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In a first, Navy inducts 32 religious, motivation officers

"Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar!" - Crew of PNS Babur after ramming INS Godavari.
What were they changing when the Pakistani naval officers were attacking own naval base ?
While I support this move by the PN, I'm happy to give on stamp paper and otherwise, that no maulvi should get within 100 meters of my janaza or my children.
it will be good for maulve as well. he wont have to waste his time for you and your family.
Tablighis don't read the Quran with understanding much, they just prattle about from the book their baba wrote them, filled with x, y and z hadith.

So not exactly meaningful. I'd have much preferred people who actually know the Quran and teach the Quran. Otherwise you're just producing mindless zombies.

But they are probably just going to conduct the basic functions of leading prayers, etc. Would probably have not been possible if the Amreeki didn't do it first. The brown sahib babus would otherwise never have allowed this.

Pakistan is stuck between two groups of equally mentally sick people - the mullahs on the one hand, and the atheist-liberal babus on the other.

What were they changing when the Pakistani naval officers were attacking own naval base ?

All Muslims shout Allah hu Akbar "God is Great", even secular ones. Sometimes even the liberal colonized ones too.

Funnily enough, the Prophet (peace be upon him), while on an expedition, got on a hill, and wondered why everybody was shouting loudly Allahu Akbar. Saying, Allah is not deaf, you don't need to shout.
Yes...agreed then why need super molveez to teach and motivated them? are Navy's officers not enough trained to motivate their own soldiers?
Raw-wild material always needed every where. Industry gets it from forests and sea, military gets it from social circles.
Every single human being is an asset. And military know it. And I trust our military professionals.
Tablighis don't read the Quran with understanding much, they just prattle about from the book their baba wrote them, filled with x, y and z hadith.

So not exactly meaningful. I'd have much preferred people who actually know the Quran and teach the Quran. Otherwise you're just producing mindless zombies.

But they are probably just going to conduct the basic functions of leading prayers, etc. Would probably have not been possible if the Amreeki didn't do it first. The brown sahib babus would otherwise never have allowed this.

Pakistan is stuck between two groups of equally mentally sick people - the mullahs on the one hand, and the atheist-liberal babus on the other.

All Muslims shout Allah hu Akbar "God is Great", even secular ones. Sometimes even the liberal colonized ones too.

Funnily enough, the Prophet (peace be upon him), while on an expedition, got on a hill, and wondered why everybody was shouting loudly Allahu Akbar. Saying, Allah is not deaf, you don't need to shout.
it is not only the job of tableeghis to understand quran . it is our own responsibility. we made the mistake of handing over the most important matter of our lives to others and now when they made errors we blame them.
it is not only the job of tableeghis to understand quran . it is our own responsibility. we made the mistake of handing over the most important matter of our lives to others and now when they made errors we blame them.

They are, along with apologists like yourself, one of the big reasons that Muslims do not read the Quran with understanding. They subtly, indirectly and actively stop people from reading translations of the Quran. As do most mullahs.

But being a mindless apologist, you won't admit that. You see, never expect a thief to come clean, rather they will point fingers at others.
They are, along with apologists like yourself, one of the big reasons that Muslims do not read the Quran with understanding. They subtly, indirectly and actively stop people from reading translations of the Quran. As do most mullahs.

But being a mindless apologist, you won't admit that. You see, never expect a thief to come clean, rather they will point fingers at others.
i think you are taking some quality stuff these days.
@Signalian @tps77 no one would like to live under constant fear of becoming a hostage or getting killed for someone's arbitrary interpretation of Sharia . You never know where the Trojan horse is hiding. Last time some sailors and officers almost high jacked some frigates - - - - - -.

Trust me, Navy guys are the most knowledgeable among all forces. Dont take them as fools.
Would these cherry picked mard e momins be cool enough with the sailors and officers chanting Ya Rasool Allah and Ya Ali ?
Funnily enough, the Prophet (peace be upon him), while on an expedition, got on a hill, and wondered why everybody was shouting loudly Allahu Akbar. Saying, Allah is not deaf, you don't need to shout.
That's when he realised he screwed up.

Mob nature is to glorify.
Whoever screams the most gets the medal.
@DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Horus
Why the need molveez for motivation....? They forget too much religion is also not good. Last time base attacked with the help of insiders...I am sad....
@django @Burhan Wani
Last month the invite molveez on a warship and now permanently hired them for motivation lolssss
We have a professional navy, the officer class such impart such duties on the basics of Islamic theology ie avoiding Shirk, maintaining good moral code etc
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