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Imran Khan wants open border between Pakistan - Afghanistan

This is just wishful thinking- he some times overdo things-
Afghans hate Pakistan though, so I don't know if it's a good idea.
Good on this the ultimate goal should be Pakistan-Afghanistan Union also Pakistan will make up for the 1971 loss of bangladesh with afghanistan.
Guys, don't let this get into the way of you electing Imran Khan.

All this is later talk, for now, inshallah, we will make him President.

Height if ignorance, if it weren't for Ahmad Shah Durrani defeating the Marathas in Panipat, today's Pakistan would have been completely different, in fact there probably would not have been a Pakistan. Before the advent of Ahmad Shah, the Marathas were advancing northwards to conquer as much land from the weakened Mughal Empire, Abdali saw this as a problem and crushed the Marathas so badly that they never recovered from that defeat.

---------- Post added at 06:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 AM ----------

apologies to sensible pakistanis. This idiot is getting on my nerves.

It all good bro, i think he has a misunderstanding.
Height if ignorance, if it weren't for Ahmad Shah Durrani defeating the Marathas in Panipat, today's Pakistan would have been completely different, in fact there probably would not have been a Pakistan. Before the advent of Ahmad Shah, the Marathas were advancing northwards to conquer as much land from the weakened Mughal Empire, Abdali saw this as a problem and crushed the Marathas so badly that they never recovered from that defeat.

Who weakened the Mughals? the Afghans. Mughals did everything to avoid conflict.

Ahmad Shah began his rule by capturing Ghazni from the Ghilzais, and then wresting Kabul from the local ruler. In 1749, the Mughal ruler was induced to cede Sindh, the Punjab region and the important trans Indus River to Ahmad Shah in order to save his capital from Afghan attack. Having thus gained substantial territories to the east without a fight, Ahmad Shah turned westward to take possession of Herat, which was ruled by Nader Shah's grandson, Shah Rukh of Persia. Herat fell to Ahmad after almost a year of siege and bloody conflict, as did Mashhad (in present-day Iran). Ahmad Shah next sent an army to subdue the areas north of the Hindu Kush mountains. In short order, the powerful army brought under its control the Turkmen, Uzbek, Tajik and Hazaras tribes of northern Afghanistan. Ahmad invaded the remnants of the Mughal Empire a third time, and then a fourth, consolidating control over the Punjab and Kashmir regions. Then, early in 1757, he sacked Delhi, but permitted the Mughal dynasty to remain in nominal control of the city as long as the ruler acknowledged Ahmad Shah's suzerainty over Punjab, Sindh, and Kashmir. Leaving his second son Timur Shah to safeguard his interests, Ahmad Shah left India to return to Afghanistan.

The past is the past. Pakistan cannot afford an open border with Afghanistan. Period.
Imran wants open border between Pakistan, Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said on Tuesday that he wants to see an open border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

According to a statement released by the PTI, Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Mohammed Umar Daudzai had a telephonic conversation with Imran Khan. Imran expressed regret that successive Pakistani regimes supported various Afghan groups rather than focusing on what the people of Afghanistan really want.

Imran hoped that both the countries could move forward through the process of dialogue and understanding. He said that Pakistan and Afghanistan should have a relationship “free of the excess baggage of the past and of India,” although he stated that the latter factor cannot be ignored.

Imran also conveyed his concerns of a 1989 repeat, when the US withdraw in 2014.

Ambassador Daudzai briefed Imran about Afghanistan’s heavy investment in human development projects including higher education and how present Afghanistan is different from the past one.

Pakistan needs to firm up its relations with its immediate neighbours Iran and Afghanistan. We have Pakistani and Afghan Pushtoons living on both sides of the border. There is no harm in letting people go back and forth as long as they are not breaking Pakistani law.
Who weakened the Mughals? the Afghans. Mughals did everything to avoid conflict.

Ahmad Shah began his rule by capturing Ghazni from the Ghilzais, and then wresting Kabul from the local ruler. In 1749, the Mughal ruler was induced to cede Sindh, the Punjab region and the important trans Indus River to Ahmad Shah in order to save his capital from Afghan attack. Having thus gained substantial territories to the east without a fight, Ahmad Shah turned westward to take possession of Herat, which was ruled by Nader Shah's grandson, Shah Rukh of Persia. Herat fell to Ahmad after almost a year of siege and bloody conflict, as did Mashhad (in present-day Iran). Ahmad Shah next sent an army to subdue the areas north of the Hindu Kush mountains. In short order, the powerful army brought under its control the Turkmen, Uzbek, Tajik and Hazaras tribes of northern Afghanistan. Ahmad invaded the remnants of the Mughal Empire a third time, and then a fourth, consolidating control over the Punjab and Kashmir regions. Then, early in 1757, he sacked Delhi, but permitted the Mughal dynasty to remain in nominal control of the city as long as the ruler acknowledged Ahmad Shah's suzerainty over Punjab, Sindh, and Kashmir. Leaving his second son Timur Shah to safeguard his interests, Ahmad Shah left India to return to Afghanistan.

The past is the past. Pakistan cannot afford an open border with Afghanistan. Period.

Come on Dude, we are not living in 17th century. Leave history for historians.

Our relationship with neighbours like Iran and Afghanistan should be based on futuristic plans and not on who did what four centuries ago.
Who weakened the Mughals? the Afghans. Mughals did everything to avoid conflict.

Ahmad Shah began his rule by capturing Ghazni from the Ghilzais, and then wresting Kabul from the local ruler. In 1749, the Mughal ruler was induced to cede Sindh, the Punjab region and the important trans Indus River to Ahmad Shah in order to save his capital from Afghan attack. Having thus gained substantial territories to the east without a fight, Ahmad Shah turned westward to take possession of Herat, which was ruled by Nader Shah's grandson, Shah Rukh of Persia. Herat fell to Ahmad after almost a year of siege and bloody conflict, as did Mashhad (in present-day Iran). Ahmad Shah next sent an army to subdue the areas north of the Hindu Kush mountains. In short order, the powerful army brought under its control the Turkmen, Uzbek, Tajik and Hazaras tribes of northern Afghanistan. Ahmad invaded the remnants of the Mughal Empire a third time, and then a fourth, consolidating control over the Punjab and Kashmir regions. Then, early in 1757, he sacked Delhi, but permitted the Mughal dynasty to remain in nominal control of the city as long as the ruler acknowledged Ahmad Shah's suzerainty over Punjab, Sindh, and Kashmir. Leaving his second son Timur Shah to safeguard his interests, Ahmad Shah left India to return to Afghanistan.

The past is the past. Pakistan cannot afford an open border with Afghanistan. Period.

I think you are going a little overboard.
your arguments are based mostly on events from 1980 onwards.
Pakistan has had and will have dear relations with Afghanistan. There is no future possible without us getting along and together with each other.

Maybe you will learn this, when you live some life outside Pakistan.
Read history. For over 500 years Afghanistan has been a lawless war zone. What contributions has Afghanistan for a better world? or betterment of it's people? nil. Afghan help. lol.

For the past 2 decades we have had the influx of millions of Afghan refugees. They are a huge burden on Pakistan.

Heck, that is the reason of all ills in Pakistan. We should NOT make that same mistake again.

Sorry i didnt get what u said , are u saying that destroying the root cause is bad. Just give me one f"u"cking place where in taliban rule Opium was cultivated???? But now there are dozens of places where opium grows . Man u really need some medicines
Height if ignorance, if it weren't for Ahmad Shah Durrani defeating the Marathas in Panipat, today's Pakistan would have been completely different, in fact there probably would not have been a Pakistan.

It is difficult to say.

The Sikhs smashed the Durranis and were ruling a large part of present day Pakistan, but that did not stop the emergence of Pakistan.

If the Marathas and Sikhs had been able to prevent the British from coming in, then yes, the story could have been different.
current situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan will not Allow to do that...it will increase smuggling and other illegal trades in Pakistan,, so no open border with any country else then China..
It is difficult to say.

The Sikhs smashed the Durranis and were ruling a large part of present day Pakistan, but that did not stop the emergence of Pakistan.

If the Marathas and Sikhs had been able to prevent the British from coming in, then yes, the story could have been different.

How many wars were fought between Sikhs and the army of Durranis? I am not talking about small battles that the Sikhs fought against small warlords in Punjab or rag tag tribes who neither had any sophisticated army nor any major assistance from Kabul.
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