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In a first, Navy inducts 32 religious, motivation officers

"Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar!" - Crew of PNS Babur after ramming INS Godavari.
Aww the desperation. Be careful dont say that in public otherwise they ll lynch you and slaughter your family. Also dont forget to stand up in Cinema for indian national anthem or they ll kill you. Not to forget keep your sister and mother at home, and you know why I am saying that?? The most unsafe country on earth for women is Bharat mata :p

We have a professional navy, the officer class such impart such duties on the basics of Islamic theology ie avoiding Shirk, maintaining good moral code etc

Was it not the same Indian Navy officers who use to swap wives??? Please remind me.
@Signalian @tps77 no one would like to live under constant fear of becoming a hostage or getting killed for someone's arbitrary interpretation of Sharia . You never know where the Trojan horse is hiding. Last time some sailors and officers almost high jacked some frigates - - - - - -.

Would these cherry picked mard e momins be cool enough with the sailors and officers chanting Ya Rasool Allah and Ya Ali ?
Yes, why not...but only if these sailors mean something else than what these religious phrases actually mean.
Nara e Haidri should never mean "we Shias are in majority, and we are now in power". Same with other slogans.
@Signalian @tps77 no one would like to live under constant fear of becoming a hostage or getting killed for someone's arbitrary interpretation of Sharia . You never know where the Trojan horse is hiding. Last time some sailors and officers almost high jacked some frigates - - - - - -.

Would these cherry picked mard e momins be cool enough with the sailors and officers chanting Ya Rasool Allah and Ya Ali ?

Necessary brain washing to eradicate radical and extremism ideas which can get into minds of weak minded individuals. A ship, sub etc is a precious piece of state equipment, constant monitoring of thoughts is required when on off-shore duty for long durations.
Yes, why not...but only if these sailors mean something else than what these religious phrases actually mean.
Nara e Haidri should never mean "we Shias are in majority, and we are now in power". Same with other slogans.
Is there any halal touch stone to find out what would a sailor mean when he chants these slogans? These have been the standard battle cries of Muslim armies of the past and both sunni and shia in this part of the world Carry this legacy to this day. I advise yiu to visit any sunni mosque and see for your self.

Necessary brain washing to eradicate radical and extremism ideas which can get into minds of weak minded individuals. A ship, sub etc is a precious piece of state equipment, constant monitoring of thoughts is required when on off-shore duty for long durations.
Hmm shoulda woulda coulda - - -
Is there any halal touch stone to find out what would a sailor mean when he chants these slogans? These have been the standard battle cries of Muslim armies of the past and both sunni and shia in this part of the world Carry this legacy to this day. I advise yiu to visit any sunni mosque and see for your self.
Sahi. I know that already dear. I am talking about things one step ahead of this. When somebody is chanting these things, you will abruptly know about the intentions, either at the spot or in aftermaths.
So, niyat saf, manzil aasan.
Mujahedeen navy. Allah hu Akbar indeed.

Indian Navy should also hire sadhus if they don't end up raping female officers of Indian Navy like it commonly happens in case of sadhus in India

Or those sadhus can simply be part of wife swapping parties of Indian Navy. Indian Navy is the dream organization for hindu sadhus.
Indian Navy should also hire sadhus if they don't end up raping female officers of Indian Navy like it commonly happens in case of sadhus in India

Or those sadhus can simply be part of wife swapping parties of Indian Navy. Indian Navy is the dream organization for hindu sadhus.

indian navy is secular force don't need sadhus . save your boys .
@DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Horus
Why the need molveez for motivation....? They forget too much religion is also not good. Last time base attacked with the help of insiders...I am sad....
@django @Burhan Wani
Last month the invite molveez on a warship and now permanently hired them for motivation lolssss
Without religion it would be matter of days that you would see massive division in Army. And so called Muslims need to decide whether they are Muslim or not because Islam deals and comes in every matter those who have issue are free to live in west. Pakistan Navy and other forces are adopting right path. Those who have issues can leave.
Aww the desperation. Be careful dont say that in public otherwise they ll lynch you and slaughter your family. Also dont forget to stand up in Cinema for indian national anthem or they ll kill you. Not to forget keep your sister and mother at home, and you know why I am saying that?? The most unsafe country on earth for women is Bharat mata :p

Was it not the same Indian Navy officers who use to swap wives??? Please remind me.

After the Bangladesh army started sending its soldiers to India for training, this practice of wife swapping has also started in some circles. It is quite a shameful and evil practice that goes back to the British.

Without religion it would be matter of days that you would see massive division in Army. And so called Muslims need to decide whether they are Muslim or not because Islam deals and comes in every matter those who have issue are free to live in west. Pakistan Navy and other forces are adopting right path. Those who have issues can leave.

They don't want to leave - they want to run the armed forces and make tons of money doing corrupt deals, and in kissing the US backside. You see, for Muslims, Allah is the one they worship - for this liberal crowd, it is the US that they worship.
Such people should also be recruited to operate nuclear weapons of Pakistan, especially people who think like @dsr478
,”My motherland is Jannah, Earth is just a temporary abode” this is his words.

Doomsday will be a reality if this happens..!

I hope Pakistani military is smart enough to understand this big threat since it has faced many radical terrorist attacks on its bases.

LOL what big threat?

We wouldn't be afraid to press the button if need be, you cowards would whimper and hesitate.

There's a reason that religious people have been better at warfare throughout history, it's because we know death isn't the end where as you guys break down at the mere thought of dying.
For those who know, the nuclear program of Pakistan has many, key and pivotal people who pray 5 times and live / lived pious lives. Only the liberals cannot trust proper Muslims. Mainly because of their prejudice and hidden hatred.
religion is the most important part in ones life and specially as a muslim it guides us how to live life individually and collectively. the pseudo liberals hate religion. it is very important for every muslim to at least understand arabic so as to properly understand quran. the lack of religious knowledge among the masses in pak has led to so much increase in extremism and pseudo liberalism in pak. we generally hear such a non sense statement by so many pseudo liberals and that is "religion is an individual's matter" i am sure such people have never ever bothered to read quran even once. its pseudo liberalism , extremism and lack of faith in the word of Allah that have brought us to the brink of disaster today.

Just by learning Arabic and understanding Quran people become like ISIS or TTP with out classical structures with 1400 of history people interpret their in own version that’s why we have soo much different in small small thing in Islam.
It’s a very good thing to introduce moulana traditional learning so they can remove any misconception.
Just by learning Arabic and understanding Quran people become like ISIS or TTP with out classical structures with 1400 of history people interpret their in own version that’s why we have soo much different in small small thing in Islam.
It’s a very good thing to introduce moulana traditional learning so they can remove any misconception.
it is through "misunderstanding" quran people become like isis and ttp. little knowledge of anything is dangerous. understanding quran is every muslim's personal responsibility.
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