid to press the button if need be, you cowards would whimper and hesitate.

There's a reason that religious people have been better at warfare throughout history, it's because we know death isn't the end where as you guys break down at the mere thought of dying.
I don't think any God will be too welcoming of anyone who killed every living being on the planet, no matter how much you tout that it was in his honor.
I don't think any God will be too welcoming of anyone who killed every living being on the planet, no matter how much you tout that it was in his honor.

Depends on why someone would do such a thing. He's not so heartless to condemn his worshippers to hell for acting in self defence.
Depends on why someone would do such a thing. He's not so heartless to condemn his worshippers to hell for acting in self defence.
Self defense I can understand. But I don't think there will be a scenario where everyone in the world will be against you. You will kill innocents too in your attempt?
Self defense I can understand. But I don't think there will be a scenario where everyone in the world will be against you. You will kill innocents too in your attempt?

It could happen.

We'd rather not, but if we are pushed against the wall we will cripple our enemies if need be. These civilians would be collateral damage (unfortunate but it happens).
I liked some of your posts until I read more of them and discovered that you are another of them there cockroaches anyhoo read on:
Royal Navy
The Royal Navy employs chaplains of all denominations. The majority serve in a full-time capacity but there are a growing number of Reserve Chaplains who exercise a valuable and effective ministry as Royal Naval Chaplains in addition to their civilian ministry. Chaplains are employed in many parts of the world, ashore and afloat in capital ships, frigates and destroyers, Royal Marine Commando Units, hospitals, Royal Naval Air Stations, HM Naval Bases and Training Establishments. Apart from conducting the customary services in their ships, units or establishments, for which all the necessary facilities are provided, chaplains find numerous opportunities for extending the work of the Church through pastoral contacts with families and dependants, as well as being ‘friend and adviser of all on board’. In-Service training for all Royal Naval Chaplains is carried out at the Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre, Amport House, Andover, Hants. SP11 8BG. Christian Leadership Courses for all service personnel are provided at the centre during the year. The Anglican Church in the Royal Navy is served by 45 priests and is very much a part of the Church of England with the Single Service and Tri-Service Synodical structures. The Senior Anglican Chaplain in the Royal Navy is granted the ecclesiastical dignity of Archdeacon by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Archbishop is the Ordinary for all service chaplains and grants ecclesiastical licences to all Anglican chaplains on the Active List. The Royal Navy is an Equal Opportunities employer and applications for entry from both male and female priests up to the age of 49 are always welcome. Full particulars concerning the entry of Anglican Chaplains can be obtained from NCS, Navy Command HQ, MP 1.2, Leach Building, Whale Island, Portsmouth PO2 8BY. 

Tel: 023 9262 5508

Fax: 023 9262 5134

email: lee.king211@mod.uk

I give half a shit what some random brit/Pakistani whatever the **** you are thinks.
KARACHI: The 109th midshipmen and 18th SSC course commissioning parade, comprising 45 Pakistani and 43 midshipmen from friendly countries as well as 54 cadets of short service commission (SSC) course, was held at Pakistan Naval Academy PNS Rahbar on Saturday.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, who was the chief guest on the occasion, congratulated and extended felicitations to the graduating officers on achieving this milestone. He highlighted that in order to enhance spiritual combat power of the men, for the first time, 32 religious and motivation officers (RMOs) had been commissioned as part of the SSC course, according to an official statement.

The statement, however, does not elaborate what spiritual combat power is and why the need was felt to induct religious and motivation officers to enhance it.

While taking stock of the prevailing geo-strategic situation, Admiral Abbasi said that Pakistan stands for peace and amity in the region and seeks harmonious and peaceful co-existence in the comity of nations.

“However, it will be a mistake if our desire for peace is construed as our weakness. We are fully capable of giving a befitting response in case of any aggression against our country,” he said.

The naval chief reiterated the firm resolve of the Pakistan Armed Forces and underscored that they were at the forefront of the national resolve of cleansing Pakistan from the scourge of terrorism.

The naval chief also mentioned the strategic shift from erstwhile participation of Pakistan Navy in the Combined Task Forces 150 and 151 under the auspices of the Combined Maritime Forces to Regional Maritime Security Patrols. “In order to pursue our national interests with strategic autonomy, we have now decided to institute regional maritime security patrols in the Indian Ocean region in line with the UN Resolutions and UN Convention on law of the sea,” he said.

Published in Dawn, July 8th, 2018
Well done Great job
And that is why I always said after prohibition armed forces lost bar culture which was very beneficial for junior officers to get in touch with officers in a relaxed atmosphere.

I still follow that culture but in private capacity.:lol: and I am not the only one.

And they want help from Moulveez themselves who spread these things....:hitwall:
The Good molvies, mostly Madni type. :partay:
Just basic Moral support , in Navy for helping People with every day matter
All militarizes have such folks to help answer concerns for Soldiers

  • Help strengthen the moral of soldiers with prompt answers to their questions
  • Helping them answer any question of ethical nature
  • Helping them find a balance between Military life and Personal life (Religion)
  • Clarify state matter / religion matter how both ideas are connected
Quite an ordinary addition
Is it OK for religion to be the main unifying force of a country's military? Religion, unlike patriotism, can be interpreted in different ways by different individuals. Religion, again unlike patriotism, is not bound by borders.
What will you do if you have to fight a fellow Muslim? What if a Muslim country attacks Pakistan and your enemy is not as religiously concerned with killing Muslims as your soldiers?
For Muslims it has to be religion otherwise according to Islam those fighting for any other reason will end up in hell
Pakistani military are not “Mujahidin”, they are fighting in the name of nationalism. They are watan prast and qawm prast. They are ignorant of the principles of beautiful Islam.
@DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Horus
Why the need molveez for motivation....? They forget too much religion is also not good. Last time base attacked with the help of insiders...I am sad....
@django @Burhan Wani
Last month the invite molveez on a warship and now permanently hired them for motivation lolssss

These are proper qualified RMO's, not the fanatic belief types, who brain wash young minds to fight against the country.

It's better to have controlled RMO's, who will not let young officers go astray.
These are proper qualified RMO's, not the fanatic belief types, who brain wash young minds to fight against the country.

It's better to have controlled RMO's, who will not let young officers go astray.
Agreed but going by P.N track record I highly doubt since last month the invited hardcore Ullema on board of PN ship.....And the same Mullah declare later Lal Masjid operation was wrong when inquired why he attend Navy's invitation.
The statement, however, does not elaborate what spiritual combat power is and why the need was felt to induct religious and motivation officers to enhance it.

It is the same old playing with fire happening in all Pakistan armed forces..but the difference is unlike the hardcore alqaida loving jehadi mullahs..they will be hiring moderate clerics this time..religion is a curse hard to go away...so it is better to control it like Turkey..

Agreed but going by P.N track record I highly doubt since last month the invited hardcore Ullema on board of PN ship.....And the same Mullah declare later Lal Masjid operation was wrong when inquired why he attend Navy's invitation.

Many Hizb Al Tahrir, Jamat Islami and Al Qaeda sympathizers rife in all forces of Pakistan...lets not forget mumtaz qadri..had this been Saudi..the entire leadership of Barelvi would have ended in intelligence prison..but nothing happened in Pakistan..
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